Purple Gemstones List – My Top 10 

If you are a fan of purple color gemstones and searching for a list of different types, properties, pros & cons, and prices, you are in the right place. The purpose of this article is to come up with a purple gemstones list with all the important information of each stone.

There are many different types of gemstones in the world and purple is present in quite a few of these.  The physical properties and prices can vary significantly from one gemstone type to another.


Purple Gemstones List

Following purple gemstones list is not created in any specific order, in terms of price or otherwise. The list is followed by details of each gemstone and I will cover advantages and disadvantages of each different type. It is hard to give a price range for gemstones as it depends on so many factors. But I will provide links where ever applicable so that you can browse through available options and compare the prices.

(The basic gemstone valuing criteria is the 4 c’s framework which I have covered for diamonds, sapphires and emeralds before. Either one of these articles will give you a basic understanding on the 4 c’s criteria for a gemstone if you are keen on learning more about it).

Note : If you are planning to buy gemstones or jewelry online, I recommend you to read this article for some important tips)

I will first list down some of the main purple gemstones and go into details one by one.

  • Amethyst
  • Purple Diamonds
  • Purple Sapphire
  • Purple Spinel
  • Purple Chalcedony
  • Iolite
  • Purple Jade
  • Purple Kunzite

Let’s go into the details of each, one by one.

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is probably the most famous purple gemstone out there. It comes in so many different shades of purple, from very light to very dark. Therefore, with amethyst, you will be able to find the exact shade you are looking for.

Even though it was as expensive as diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds in the past, recent discovers of massive scale amethyst mines in Brazil has made amethyst an extremely affordable gemstone.

Check for amethyst gemstones and jewelry prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 7


Refractive Index – 1.54-1.55


(Refractive index is a measure of the brilliance or the luster of the stone)


Readily Available


Affordable Prices





The color can fade with time if it is exposed to sunlight for a longer period.




image 1 : An amethyst pendant

2. Purple Diamonds

If you are looking for something really unique to stand out, purple diamonds is one great option. Purple diamonds are rare to find as the formation of it requires a high concentration of hydrogen. Purple diamonds with a high color saturation (high purple intensity) is rarer and can be more expensive.

Diamonds also have the highest refractive index meaning it has the best brilliance (luster) among all gemstone variations.

You can check out a range of purple diamonds here from Leibish.  Since there are different color tones for purple diamonds, some colors have got their own nicknames such as Lilac, Lavender, Orchid, Grape, and Plum Diamonds

Synthetic purple diamonds are also available at really low prices and hence, make sure you buy from a trusted place if you want to buy natural purple diamonds.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 10


Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419



Very rare and hence it will definitely be a very unique possession.


Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.


Very high prices


Hard to find





3. Purple Sapphire

Purple sapphire is another unique and expensive option which will be second only to purple diamonds. Although blue sapphire is the most famous type of sapphire, it is available in many colors such as purple, pink, yellow, green, white, black, etc.

Sapphires get their colors from the presence of various trace elements. Purple sapphire gets its color from the presence of vanadium as the trace element.

The hardness of sapphire is 9 which is second only to diamond and it also has a high refractive index of 1.76. Therefore, purple sapphire is a highly durable gemstone with a great luster.

It is a great choice for an important piece of jewelry such as an engagement ring or a wedding ring and also for everyday jewelry.

Another advantage of purple sapphires is that most available stones are not treated in any way to enhance the color. Heat treatment and other types of treatments are very common for many other sapphire variations.

(Check for a range of purple sapphires and jewelry here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 9


Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77




It is a unique gemstone although it is not as rare as purple diamonds.


High durability and high brilliance.


Purple sapphire is often left untreated.


It is an expensive gemstone





image 2 : A Natural Untreated Purple Sapphire

4. Purple Spinel

Spinel is another very popular and a beautiful gemstone. Red and blue spinels are the most expensive and purple spinels are relatively less expensive. Purple spinels come in a range of different color tones and Lavender color spinels are the most expensive. Those can sometimes be even more expensive than blue or red spinels.

Spinel has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness and a refractive index of 1.71. Therefore, this stone is a very durable gemstone with good brilliance and it is a great choice for everyday jewelry.

Although not as common as synthetic sapphires, lab grown spinels are available. The GRS (Gem Research Swiss Lab) issued a notice about lab grown spinels in 2015.

Therefore, when you are purchasing spinel gemstones or jewelry, you should buy from a trustworthy seller or request for a gemstone certificate.  (When buying any type of expensive gemstone or a jewelry, buying from a trustworthy seller is a must as there are so many different ways which you can get ripped off)


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 8


Refractive Index – 1.712 – 1.736



Affordable Prices


High durability


Good brilliance


If you are with a low budget, purple spinel might not be the best choice as it is a moderately expensive gemstone.


Image 3 : A Lavender Spinel


5. Purple Chalcedony

Purple chalcedony is another popular gemstone and it is also very affordable. Unlike all the other gemstone variations we discussed above, chalcedony often comes in translucent to opaque variations.

Since this gemstone has no cleavage, it is resistant to chipping and cracking. Therefore, it is considered as a long lasting gemstone. But since the hardness is about 6.5 – 7 in the Moh’s hardness scale, it is not as hard as diamond, sapphires or spinels.

(Check for purple chalcedony prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness –  6.5 – 7


Refractive Index – 1.54 – 1.55



Very affordable


Resistant to cracking and chipping


Hardness is moderate


Transparent purple chalcedony is hard to find as it is often translucent or transparent

6. Iolite

Iolite is another gemstone which is found in abundance. Therefore, it is also an inexpensive option for jewelries.  Iolite has a unique cleavage which makes it prone to chipping and cracking. It has a hardness of 7 – 7.5 in the Moh’s hardness scale but it is not considered as a durable gemstone due to its cleavage.

Properly faceted Iolite stones exhibit a strong brilliance. This is another reason for it to be a popular gemstone for jewelries.

( Check for iolite prices here )


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness –  7 – 7.5


Refractive Index – 1.55 – 1.62


Very affordable


High Brilliance


Prone to cracking and chipping


7. Purple Jade

Jade occurs in a range of colors including purple although green jade is the most famous. There are two variations of jade: Nephrite and Jadeite. Nephrite is abundant and inexpensive while jadeite is rarer, harder and expensive.

The stone has a hardness of 6-7 in the Moh’s scale but it is a tough gemstone due to its compact composition. Jade is either translucent or opaque. It is usually cut as cabochons or as various shapes such as human figures, animals, ornaments, etc.

(Check for Purple Jade prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6 – 7


Refractive Index 1.6 – 1.67



Nephrite jade is very affordable


Resistant to clacking and chipping


Hardness is moderate

Since jade is either translucent or opaque, it has less brilliance than other transparent gemstones.


8. Purple Kunzite

Although kunzite was first discovered in USA, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the current main suppliers. Kunzite without inclusions can be found fairly easily.  Large kunzite gemstones free of inclusions are available at very affordable prices and hence it is a good option for jewelries which requires bigger gemstones.  It is also a stone free of treatments.

Kunzite has a hardness of 6.5 –7. One disadvantage of Kunzite is, it is prone to chipping and cracking due its distinct cleavage.

(Check for purple kunzite prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6.5 – 7


Refractive Index : 1.66 – 1.68




Large stones are available at affordable prices.


Generally free of inclusions and blemishes.


Free of treatments and enhancements.


Hardness is moderate




9. Purple Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a very popular gemstone although the purple version is not so much. But there are beautiful purple tones of tourmaline and a properly faceted stone can be really beautiful in a jewelry.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. It is also an affordable gemstone and comes in a range of different purple tones. Heat treatments are common for tourmalines and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern. If the seller is claiming that the stone is free of treatments, it is better to ask for a gemstone certificate to prove that claim.

(Check for purple tourmaline prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65






Prices are generally affordable


Has a good brilliance


Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.



10. Purple Jasper

Jasper is a variation of chalcedony which we discussed above. The most popular color for japer is red but its purple variation is also available. Jasper is either translucent or opaque and the textures of the surface created by inclusions is something which adds to the desirability of this stone.

Its hardness is 6.5 – 7 but has a very good toughness due to its compact structure. Therefore, it is a very durable gemstone which can last in jewelry for a long time. Jasper is either cut as cabochons or as different shapes just like in the case of jade.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6.5 – 7


Refractive Index : 1.54 – 1.55



Very Durable


Surface textures are very unique


Affordable  prices


Due to its unique textures, purple jasper can only be used in certain types of jewelry.


Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to make a purple gemstones list which are suitable for different types of jewelry. I have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each gemstone which will make selecting one particular type easier.

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  1. I love this!!! I wire wrap gemstones so this information and site is perfect for the next post I plan on doing! May I reference your site!?
    Thank you!

  2. Since I don’t know anything about gemstones I learned a bunch from your post. I’ve never even looked at purple gemstones. I am blown away at how beautiful they are! If I were looking for some jewelry with purple gemstones, your post would help me in making the best selection.

    1. Hi Glenn,

      Yes, purple gemstones are indeed very beautiful. Hope the post will help you in the future. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  3. Thank you for your review, me and my boyfriend were picking wedding rings and we were not sure what gemstone I wanted for my wedding ring. After reading your review I know what I want, the purple diamond.

    1. Hey Nataliya,
      Wow, you seems to be the one who wants to stand out. Why not, it is one of the most important thing you are going to buy in your life. It will also be an investment as the prices always go up. Good luck with that and thank you for commenting.

  4. Wow! Thanks for sharing this list. In my eyes, all those purple gem stones look fantastic, but Amethyst is definitely the number one.

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