Moonstone Gemstone Meaning – Special Powers and Benefits

Moonstone Gemstone Meaning – Special Powers and Benefits


“Moonstones were known to humans probably for as long as the moon itself”. 

Funny it may sound, it gives an idea as to how long humans have admired this beautiful stone. We have used Moonstone for thousands of years and it is still an extremely popular stone around the world among many gem and jewelry lovers. Its unique beauty and variety captures the attention of anyone easily. 

Therefore many are interested in getting to know more about Moonstone gemstone meaning which is the main purpose of this article.

I will first give you brief introduction to the properties of the stone and then discuss the Moonstone gemstone meaning.


About Moonstone

Moonstone belongs to the feldspar-group mineral orthoclase. There are two main subgroups in feldspar that produce gems. The potassium feldspar and plagioclases are the two.

Moonstone is potassium feldspar of the orthoclase species with white shimmer similar to moonshine and hence the name of the stone. Deposits are found in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Brazil, India, Madagskar and United States.

There are three different types of moonstones classified based on the color.  Those are white moonstone, blue moonstone and rainbow moonstone. The following pictures depicts the three types.


White moonstone
Image 1 : White Moonstone
Rainbow Moonstone
Image 2: Rainbow Moonstone
Blue Moonstone
Image 3 : Blue Moonstone










Here is a great video which gives some more valuable information about moonstone.

Moonstone gemstone meaning will be discussed next under several sub sections.


Historical Beliefs

The power of Moonstone resides in its connections with the moon, and it traditionally ignites metaphysical powers.

Moonstone gemstone meaning was a topic of interest even in the middle ages where it was a love talisman during the waxing moon —love increased as the moon grew bigger. During the waning period, Moonstone enabled the wearer to accurately predict the future. In some cultures, the stone was placed under the tongue to activate its properties, linking it to the central channel through which Qi and kundalini energy flow.

In hindu culture, moonstone is considered a sacred stone. They believe that a spirit lies in the stone which brings good luck to the wearer. Moonstone is linked with Archangel Gabriel. 

Moonstone Gemstone Meaning 

Moonstone gemstone meaning can be categorized into few sections as described below.


Healing Power

Moonstone helps to synchronize our hormonal cycles with rhythms of nature, specifically the different phases of the moon. People experiencing sleeping difficulties and uneasiness caused by the moon will be benefited by moonstone especially when used for a period of four weeks from the new moon.


Moonstone traditionally prevented lunacy and calmed the soul. It regulated menstruation and menopause. Blue Moonstone may specifically help females as it helps to bring their reproductive system to optimum energetic functioning prior to conception. Moonstone eases menstrual complaints and provides relief during the hormonal changes experienced in puberty and pregnancy, as well as in the menopause.

Blue Moonstone powerfully adjusts the physical body to assimilate the nutrients and minerals required for light body integration when placed over the thymus.

Moonstone is ideal to reset your biological clock. It will be help to boost fertility, relieves menstrual ailments, sleepwalking, lack of normal and deep sleep, deteriorating hair, eyes, skin as well as other organs. Moonstone will also help you to boost detoxification. Healing of digestion problems and excretory system problems can also be benefited by moonstone.

People in the Basque province in France believed that this stone will help epilepsy.


Transformational Power

Spiritual powers are also important when discussing about moonstone gemstone meaning. White and blue moonstones work hand in hand when comes to spiritual powers. Though white moonstones can induce delusions, those can be transformed into profound insights with the combination of blue moonstone which helps to unearth your spiritual potential and increase consciousness.

Coherent multidimensional awareness can be achieved with blue moonstone. It enables you to be aware of several things simultaneously. A tough male can be helped to find his inner feminine qualities and similarly, an aggressive female can be helped to find her soft side with blue moonstone.   Hence this crystal will help to balance masculine and feminine polarities. This will prepare you for an alchemical marriage and androgynous being

Blue Moonstone takes you to the peak of coherent multidimensional awareness, enabling you to be “here” and “there” simultaneously. Gentle Blue Moonstone helps a “macho” man get in touch with his inner feminine qualities or an overly aggressive female to find her gentler side. Using this crystal balances the polarities of masculine and feminine and prepares you for alchemical marriage and androgynous being. (Note: If Blue Moonstone energy is difficult to assimilate, hold Hematite to reground yourself. You may need to remove Blue Moonstone at full moon.)

Opening metaphysical abilities and preparing to receive a large sum of spiritual energy can be achieved via white moonstone.

You will be infused with spiritual and cosmic light through rainbow moonstones making you a part of life and consciousness cycle.

Ascension through vibratory levels can be achieved by placing the three different types of moonstones successively on the soma chakra.


Spiritual Benefits

Moonstones are significantly connected to spiritual world and hence also known as Psychic stones and also crystals of Gods and Goddesses. It is believed that moonstones can help to overcome attachments to the physical world, materialistic interests and ego.

Considered ideal for hermits and monks, moonstones help to open your mind and enhance synchronicity as well serendipity and perceptive powers.


Emotional Effects

An ideal crystal that helps to master emotions, Moonstone helps to stabilize emotional health and stimulate confidence as well as thinking power. As moonstones increases emotional strengths, it also helps to overcome emotional trauma and anxiety attacks. It is also known to stop nightmares and also help to overcome stress.

Another belief was that during the waxing of the moon it was an efficacious love charm; while during the moon’s waning it would enable its wearer to foretell future events.


How to use a Moonstone

The application is equally important as the benefits itself. You can either apply it directly to the body as jewelry, place close to the bed, in the room, for gemstone oil, as gemstone water, arrange as a stone circle, use for gemstone massage or in meditation.

Moonstone Effects

Fine layers of potassium and sodium feldspar refract a white or blue shimmering light; this stone refines our intuition, perception and dream memory while intensifying our emotional life.


Wrap Up

This article was prepared to discuss the Moonstone gemstone meaning. The benefits of the stone were discussed under several areas such as health benefits, spiritual benefits and emotional benefits.

There are so many believes about this wonderful stone as its history runs for many years. Hope you were able to get a fairly good understanding about Moostone gemstone meaning from this article and we would love to hear your comments, and questions if there are any.


If you are looking to buy a moonstone jewelry or a stone it self, check this article here “How to buy jewelry online ? “ and you might fins some useful tips to make your purchase online.


Black Spinel Gemstone Meaning – Why should you wear it?

Black Spinel Gemstone Meaning – Why should you wear it?

Spinels are one of the most favorite gemstone types of many gemstone and jewelry lovers. It comes in a range of colors including red, blue pink, white, purple, yellow, black etc. The main purpose of this article is to discuss the Black Spinel Gemstone Meaning. We will also give a brief introduction to spinel as well as some benefits of spinel in general.

Brief Introduction to Spinel

Spinel is a gemstone which became very popular in the last couple of decades and it was identified as an individual mineral only 150 years ago. Before that, red spinels were also considered as Rubies. The famous “Black Prince Ruby” in the imperial English state crown was later found as a spinel.

The origin of the name “spinel” is not clear and it might be from the Greek word “spinos” for spark or the Latin word “spinella” for “thorn”. The main chemical composition for spinel is MgAl2O4. The different colors occurs from iron, vanadium, chromium and cobalt. 

Here is a great video which shows a group of miners finds a piece of calcite with black spinel crystals in it.

We will now move in to discussing the Black Spinel gemstone meaning but before that, let’s just quickly go through some important benefits of Spinels in general.

(You can visit our Etsy shop here to view a range of spinel gemstones)

Benefits of Spinel 

Spinels can benefit you in both personal and professional lives. It is associated with positive attitude and it gives courage and joyful spirit. Spinel can especially be useful during a change in life as it will help to reduce fears and stress.

Spinel gives confidence and supports you to be consistent in your thought process and actions. It will hence increase decisiveness and self-acceptance.

The gemstone is known to support in spiritual life as well. It will help you in meditation and in achieving inner peace.

Spinel is known for revitalization and can re-energize your life. It will refill your low energy levels . This property makes this stone ideal for hard workers and workaholics and it will also you to get rid of stress and anxieties.

If you are looking for inspiration, spinel is great for that as well. It is known to bring new hope. It will improve your creative thinking and gives you strength and courage to face challenges.  The stone will make you determined and stay focused under pressure to get over any difficult periods.

Spinel will help you to cleanse your physical body by getting rid of wastes and toxins. It will also help you to cleanse your aura by removing negativity.  It will effectively help to rejuvenate your body and mind.

Spinel boosts the positive things about you and help achieve greater heights while preserving humility. It will also help you face failures with positive attitude.

Black Spinel Gemstone Meaning


Black spinel gemstone meaning can be discussed under various section since it there are quite a few.

Emotional Benefits

Black spinel empowers the wearer. It gives courage, confidence and perseverance through its channeling and structuring energy. The gemstone has high energy which charges a person to become very energetic inside out.

It supports when going through a change regardless of whether it is a professional or a private matter.  Black spinel increases the capacity of a person and empowers to strive for more success.

It is also a great stone for people who are going through the sadness of losing someone as black spinel helps to get over the past and move forward by freeing any burdens in mind.

Black spinel is also used to cleanse the aura which helps to remove negativity and frustration that might be haunting you and bring you positivity to achieve what you want to achieve.

Physical Benefits

Black spinel also brings a number of physical benefits. It has a positive effect on the brain and helps to increase mental and intellectual power. It will help to improve memory and make your brain sharper and faster. Black spinel also has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Love and Relationships

 Black spinel helps you in maintaining and improving relationships. It will also help to resolve issues and fights if there are any.  Black spinel will make you think more about your partner and give more attention to his or her needs.

Health Benefits

Black spinel will make a person more dynamic and increase muscle strength. It also improves digestion and cleanses the skin.

It is also believed that black spinel will improve immunity and promotes healing especially in inflammations and injuries. (Special note – This should not in any way stop you from taking medical advice in such occasion)

For best results, the stone should be worn in the way that it rests directly on the skin.

Black Spinel Stone and Wealth

Although there is no direct relationship of black spinel to wealth, some previously mentioned benefits will result in your professional or business success which in turn result in more wealth and success. The confidence and positivism this stone gives you will make you successful in important meetings and taking decisions.

The ability to cleanse your aura and remove negativity will also result in taking a positive approach to problems leading to more success in business ventures and also in professional lives.

Black Spinel Stone and Zodiac

Black spinel is associated with zodiac signs Scorpio and Sagittarius. It is believed that the stone will help to overcome future fears of those who are with Scorpio sign.

Black Spinel Stone and Chakras

All crystals are associated with Chakras and black spinel and red spinel both activates the Root chakra. The Root Chakra is the center of the Kundalini energy. One important thing about Kundalini energy is that it helps to activate all other chakras.  Body, mind and spirit will work in harmony and you can enjoy a balanced body when all chakras are activated.

Other spinels and associated chakras will be mentioned here as it will be beneficial for some readers.

Blue spinel is good for throat chakra while green is good for heart chakra. Yellow spinel works well with the solar plexus chakra while violet spinel is for the third eye.

A set of crystal shape black spinel and a faceted black spinel is depicted in below images.

Showing a black spinel crystal in the context of black spinel gemstone meaning
image 2 : A Black Spinel crystal
Black spinel jewelry with black spinel cut and and polished stones
image 2 – A jwelery with Rubies and Black Spinels

How to Purify Black Spinel Stone

To make sure you get the best effect of this stone, it is vital to recharge the stone often. Holding the stone under running water will clean and discharge the stone. Keeping under the sun for a short time will reload it.


The main objective of this article was to discuss the Black Spinel gemstone meaning. While discussing the benefits of black spinel, a very brief introduction to spinel in general and some general spinel benefits were also discussed.

Hope you found the article useful and I would love to hear your thoughts, comments and also any questions you may have. 

(You can visit our Etsy shop here to view a range of spinel gemstones)

Pink Spinel Meaning – The Benefits to the Wearer

Pink Spinel Meaning – The Benefits to the Wearer

Spinel is a gemstone which became very popular in the last couple of decades.  Before discussing about the pink spinel meaning, let’s first get to know some general important information about Spinel.

Brief Introduction to Spinel

Spinel was identified as an individual mineral only 150 years ago. Before that, spinels were also considered as Rubies. The famous “Black Price Ruby” in the imperial English state crown was later found as a spinel.

The origin of the name “spinel” is not clear and it might be from the Greek word “spinos” for spark of the Latin word “spinella” for “thorn”. The main chemical composition for spinel is MgAl2O4. The different colors occurs from iron, vanadium, chromium and cobalt.

When discussing about pink spinel meaning, it is important to get to know spinel benefits in general. Therefore, we will be first discussing the general benefits of spinel and then move on to pink spinel meaning.

(Before going further, I would like to give you a quick reminder that we have our own gemstones, crystals and mineral shop on Etsy where you will be able to browse through a nice collection)

Benefits of Spinel

Spinels can benefit you in both personal and professional lives. Spinel is associated with positive attitude. It gives courage and joyful spirit. Spinel can be especially useful during a change in life as it will help to reduce fears and stress.

Spinel gives confidence and supports you to be consistent in your thought process and actions. It will hence increase decisiveness and self-acceptance. Spinel is known for revitalization and can reenergize your life. It will refill your low energy levels . This property makes this stone ideal for hard workers and workaholics.

Spinels are known to support in spiritual life as well. It will help you in meditation and in achieving inner peace. Spinel will help you to get rid of stress and anxieties.

If you are looking for inspiration, spinel is great for that as well. It is known to bring new hope. It will improve your creative thinking and gives you strength and courage to face challenges.  The stone will make you determined and stay focused under pressure to get over any difficult periods.

Spinel will help you to cleanse your physical body by getting rid of wastes and toxins. It will also help you to cleanse your aura by removing negativity.  It will effectively help to rejuvenate your body and mind.

Spinel boosts the positive things about you and help achieve greater heights while preserving humility. It will also help you face failures with positive attitude.

Pink Spinel Meaning

We will discuss the pink spinel meaning in point form as it will be easier to understand and absorb the key points.

  • Pink spinel is good for those who are suffering from fatigue and chronic conditions.
  • Pink spinel is also great for those who are in long distance relationships as it is believed to carry love.
  • Pink spinel concentrates positive energy. This will give you courage and confidence to hold your opinion without getting intimidated or influenced by the surrounding information. This confidence will make your opinion or the idea more valuable than before.
  • Another important pink spinel meaning is that this stone will energize your efforts in achieving something and help you get better results. Pink spinel will help you to keep your motivation during the struggle. It is good to use when you are after acquiring money.
  • Pink spinel will get rid of your negative energy by replacing your body and mind with positive energy. For those who easily get filled with negative emotions, stress and frustration, this stone is stone is recommended. It will help to clear the negativity by creating self-belief and hope.
  • Pink spinel helps to win over tough situations. It is useful when you want to keep going till the end without giving up. Stone will support you to get over the fear you feel during tough situations and the emotional difficulties during uncertain situations. It will help you to establish a clam and quite environment.
  • Pink spinel is also great to leave a lasting positive impression that resonate in consumer’s mind if you are doing a business. If you are in a creative business such as art, video, photography, publication, design, etc. pink spinel will be useful to create memorable work.
  • Most of you will be fascinated about this Pink Spinel meaning. Pink spinel can help you to remain young in mind. You will be able to keep your mind and thoughts young without getting restricted to past knowledge and experience. Keep up with the time and be on the top of the ear.

Some images of pink spinels are depicted below. The first image contains a rough pink spinel . This rough spinel demonstrate the crystal shape very well.

pink spinel crystal
Image 1 : Spinel crystal

Physical Properties of Spinel

Spinel is an oxide mineral and its crystal system is cubic. It has a relatively high hardness compared to some other minerals and its 7.5 – 8.0 in the Mohs hardness scale. Specific gravity of spinel is in the rage from 3.58 to 3.61 but sometimes it can increase depending on the composition. For example, the Zn-rich spinel has a specific gravity of 4.40.

Spinel also has a wide range of colors such as red, pink, lavender, violet, blue, dark green, brown, colorless, gray, yellow, orange and black. Spinel is single refractive and some demonstrate anomalous refraction. Since it is single refractive, spinels do not have a pleochroism.  Refraction index of spinel is 1.718.

A stone which can be mistaken to spinel is taaffeit.  Taarfeit demonstrate double refraction and that can be used to differentiate taaffeit from spinel.  Taaffeite is an extremely rare stone and it is much more expensive than spinel of same color.

Spinels can be found as transparent, translucent or opaque.

Some spinels may demonstrate magnetism. Fluorescence under UV light can be observed for some red and pink spinels. Sri Lanka has been known for spinels for a long time and lately more countries were added to the list.

Therefore it can be said that spinels are found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Burma ( Myanmar), Vietnam, Cambodia, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Australia, Nigeria, Bolivia, Brazil, Tadzhikistan, Thailand, United States, Nepal, Albania, Algeria, Atlantic ocean and Belguim.

Spinels can also be found as 4 rayed stars and 6 rayed stars. Some spinels demonstrate color change due to presence of Fe, V and Cr. Color changes can be seen as blue to violet, violet to reddish violet and greyish blue to reddish violet.

One very special type of spinel is Cobalt spinel which has the cobalt spinel an hence the name. Cobalt spinels are very rare and expensive.



Main objective of this article was to discuss about pink spinel meaning. The article gave a brief introduction to spinel and also some important general benefits of the stone.  Specific benefits of pink spinel was discussed next and finally we discussed about some important physical information about spinel in general.

Hope you found this article useful and please feel free to comment or ask any questions may you.

(You can also visit our own gemstones, crystals and mineral shop on Etsy where you will be able to browse through a nice collection)

London Blue Topaz Facts – Properties, Features and Benefits

London Blue Topaz Facts – Properties, Features and Benefits

Topaz has been a popular gemstone for centuries. Although sometime ago, all yellow, golden brown and sometimes even green gemstones were called Topaz, today all actual types of topaz are equally very popular.

Topaz comes in a wide range of colors. The pink to reddish-orange is the most valuable. London Blue Topaz is the also a highly sought after among all different colors. Therefore, I am going to go through a number of important london blue topaz facts in this article.

I am going to go through the making process, physical properties,  features and also the numerous metaphysical benefits.

Making of London Blue Topaz

The process of making london blue topaz is one of the most important facts among all other london blue topaz facts. This color of london blue topaz is not a naturally occurred color. When white topaz is exposed to high energy gamma radiation in a nuclear reactor, three colors of blue topaz can be generated. Namely sky blue, swiss blue and London blue. London blue is the most expensive out of these three types.

Other types of treatments used in topaz are heat treatment and coating with a metal oxide. However, London blue is generate via irradiation. All types of treatments are fine as long as the treatments are mentioned.  However, coated topaz can change its color with the time. Some factors such as rapid temperature changes will lead to weakening the bond between the topaz and the color coat reducing the lifetime of the coat.

Types of Blue Topaz
image 1 : Different shades of Blue Topaz

(Before going further, I would like to give you a quick reminder that we have our own gemstones, crystals and mineral shop on Etsy where you will be able to browse through a nice collection)

Topaz Deposits

During the 18th century, the most famous topaz mine was at Schneckenstein in the souther Voigtland in Saxony. Brazil has now become the most important supplier and deposits are also found in Afghanistan, Australia, Burma ( Myanmar ), China, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, United States and Zimbabwe. Light blue topaz are also found in  Nothern Ireland, Scotland and Cornwall, England.

Here is a cool video we found where a group of people are hunting for Topaz in a rocky mountain.

Identifying Features of Topaz

One key feature of Topaz is that its hardness. It has a hardness of 8 in Moh’s hardness scale which is higher than many other gemstone varieties such as Beryl, Tourmaline and Garnet. Therefore Topaz is frequently used in jewelry. Its orthorhombic crystal structure is also another key difference from other gemstones.

It has perfect cleavage which is sometime very important in distinguishing rough topaz stones. It also means that, despite its hardness, it will tend to break along cleavage lines.

Topaz also has strong pleochroism. Which means that the best color will be in one particular direction that this should be considered in cutting the gemstone.

London Blue Topaz Facts- Physical Properties

Since london blue topaz is a color variation of topaz, all the physical properties of london blue topaz are similar to topaz. Since it is important to get to know physical properties of topaz when learning about london blue topaz facts, I will list the most important ones here.

Chemical CompositionAl2SiO4(F,OH)2
Crystal SystemOrthorhombic
Specific Gravity3.49 – 3.57
Refractive Index1.61 – 1.638

Benefits of Topaz

Meaning and benefits are also important when learning london blue topaz facts.  Before going into London Blue Topaz meaning, lets first discuss some believes about topaz in general.

Topaz is a stone which is long believed to contain mystical powers by many cultures around the world. It was believed that Topaz gives extra strength to the holder by the Greeks. They believed that it can give invisibility to warriors and avoid injuries in the war. It was believed that Topaz has a strong connection to “Ra”, the sun of god, by the Romans.

Topaz is also believed to improve communication and opening up the “Throat Chakra” in the Indian culture. As a birthstone, Blue Topaz is the birthstone for December.

Topaz help you not to be judgmental by clearing your mind and making you see the practical side of life. It cleanses your emotions, removes stress and brings you joy.

Topaz will give you inspiration and energy to positively change yourself from the current position you are in.  It helps to identify the much stronger version of you within you and help to keep fighting for what you believe in. It is also believed that this stone will help the wearer in the fight against depression and insomnia.

Imperial topaz is said to be great in meditation. It helps to receive universal energy and could help when used in meditation.

London Blue Topaz Meaning

London Blue Topaz meaning can be discussed under few sections as described below.

Love and Relationships

The stone attract positivity and better luck. It will be a powerful talisman to overcome bad luck in love. The stone will help you to sect those who really love you while keeping those don’t way. So be sure to wear this on your serious dates.

Health Benefits

Emotional Health

This stone help to strengthen our self-confidence which in return help to solidify our decisiveness (assertiveness). It will help us when dealing with others by making us appear open-minded, polite and charming. The will be beneficial in new projects.

London blue topaz will help you to calm your mind whilst helping in mental growth. The stone will guide you to success in life as it motivates you to focus and work hard.

Physical Health

Topaz improves digestion. It stimulates taste buds and the pancreas. It is believed that topaz also helps in endocrine, asthma and thrombosis. Nervous systems and in general the whole organism.

image 2 : An 18k white gold ring made with a london blue topaz

Taking care of your London Blue Topaz

As mentioned earlier, Topaz has a strong cleavage which means that it can easily break along a cleavage line with a single considerable blow. Therefore you should be very careful not to drop it while cleaning.

You can easily clean your stone with soap water and a soft cloth. It is even a good idea to gently wipe off the stone with microfiber cloth regularly as it will remove some of the dust. Do not use any ultra-sonic cleaners because it can harm the stone.

You should remove the jewelry when doing any sports, household work or when going to the gym.

Final Thoughts 

London blue topaz is a popular gemstone among many gems and jewelry lovers. Therefore, I discussed some of the important londong blue topaz facts in this article.

It discussed briefly about the variations of the topaz stone and how certain colors are generated via different treatments. Then I discussed the countries topaz are found and key features of Topaz.  London Blue Topaz meaning was discussed next along with generic benefits of Topaz as there are many readers looking to metaphysical properties of gemstone.

I hope that you liked the article and helped you to get the knowledge you were looking for.

Finally, if you are planning to buy london blue topaz stone or a jewelry, this article will give you some tips to help you buy it online ” How to buy jewelry online ?

(You can also visit our own gemstones, crystals and mineral shop on Etsy where you will be able to browse through a nice collection)

About Me

Hello! My name is Rajith and I am from Sri Lanka, the land of Sapphires. I am a telecommunication engineer by profession but now a full time online entrepreneur. I am also an avid gemstone and crystal lover.

I created this website very specifically to share all my knowledge about different types of gemstones as there are many people around the world who are really passionate about gemstones and eager to learn. I also like to help those who want to buy gemstones to select the best ones for their budget and requirement. There is a lot of low quality and synthetic stones out there and some basic knowledge about gemstones will definitely help you in buying the best stones if you are not a gem expert.

You will find more information about why I started this website in following sections.

My Story in Short…

I started my online entrepreneur journey by selling kitchenware on Soon I realized that I have to start selling something unique if I want to become successful in the long run. Being a Sri Lankan, selling gemstones was one of the first ideas came to my mind. ( The geology experts say that 75% of all Sri Lanka contains different types of gemstones and only 10-15% are mined so far. )

But the challenge was that I didn’t know a single damn thing about gemstones.

So I followed two courses which gave me the basic essential knowledge in order to start a gemstones business. It is during this period that I realized the the lack of information available online for someone who wants to get more knowledge on gemstones.

Then I decided to start a website to share all I know about gemstones and help those who are studying about gems and also those who wants to buy gemstones.

Why this website?

As I said earlier, I realized the lack of information out there about gemstones when I was following the courses.

I often found myself searching through google and youtube about the different topics I learned in the class but more often than not I was unable to find what I was searching for. Instead I was lost with heaps of generic or irrelevant content.

Then I realized that specific information about different types of gemstones including there unique technical properties and methods of identifying will definitely help a lot of gemstone enthusiasts.


The Purpose

Therefore, the purpose of this website is to share the knowledge I have about gemstones. I will be sharing all useful information about different types of gemstones, anything that I feel will be useful to either someone who is studying about gems or someone who is looking to buy gems.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


( You can contact me anytime via email  – )