Dark Green Bloodstone Meaning – Benefits and Powers

Dark Green Bloodstone Meaning – Benefits and Powers


Dark green bloodstone, also known as Heliotrope, belongs to the Jasper group of gemstones. Jasper is essentially an aggregate of microcrystalline quartz and it is opaque. Also called the sun stone, it has blood red spots in the middle of the predominant dark green. Bloodstone is the birthstone for the month of March and also for the zodiac sign Aries.

Given its history connected to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and also Christianity, dark green bloodstone meaning is a topic of interest for many. I am hoping to cover as many aspects of this stone meaning in the article along with a little bit of its fascinating history.

image 1 : A Dark Green Bloodstone

History of Dark Green Bloodstone

Greeks called this stone as “Heliotrope” which means “the turning of the sun”.  This is due to the fact that bloodstone was believed to have this amazing effect where it turns suns reflection from the standard yellow hue to a blood-red when placed in water or under the rays of the setting sun.

One phenomenal fact about blood stone is that, an old Greek document of Egyptian magic called “The Leyden Papyrus” contains the following paragraph about bloodstone.

“The world has no greater thing; if anyone has this with him, he will be given whatever he asks for. It also assuages the wrath of kings and despots, and whatever the wearer says will be believed. Whoever bears this stone, which is a gem, and pronounces the name engraved upon it, will find all doors open while bonds and stone walls will be rent asunder.””

Another widely known story about dark green bloodstone is that it was formed when the blood of the crucified Jesus fell to the dark green earth. A variation of this belief is, the blood from a spear wound of Jesus fell on to a green jasper and formed this green bloodstone.

With this interesting history behind it, let’s move into the dark green bloodstone meanings and healing powers.


Dark Green Bloodstone Meaning

Since there are many benefits and powers of the mystic stone, I will discuss dark green bloodstone meaning under three section.

  1. Emotional Benefits
  2. Physical Healing Powers
  3. Chakra Healing and Balancing Energies.

Let’s discuss these one by one.


1.     Emotional Benefits of Dark Green Bloodstone

The stone. When carrying or wearing, it is an amulet against bullying, blackmailing and threats. It acts the same way even if you are facing issues with someone at work who is doing things against you. It will give courage to face bullies strongly and guidance to withdraw when necessary.

Due to this powers of the stone, some advice parents to sew a bloodstone to the jacket of the kid if he/she is bullied in school.

Stone also helps to adjust to new environments and circumstances. Stone gives you emotional support in such occasions and also when going through traumatic situations.

If you feel as if you keep getting knocked off in life, this stone will provide you the emotional support to carry on with courage.

Wearing or carrying clears the mind which helps to think clearly and make right decisions. Stone also rejuvenates the exhausted mind and body and provides that mental push. It also increase the energy level and stamina when comes to physical activities.  The stone is therefore used for the recovery after an injury, illness, fatigue or tiredness.

Stone is good when you are emotionally overwhelmed as well. Bloodstone helps you to become emotionally stronger and face issues with determination.

Bloodstone increases intuition and creativity. Hence it helps a new project from the ideas stage all the way to successful conclusion.


2.     Physical Healing Powers of Dark Green Bloodstone

( Note – Information here should not be used as an alternative to professional medical advice)

Bloodstone can be used as a purifying stone to cleanse blood, kidneys, bladder, spleen and intestines as it neutralizes and removes harmful substances in the body. Blood purifying property is vital in treating blood related illnesses. In general, it is good for all organs as it helps proper blood circulation.

Immune system is also stimulated by bloodstone and used against infections, flu, colds and swellings.

As bloodstone stimulates proper balance of hormones and also nutrient-rich blood, it is considered as a great stone during pregnancy.   Bloodstone is also believed to relive PMS related issues, disorders in menstruation and also stabilization hormones during menopause.

Bloodstone is used to relieve lower back pains and insect bites and bloodstone water ( soak the stone overnight in demineralized water) is used to overcome pains of varicose veins and piles.


3.     Chakra healing and Balancing Energies

Chakra healing is another important and unique aspect of dark green bloodstone meaning as it activates both heart and root chakra (root chakra is located at the bottom of the spine). The red in these dark green bloodstone act as the root chakra activator and the green acts as the heart chakra activator.

Bloodstone is used to re-align lower chakras with the heart and encourages balancing of the total body. This essentially helps to remove and distress and nervousness connected with the imbalance of these energies

Root chakra is the foundation for both physical and spiritual energies of the body. Lack of enthusiasm. Low physical energy level and lethargy are some symptoms of physical energy imbalance. When spiritually imbalance, one feels disconnected from the world. Red in the bloodstone is used to balance the root chakra and bring back physical energy and to make one feel secure and power inside.

Heart chakra is the one which controls what we accept and reject from the external world and in effect how we deal with the environment.  When this is imbalanced, we may find ourselves under reactive or over reactive. A balanced heart chakra makes it easier to understand the emotions and hence manage our responses to external stimuli appropriately.

image 2 : A necklace made by dark green bloodstone

Final Thoughts

As a stone with a mystic history filled with beliefs, dark green bloodstone meaning is indeed a very interesting topic for gemstone and jewelry lovers. With the rare color combination of dark green and blood red, it certainly has a very unique beauty as well.

I believe I managed to cover the topic of the article reasonably well and hope you liked it. I will be delighted to hear your thoughts and please let me know if you have any questions also.


p.s. : Checkout this article if you are planning to but a bloodstone or a bloodstone jewelry online. : “How to buy jewelry online ? “








White Sapphire Meaning -Benefits, Powers and Healing

White Sapphire Meaning -Benefits & Powers 


Throughout history, the most prevalent and well-known form of Sapphires has been and continues to be those with the deep blue hues of and darkening sky. These stones have captured the imagination of civilizations across the globe and have been sought after for their beauty and value. Furthermore, like other precious stones and crystals, these stones have been and continue to embody esoteric and metaphysical values.

These values do not lie solely with the most well-known blue Sapphire but extend to the lesser-known but equally valuable hues such as pink, green, orange, black, and colorless. While these sapphires all share meaning as sapphire gems, they each additionally embody their own unique values. Here we explore the white sapphire meaning.


What is a White Sapphire?

Sapphires, along with rubies are part of the Corundum or Aluminum Oxide (Al₂O₃) variety of gemstones. The color of the gemstones is due to the presence of transition metal impurities. In the case of rubies, this impurity is chromium, which results in its distinctive red color.

All other resultant colors, including white, are known as sapphires.  While all other colors of sapphires are the result of impurities, the white sapphire is the pure form of the gem with no impurities. This results in a semi-transparent to cloudy gem. White sapphire and all other sapphire types are birthstones for the month of September.

Although this gem is not as clear as a diamond, it is similar enough in appearance that it is often used in jewelry as a diamond substitute and to accentuate a diamond setting.

A form of this gem that is sought after in its own right is the Star Sapphire. This sapphire occurs when the fibrous inclusions of Rutile, form a 6-or 12-rayed star known as asterism. Star Sapphires are often cut into cabochon to accentuate their appearance and highlight their unique quality.

image 1 : A white sapphire crystal

History and Lore of White Sapphire

The name Sapphire is derived from the Latin word “saphirus” and the Greek word “sappheiros”, each translating to “blue”. Following in this vein, whites sapphires are known as “leuco-sapphire” which translates to “white”-sapphire.

The earliest known references to White Sapphires are traced back to ancient Greece. According to what is known, the ancient Greeks discovered these gemstones on the island of Naxos. It was associated with Apollo, the Greek god of light and the sun, truth and the arts, and of medicine and music. Furthermore, Apollo is the god of prophecies and the patron saint of the Oracle of Delphi, one of the most famous oracles in history. It was believed that wearing a white sapphire would make clear prophecies that would otherwise be indecipherable.


White Sapphire Meaning

The color white has been linked to the idea of purity, freedom, and justice since the dawn of recorded history. These attributes have been attributed to all sorts of totems and white sapphires are no exception. Sapphires, in general, are said to be powerful totems of protection and have been worn by kings and soldiers for protection from harm, both physically and mentally, such as witchcraft.

Wearing a white sapphire is said to help us clear the mind and help focus the attention in day to day activities. Furthermore, it helps release mental tension, opens the mind to intuition and beauty, and brings a sense of well being. As a representative of the higher levels of human thought, the gem promotes the qualities of fairness, morality, objectivity, altruism, as well as helping to eschew self-defeating habits and behaviors that prevent us from reaching our full potential.


White Sapphire Uses

White Sapphire meaning can be applied to many aspects of our day to day lives. They embody the spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric.


Use in Marriage

The white sapphire is associated with the planet Venus, which embodies the qualities of lover, beauty, and partnership. For this reason, it is used in engagement and wedding rings. It helps couples reach understanding, keeps their vanity in check, and brings in maturation to the bond.

The White Star Sapphire, when given to a loved one or partner, is a symbol of pure and lasting love without constraints. It embodies the ideals of selfless love while promoting harmony and fidelity in the marriage.


Use in Physical Healing

Stimulating the pineal and pituitary glands, white sapphire enables the discovery of alternate- and past-life influences that have an effect on our current incarnation. It enables us to move beyond the physical and into the spiritual.

Moreover, from an esoteric perspective, white sapphires help regulate glands in the body, aids in the treatment of blood disorders and excessive bleeding, and promoting vein strength and elasticity.


Use in Emotional Healing

Emotional healing is another important aspect in white sapphire meaning. Clearing the mind of negative thoughts, white sapphires allow us to refocus our attention and face our problems head-on. They promote integrity and enhance our clarity, and purpose in life.

White star sapphires, in particular, are excellent healing gems for those who suffer from feelings of inferiority, anti-social behaviors, or fear of public interactions. These gems are also especially useful in maintaining our goals and ambitions.


Use with Chakras and Balancing Energy

Representing and stimulating the crown chakra, white sapphires enable one to connect to higher planes of existence and connect to the universal truth and energy. It promotes balancing the energies of the crown chakra, thus balancing the energies of the entire subtle body.


White Saphhire in the Vedic Tradition

White sapphire meaning has its place in vedic tradition as well. In Hindi, the white sapphire is called the “Safed Pukhraj” and as with its western counterpart, embodies the energies of Venus. These energies take the form of beauty, power, wealth, luxury, and opulence.

For gemstones that are of Jyotish (Vedic astrology) quality, these qualities are enhanced manyfold. It is important to be sure that the gem aligns with one’s Vedic birth chart as these gems have a powerful effect physiologically and metaphysically.

In accordance with Vedic tradition, there are prescribed rules associated with wearing this stone. These rules must be followed closely in order to mitigate unintended side effects and to promote their full beneficial qualities.

Some of these rules are as follows:

  • The stone must touch the skin and is best worn as a pendant or ring on the middle or small finger on either hand.
  • It is important to wear a stone without flaws such as discoloration or cracks.
  • The gem is best worn on a Friday.
  • Before wearing the gem, a ritual must be performed to cleanse any impure energies. This involves washing the gem in water, then in cows milk, and once again in water. This is followed by chanting the mantra “Aum Shum Shukraha Namaha” 16 times.


Where is it mined? 

The main source for white sapphire is Sri Lanka, the land of sapphires which was called Ceylon sometime back. White sapphire also comes from Burma, Thailand, Australia, Cambodia and Tanzania.


White Sapphire Meaning: Concussion

This September birthstone, besides personifying aspects of beauty and love, is itself a beautiful adornment in its own right. For those who find that the stone aligns with their needs, they will benefit from its esoteric and spiritual qualities. Whether it is in the western or Vedic traditions, this stone is a powerful tool that will enable you to target specific aspects of your life.

The purpose of this article was to give you a comprehensive idea about the white sapphire meaning. Hope you liked it and would be great I you can share your comments.


p.s  There are some other articles that might be useful to you

How to Buy Jewelry Online? – Take a loot at this article first if you are planning to but any gemstone or jewelry online or even from a store.

Star Sapphire Gemstone Meaning 

Blue Sapphire Gemstone Meaning 

Pink Sapphire Meaning

Yellow Sapphire Meaning 

Aquamarine Stone Meaning – Beliefs, Powers and Benefits

Aquamarine Stone Meaning – Beliefs, Powers and Benefits

Aquamarine is simply a wonderful gemstone which brings the beautiful calm feeling of nature just by looking at it. I discussed important properties of this beautiful gemstone in the previous post and as promised in that post, aquamarine stone meaning will be discussed here.

As aquamarine is a gemstone with such a wide range of perceived benefits and powers, there is a lot we can discuss under this topic. It is a stone which can do wonders to many aspects of your life.  I am going to discuss areas such as love and relationships, wealth and business, emotional benefits and healing powers. So without further due,  let’s get into it.


Aquamarine Stone Meaning

There is a thinking process bonded with our intellect involved in all our actions.  Aquamarine helps to accelerate this and shorten the response time to any stimuli.

The stone helps to learn about the external world as well as the inner self, making a person superior with knowledge. Aquamarine also encourages perseverance, determination, discipline and cheerfulness. Aquamarine has obtained a position as a stone of justice. It supports a person to be courageous and rational in solving confrontations by promoting negotiation and compromise.

Aquamarine was used by ancient sailors as a talisman for good luck and protection in sea journeys. The belief is still there where people use it in sea travels and well as other long distance travel.

To discuss the benefits of this wonderful stone further, I will divide those into few sub sections for the convenience of reading as well as grasping.  Therefore, I am going to discuss aquamarine stone meaning under

  1. Love and Relationships
  2. Wealth, Business and Professional Life
  3. Emotional Benefits
  4. Physical Healing Powers
  5. Chakra Healing and Balancing Energies

1. Love and Relationships

Aquamarine energies makes a person more empathetic. It will help you to understand the feelings and requirements of your partner. You will be able to better understand the mood of him/her as you will be more sensitive to their emotions, body language and indirect communication. It makes you focus on the message your partner is trying to communicate rather than limiting to the words they might use.

Aquamarine makes you a more understanding and tolerant person and you will be able to control your anger. You will become a more understanding and caring lover without being judgmental.

Another unique aquamarine stone meaning is that it provides support when you want to end a relationship as well.  It helps the mind to find answers without fighting with different scenarios and you will be happy to accept that things happen for a reason.

2. Wealth, Business and Professional Life

Aquamarine enhances your intellect which enables to come up with creative solutions. As it encourages fast logical thinking, you can solve complex and difficult problems.

If you are a procrastinator, aquamarine will help to overcome that problem and start taking actions.  Aquamarine is a stone which brings good luck, fortune, wealth and abundance.

Just like the ocean hides unlimited amount of invaluable treasures, we all have a great potential sleeping within ourselves which we can unearth by working with the correct attitude. Aquamarine is a stone which will provide us with the motivation to do so.

Aquamarine enables a clear communication between heart and mind and this has a positive impact on professional and business matters as well.

Since aquamarine enables you to communicate your ideas and stance with more confidence and belief, this can enable you to climb the corporate ladder much faster.

In your own business, you are often faced with tasks which you haven’t done before. You find yourself in a position where you want to go where no one has ever gone or have been successful. Aquamarine will support you in that by providing the determination and good luck which you are going to need all the way.

image 1 : A15,256-carat (6.8 lb) natural aquamarine crystal at National Gem Collection by Jeffrey E. Post

3. Emotional Benefits

Aquamarine provides emotional support, stability and protection when you are overloaded with responsibilities and feel overwhelmed.

The stone helps you to forget emotional issue which your mind keeps dragging you into and move forward. Aquamarine makes it easier to pardon those who may have hurt you in the past and yourself for wrong decisions you may have taken.

It removes negative energies of the past which haunts you and clear the present in order to move forward with joy and hope.

Aquamarine makes you see the good things happened to you from your negative experiences by showing how those negative things shaped you to become who you are today.

Aquamarine is good when one is going through a change as it helps to take out resistance to change as well as dubious fears of unknown.

4. Physical Healing Powers

(* Please note that this information should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice)

Aquamarine stone is good for some health conditions in the respiratory system such as colds, chronic sinusitis and cough. Some allergic reactions can also cause these same symptoms and the stone is also good in such situations.

Since aquamarine has a strong connection with throat chakra, it is helpful in cooling down irritated throat or over used voice box (also known as laryngitis).

Aquamarine is also good for synchronizing pituitary and thyroid glands and controlling growth and hormones.

Aquamarine supports treatment of skin diseases which occurs as a result of allergies and also shingles.

Try placing aquamarine on your eyelids for 20 minutes every night if you are suffering from vision problem or tiered eyes.Aquamarine is said to relax nervous contractions when placed on the solar plexus.

5. Chakra Healing and Balancing Energies

Aquamarine activates the throat chakra and hence it eases tension and fear of speaking.  Therefore it is good for any presenters, public speakers, teachers and lectures. It helps the speaker to relax and be conscious of his knowledge and intellect which makes it easier to communicate with the audience clearly and confidently. It also helps to control emotions such as anger and focus on clear communication.

The stone acts as a stimuli for energy to flow from heart to the throat encouraging a person to talk truthfully.

Throat chakra also acts as a regulator of energy between other chakras. A blocked throat chakra affect all other chakras. A balanced throat chakra allows us to freely communicate what we think and feel. There will be a free and smooth energy flow in within inner spirit and body.


Here is a good video which shows quite a few Aquamarine stones with different colors.

How to Use Aquamarine

In order to get the best benefits of aquamarine stone meaning, wearing it in a jewelry which you can keep the stone close to the skin is the best. E.g. rings, pendants, bracelets etc.,

This ensures a direction connection between your aura and powers of the stone.

If you want to use the positive energy of the stone inside your home to change certain negative factors in the atmospheres, keep the stone in spaces where you feel it is most required. E.g. bedroom, living room, etc.


Final Thoughts

We have come to the end of another article about the benefits about another remarkable gemstone. Here we discussed aquamarine gemstone meaning under several different aspects.

As you may have realized by now aquamarine is truly a magical stone with its unique beauty and amazing benefits.

I hope you liked the article and I would love to hear your thoughts as well as any questions you may have.

If you are keen to learn about the history, physical properties and other interesting information about aquamarine, please refer to this article : “Aquamarine Gemstone Facts”

Aquamarine Gemstone Facts – History, Colors and Properties

Aquamarine Gemstone Facts – History, Colors and Properties 


A stone which easily invokes soothing and calm feeling of the sea, Aquamarine is a gemstone known for humans for thousands of years.  It is a stone treasured by many civilizations throughout the history. Therefore, I decided to write this article about aquamarine gemstone facts as the stone indeed has quite lot of interesting facts.

Aquamarine belongs to the Beryl family of gemstones where emerald, morganite, goshenite, yellow beryl and crysoberyl are also a part of. The name aquamarine is the Latin name for “water of the sea” which was given because of the color of the stone.   This name is the ideal for this spectacular gemstone as almost all different color tones of sea are represented by the color range of aquamarine .

In this post, I will go through aspects such as history and physical properties of aquamarine and there is another post about the metaphysical and healing properties of aquamarine.

image 1 : Beautiful silver rings studded with aquamarine and diamond

Aquamarine Gemstone Facts

Aquamarine is the birthstone of March and for the zodiac sign Scorpio. It is also the gem of 19th wedding anniversary.  Since aquamarine is believed to help long lasting relationships, aquamarine jewelry is popular among couples well before the 19th anniversary as well.

There are many interesting things to discuss under aquamarine gemstone facts and therefore I will do it under few sub-sections,

  1. History of Aquamarine
  2. Mining Regions
  3. Color Varieties
  4. Physical Properties

Let’s go through one by one.

1.     History of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a gemstone which was used even by the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. Archeologists have found this gemstone in ancient Egyptian tombs. Greek artists used aquamarine in their art about 2000 years ago.

The gemstone was associated with the sea for a long time. Probably influenced by the color of the stone, Aquamarine was believed to be a treasure of mermaids.

Aquamarine was also popular among sailors as a talisman for protection and good luck in the sea and they believed it can protect them from sea sickness and shipwrecks. They have sometimes even thrown the stone into the sea when they were caught in a storm in order to calm the gods. Roman fisherman believed that aquamarine increases their fish harvest and they are the ones who gave the stone the name “aqua marina” meaning “water of the sea”.

An aquamarine found in Marambaya, Minas Gerais (Brazil) in 1910 weighing over 200 pounds is the largest ever recorded and it was later cut into thousands of pieces. The world famous “Dom Pedro Aquamarine” is the world’s largest faceted aquamarine and it is kept for display at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.

Take a look at that beauty in this video

Here is a picture of the same

image 2 : “Dom Pedro Aquamarine” kept in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History

There are many beliefs which surrounds this stone. One such belief is that, when the energy of the stone is deteriorated, it should be submerged in water and exposed to the full moon during the night. This will reenergize the aquamarine stone.


2.     Mining Regions of Aquamarine

The main country for mining of aquamarine is Brazil and mines are spread all across the country. Russian aquamarine deposit in the Ural Mountains was another famous one but seems like it has dried out.

Other commercially important mines are in Australia (Queensland), Myanmar (Burma), China, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe and United States.


image 3 : A beautiful aquamarine crystal

3.     Color Varieties

As the name of the stone suggests, aquamarine’s color is the sea water color in its all shades. The most desired and the most expensive color of aquamarine is a strong blue color ( Please refer to the video below).

The coloring agent of aquamarine is iron and there are two different types of iron found in aquamarine. Those are ferrous iron and ferric iron. The ferrous iron gives the nice blue color and ferric iron brings a green shade.

It is common to find raw aquamarine mixed with a green shade and since these are less expensive, it is a frequent practice to heat those aquamarine stones to 725 -800 degrees F ( 400-450 degrees C) to get the desired blue color.  If the heat goes beyond the limit, the stone can discolor.

There are certain aquamarine stones which appears as colorless in daylight but displays a beautiful color under the light.

Here is a great video by Geological Institute of America (GIA) which introduces several different color tones of aquamarine (different color shades are extremely important to be familiar with when learning aquamarine gemstone facts as it is a key factor in deciding the price of the stone or the jewelry).

Certain color varieties of aquamarine are called in different trade terms depending on the origin of stones.

Santa Maria – This is the trade term for the fine aquamarines which comes from Santa Maria mine in Ceara, Brazil.

Santa Maria Africana – This is the trade term for fine aquamarines from Mozambique and these are available in the market since 1991. The name is given since the quality of stones are equal to that of actual Brazilian Santa Maria aquamarine.

Maxxie – These aquamarines comes from the Maxxie mine in Minas Gerais (Brazil) and has a deep blue color which fades in daylight ( turns to a yellow green color). These stones are made more beautiful through irradiation but the color change does not last.

Although most available aquamarine stones are blue, there are greenish aquamarines as well. But in general, more the strength of green, lesser the price of the stone.


4.     Physical Properties

Physical properties are also an important aspect of aquamarine gemstone facts. I am going to summarize all the main properties of aquamarine in a table as that makes it easier to grasp all the information.

Mineral Type Beryl
Composition Be3Al2Si6O18
Mohs Hardness 7.5 to 8.0
Specific Gravity 2.72
Refractive Index 1.577-1.583
Pleochroism Strong ( colorless, light blue, blue, light green)
Crystal System Hexagonal
Cleavage Indistinct


Aquamarine is sensitive to pressure. Therefore good care must be give during cutting and jewelry making (the fact that aquamarine changes color when heated is also an important point to remember during jewelry making). But since the hardness is 7.5-8, the jewelry with aquamarine is suitable for everyday wear.

It is important to know that sometimes aquamarine can be confused with kyanite, blue topaz, tourmaline, zircon, eudase and glass imitations.  There aren’t any synthetic aquamarine but aquamarine colored synthetic spinel are sold in the trade occasionally.


Final Thoughts

I am a huge fan of nature and in particular, the sea. The sea brings the happiest version of me and I love anything which is connected with sea. The unique colors of aquamarine and the name of the stone always brings some amount of joy that sea gives me and hence I totally adore this magnificent gemstone.

I believe I managed to make you also love this stone at least a little bit and you learnt something new in the process.

Hope you liked this post and I would love to hear your thoughts and any questions you might have.



If you are looking to buy an aquamarine gemstone or a jewelry, this article might help you – “How to buy jewelry online ?” 

If you want to know more about the aquamarine stone meaning and its metaphysical healing properties, please refer to this article. – “Aquamarine Stone Meaning”


Prasiolite Gemstone Meaning – Powers and Benefits

Prasiolite Gemstone Meaning – Powers and Benefits


Also known as Green Amathyst, Prasiolite is indeed a beautiful gemstone. Its pale green color sometimes mixed with yellow provides a unique beauty to gemstone and jewelry lovers.  In this article, I am going to introduce the various aspects of prasiolite gemstone meaning including its meaning on personal and professional lives and emotional, physical  and spiritual healing powers and


About Prasiolite

Prasiolite belongs to the quartz gemstone family and hence it bears all the physical properties of the quartz family.  Most prasiolites which exists in the market today are heated amethyst. Natural prasiolite do exist but it is mined only in few locations.

When natural amethyst are heated to 500 degrees Celsius, its color changes from purple to pale green or yellow-green prasiolite.

Natural prasiolite or green amethyst came from a small mine in Brazil but the mine died out in February 2019. There is another small mine in Lower Silesia in Poland and prasiolite has also been found in an area called Thunder Bay in Canada.

image 1 : A Prasiolite crystal

Prasiolite Gemstone Meaning


Prasiolite is a stone which promotes one to be their selves and bring the best in themselves. It encourages individuality and uniqueness rather than being ordinary. Since there many aspects to prasiolite gemstone meaning, I will discuss those under few categories for your convenience.


Wealth and Business

Prasiolite takes away lethargy and infuse you with energy and eagerness especially when you meditate with the stone at the start of the day.

Hold it or keep it closely throughout the day as it will continue to provide you with enthusiasm and drive your commitment for work.  Keeping it on your desk helps you to improve productivity.

Prasiolite ensure high motivation level in new projects.

Since prasiolite helps to think clearly, it also helps to be target oriented and focused on the end goal. A clear mind also helps to see more income opportunities which can result in getting additional income streams.

Prasiolite brings good luck and prosperity. It has the power to attract wealth and abundance. As prasiolite helps to clear the mind, it helps clear your goals and bring the good luck to strive to those goals.

Taking away the negativity and clearing the mind has a positive effect in almost everything we do.  It helps immensely in staying focused on the mission and achieving objectives.

Its effect on your courage to express yourself and your ideas with confidence also has an immense positive effect on your work.

It makes you see yourself better and release your hidden potential by arousing your creativity and imagination. This will have a positive effect on all aspects of life including your thinking, work routine, habits, etc.

The stone doesn’t let you confine yourself to a comfort zone and inspires you to reach for your dreams.


Love and Relationships

Prasiolite effect on love and relationships is indeed a unique aspect of prasiolite gemstone meaning.

Prasiolite boosts your love and care for your family and close friends.

As it fuels the love in you, prasiolite will encourage you to find a partner if you were single for a long time. Since prasiolite fills you with joyful energies, it helps to attract suitable love energies.

Prasiolite boost self-confidence and it helps you to trust yourself more in relationships.    Being yourself makes others see the real you and this takes away a great deal of potential issues in a relationship.

Prasiolite removes negative energies and makes your emotions and thoughts positive which helps to maintain loving, joyful and strong relationships.

It makes the connections with the people stronger as the stone encourage us to live in the present moment.

Prasiolite helps you to control explosive emotions which prevent you from quarrels and fights.

It will help you improve your patience and empathy making you look at problems from different angels.  Understanding the reasons for your partners thinking and actions is invaluable for a great relationship.

As mentioned earlier, prasiolite helps to boost self-confidence and hence makes you love yourself more. When you love yourself, it is far easier to spread that love to others.

As prasiolite boosts self-confidence, in effect it helps to takes a decision and stand your ground in a relationship.


Emotional Healing Powers

The stone boosts self-confidence and self-belief. The stone continuously provides you with energy when kept close to you and improves your creativity.  Those who are suffering with depression will also benefit with prasiolite as it boots your trust in yourself.

It fuels fighting competitive energy to you persona.

We sometimes get stuck thinking only about the worst things that can happen and feel as if we are left only with negative energies. Prasiolite will help you to get rid of these negative energies and bring back confidence.

Prasiolite encourages us to take decisions without compromising your own well-being and to do what is good for you.  It also helps you to communicate your emotions better.

Prasiolite helps to focus on the things which actually matter with kindness.

It protects you from toxic negative forces that can help your mind and spirit and strengthen your emotions and determination.


Physical Healing Powers

Prasiolite helps the healing of nervous disorders.  It is also an excellent crystal for improving and retaining memory and gives the ability to think clearly.

These properties make the stone ideal for students and children as it will help them in their studies.

Prasiolite is good for muscle and joint pains. It is also good for relieving pains of Arthritis and bones.

The stone helps you to clean your body of toxins. It removes blockages and useful in treatments for ulcers, tumors and growths.

Prasiolite is also great for absorption of nutrients to your body and reducing stomach acid.


Spiritual Healing Powers

Prasiolite improves intuition. It will help you to see what lies ahead of you and help avoid possible dangers. It helps to open your spirituality to acquire skills such as clairvoyance.

It helps you to achieve a peaceful mind and calm your psyche. The “spirit of nature” like energy of prasiolite creates a deep connection between you and nature.

Prasiolite helps to connect spiritual and physical self and achieve higher spiritual levels.

image 2 : Some cut and polished Prasiolite gemstones

Final Thoughts

As a gemstone which is quite affordable, the benefits prasiolite brings is pretty awesome. I hope I covered prasiolite gemstone meanings well enough for you to get a good picture of the benefits of this great creation of nature.

I would love to hear your thoughts and any questions you may have.


p.s. You might also like this article if you are planning to buy prasiolite jewelry online.

“How to buy jewelry online ? ”








Green Tourmaline Benefits – Amazing Powers and Meaning

Green Tourmaline Benefits – Amazing Powers and Meaning

Green Tourmaline, probably nature’s best healing crystal of one’s physical heart, is widely known by most people as “Verdelite.” With its ability to channel its stored electrical energies into the center of you, it creates a flow of wholesome energy to all parts of your body and self.In this article, all you need to know about green tourmaline benefits will be discussed, Ranging from its healing powers to its origin, and its compositions.

Before that, I will discuss a bit of its history and some important other information about green tourmaline as it is always fascinating to know the background of the gemstones we love.


History of Green Tourmaline

Green tourmaline was first recorded more than 500 years ago. During an exploratory visit to Brazil by a Spanish conquistador in the 1500s, he found a green tourmaline crystal. Since tourmaline was not known by then, he considered this crystal to be an Emerald.  This crystal was tested in 1800’s and only then that these scientist found it to be a tourmaline.

Green tourmaline got it reputation as a gemstone mostly after 1876, when the famous New York based jewelry store Tiffany and Co. bought a green tourmaline from the famous American mineralogist George Kunz. Popularity of the stone rapidly increased after this.

The Dutch brought the tourmalines to Europe in 1700’s from Sri Lanka but the colors of those stones are not recorded. Tourmaline name is also is derived from the Sinhalese ( The main language in Sri Lanka)  word “turamali,” which translates to mean “mixed color Gem”

The best quality of green tourmaline gemstone is known to be produced in Brazil. Hence, the Green Tourmaline is widely known or called Brazilian Emeralds, although the name is a misnomer.

image 1 : A Green Tourmaline Crystal

Properties and Composition of Green Tourmaline

Green Tourmaline is part of a very diverse family of borosilicate aluminum combined with magnesium, iron, or other metals. Depending on the proportions of its components, tourmaline takes different colors like pink, red, yellow, brown, black, green, blue, or violet . Its colorful, thick, and columnar or vertically striated crystal may be long and slender and are triangular in cross-sections being transparent or opaque.

The green color in this gemstone is gotten from the impurities in chromium. Exposing the green tourmaline to sunlight brightens it hence making them look outstanding.

One of the tourmaline’s most distinctive properties is its ability to become electrically charged by simply rubbing vigorously with the palm or by heating it directly.

When charged, one of it ends becomes positively charged, while the other end takes the negative charge, allowing it to attract to itself light papers and dust. These properties were well known in the 1700s by the Dutch traders who made use of the tourmaline to remove ash from their meerschaum pipes, calling the stone “ash puller” or Aschentrekker.

As per geographical occurrences, green tourmaline is typically mined in Brazil, Namibia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Here is a great video which shows the cutting and polishing of a rough green tourmaline stone.

Green Tourmaline Benefits

Because green tourmaline is the masculine counterpart to the feminine heart energies of pink tourmaline, it enhances courage, strength, vitality, and stamina. It commands spiritual vibrations that harmonize perfectly with the earth’s energy as it opens the heart chakra and stirs up a strong resonance with divine love.

I am going to highlight all the other green tourmaline benefits under few main categories as it will help you to digest and remember.


Wealth and Work Related Benefits of Green Tourmaline

Green Tourmaline attracts success, abundance, luck, and prosperity to its wearer. It inspires your creativity and maybe used to create and cause your life goal to come to manifestation.

If you are a low-income earner, it will create an opportunity for a second stream of income. It will do this by turning your interest and hobby into a profitable business where you can get paid.


Emotional Benefits

If you are a female with emotional problems associated to a father figure in your life or other male forces, green tourmaline will help you get rid of them in lesser time than expected.

Many can attest to the fact that the green tourmaline is an emotional healer. It can heal you if you suffer from psychological sickness.


Health Benefits of Green Tourmaline

( Note : These benefits are not an alternative to professional health care advice. You may use these benefits together with other prescribed medication in order support the healing process)

As mentioned earlier, green tourmaline is an excellent gemstones for vibrational healing of the heart.

Green tourmaline is a stone of strength and energy. It is great for anyone who requires to do heavy physical activities on a regular basis such as athletes, those who are doing jobs which requires heavy work and soldiers.

The green Tourmaline strengthens your sense of smell. It can also improve your perception of pheromones, which produces an aphrodisiac effect.

The stone is great to get a peaceful sleep as it helps to keep a quite mind. It can also help someone who is suffering from claustrophobia (fear of being stuck in a closed place without escape).

Green tourmaline may also assist you in restoring the shine and luster of your hair and nails.

image 2 : A beautiful ring made out of a Green Tourmaline

Chakra Energy

As a green crystal, green tourmaline activates the heart chakra which is located right in the center of the chest.

Chakra energy effects of green tourmaline are the same as for Moldavite which we discussed here. Therefore I am not going to repeat the same points in this article but I hope you will refer to the Moldavite benefits article because the Chakra energy related benefits are quite important.


Spiritual Benefits of Green Tourmaline

Spiritual benefits are another important aspect of green tourmaline benefits. The green tourmaline metaphysical properties promote compassion, particularly towards one’s self. With its delightful green color, the tourmaline will connect you to earth and get you attached to the vibration of Mother Gaia ( ancestral mother of life ).

It may be used to commune with nature’s spirits in meditation, and to connect with the spirits of animals and plants physically. The rejuvenating ability of the green tourmaline makes it the most favorable and adorable of all the green life-giving stones.

Green tourmaline also improves the strength and cleanses the nervous system enabling it to carry a greater amount of spiritual energy. The higher the energy your physical body carries, higher the level of consciousness you maintain. The stone is great to close the holes in your aura which exposes you to negativity.

This gemstone provides you with full protection during ritual work. Because it’s a shamanic stone, it can be used for scrying (foretell the future). It was also used in past times to point out the cause of a problem or an offender and also to show you the right direction in which way to move.


Industrial Uses

Green tourmalines are highly regarded for performing TV and radio transmissions as electric tuning circuits. Because they are of high durability, high frequencies can be passed through them without shattering.


Final Thoughts

As you may realize by now, there are so many green tourmaline benefits spanned across many areas. I hope I managed to give you a fairly decent overall understanding of those benefits and you are now more enlighten about this wonderful gemstone than before.

You might be looking to buy a green tourmaline stone or a jewelry by now and you may find some useful information here ( How to buy jewelry online ? ) to do it online.


Black Sapphire Meaning – Beliefs, Benefits and Powers

Black Sapphire Meaning – Believes, Benefits and Powers



The Corundum Group has so many mineral varieties with different colors, which Black Sapphire is one of them. It was in the habit of the ancient men, to refer to only blue gemstone as sapphires. But presently the corundum varieties of all colors are considered as sapphires except for red color which categorized as Ruby.

As sapphires are adored by so many gemstone lovers, I will go through black sapphire meaning in this article. I will also share some background information and physical properties of sapphire as well.


About Sapphires

Sapphire, in general, is known as the stone of wisdom. It has its focus making the mind free from unwanted thoughts and mental tension. It aligns the spiritual, mental, and physical planes while restoring the balance within your body. Place it to touch the body, where it’s appropriate or especially on your fingers. As known already, there are many colors in sapphires with each having its specific properties such as the black sapphire.

More benefits of sapphires are discussed in this article – “Meaning of Sapphire


Black Sapphire Meaning

Black sapphire is yet another amazing gemstone when it comes to the metaphysical meanings and powers. I will discuss black sapphire meaning under several sub categories so that it is easier to digest all the information.

Emotional Benefits

Black sapphire is also a stone of courage, providing the strength to continue and go beyond unattainable height, and strengthening your ambition. Black sapphire gives you unlimited access to the right information that will allow you to grow.

The black sapphire is a protective gemstone which also helps you to focus. It installs confidence in you.

Black sapphire protects you almost always and keeps you very far away from things that will hurt you and cause you sadness. It will also help you to maintain mental and physical control over your life.

This gemstone will attract the power of light and healing towards your path. It will make its transformation very possible, and also strengthen your purpose of life. Nevertheless, the black sapphire will guide you in your journey through the long river of taking care of every step you make for the better.

Black Sapphire, will keep you calm in bad situations and keep you away from chaotic people. It is the excellent crystal against panic, especially if you are oversensitive to others’ quarrels or during times when almost everything goes in the wrong direction, and you have no way of putting things right. It guides your instinct in determining what and if anything can be done to right the wrongs that have been done.

The black sapphire stone, serves as a shield against bullies and unnecessary anger from other people, protecting you against fear and intimidation. It establishes boundaries to one’s self and calmness to your strength, giving you the courage to walk out from ill matters without hesitating.

If you have a very stressful carrier or task at hand, wearing the Black Sapphire will help you ease the stress especially those dealing with human tragedy, such as the armed forces or rescue services to divert negativity, shock, sorrow and horror and to help you deal with most complicated matters more compassionately. It will also help you relate to the need for sick or terminally ill people primarily if you work with them, without becoming over-empathetic and taking on their symptoms and sorrows.

image 2 : Two identical black sapphires

Physical Healing Energy

( Note- Information provided below should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice. You should use the power of gemstone together with the medication provided by doctors)

Black sapphire is great to relive pains and especially useful in healing wounds and trauma from an accident.  This is also helpful in stopping excessive bleeding and also removing any blockages in the blood circulation system such as clots. It helps in the treatment of blood related illnesses by improving the strength and elasticity of veins.

Black sapphire is also good in the treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Stone can be used in treatments to ulcers and boils and also to calm overactive body parts.


Chakra Healing and Balancing with Black Sapphire

Black sapphire activates the Base or the Root Chakra which is located at the end of the spine. This controls our awareness of body parts and their movement, also known as kinesthetic feeling.

Root chakra is also the key to balancing both physical energy and spiritual energy.  We feel lethargic and sluggish when physical energy is out of balanced. The moods changes quickly and feels distant from reality when the spiritual energy is out of balance.   A balanced root chakra give physical energy as well as psychological power which leads to being independent and ignite situational leadership.

Black sapphire is great when you want to eliminate the negative forces and energies of the chakras and the aura, which is acting as a reminder field of total responsibility of your thoughts and feelings. This gemstone goes beyond, allowing you to understand and assume your responsibility and gives you excellent guidance and acceptance.


Industrial Uses of Black Sapphire

Because of the hardness of this gemstone (black Sapphire) second to Diamond, they are used in different industries for different applications such as components for watch crystal and movement bearings, high durability windows, scientific instruments, and insulating substrate is particular purpose solid-state electronics.


A Bit of Background to Black Sapphire

Black Sapphire, a variety of Corundum (aluminum oxide mineral) that forms in prismatic tabular, bipyramidal crystal, as well as a massive habit or granular, and maybe either opaque or translucent. It almost always comes in the form of a brownish-black or black. It, in rare cases, can come in different colors like dark green, gray, or dark brown.

The name Corundum is an Indian name that is derived from the Sanskrit kround and applied to massive opaque gem, which is generally a dull color. With its exception being Red Corundum, that is Ruby, all other colors are certainly Sapphires.


How to Use Black Sapphire

Wearing the black sapphire is the best way to unleash all the benefits and power of the stone. Ring and pendants are good options and black sapphire is also a very popular choice for engagement rings. Normal rings and pendants are also

image 2 : An engagement ring done using a Black Sapphire

Final Thoughts

Black sapphire is, of course, a powerful and protective gemstone, which will go any length to help you to remain on top of things.  I believe I  shed you some light on black sapphire meaning.

Please let me know your thoughts and also any question you may have.



Where is Alexandrite Found ? – Geographical Occurrences and Mines

Where is Alexandrite Found ? – Geographical Occurrences and Mines


The color changing gemstone Alexandrite is one of the rarest gemstones in the world. It is a variety of the chysoberyl mineral. The main reason for Alexandrite to be so famous is that it shows different colors during the day and during the night.  During the day its color is a bluish green or green and during the night ( that is in an incandescent light) its color is red or a purplish red.

Alexandrite is a stone which was cherished thought the history due to its extraordinary properties.  In this article, I will go in to more details such as the history of alexandrite, where is alexandrite found, the colors of alexandrite and so on.  I will hopefully be able to provide answers to your important questions regarding this magnificent gemstone.

Here is a good video which shows the different colors of alexandrite.

History of Alexandrite

The Swedish mineralogist Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld first discovered Alexandrite in the Russian Ural Mountains during the early 1830’s.  The stone was named Alexandrite after the young Czar Alexander II who later became the emperor of Russia. This naming itself created a royal personality to Alexandrite.

Since the stone had both red and green, the colors of the imperial Russian flag, alexandrite became the national stone of imperial Russia (i.e. before 1917)


Where is Alexandrite found?

Russia still remains as one of the best quality alexandrite producers. Apart from Russia, Alexandrite is now mined in Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, Tanzania and some other countries.

I am going to provide details only about these major countries where alexandrite is found. There are few countries where alexandrite is found but not up to the required quality or quantity. I will mention this list as well but won’t go into details.

Let’s go through the list of main countries one by one.



Emerald is a main gemstone mined in Russia and Alexandrite is generally a byproduct of that.  Alexandrite production in Russia depleted in the 20th century as mining focus shifted to beryllium. Production came to a halt in 1991 with the fall of Soviet Union and now there are new efforts to increase the production again.

The main mines in Russia are Mariinskoye, Sretenskoye, Cheremshanskoye and Krasnobolotnoye.

Sretenskoye is the mine where emeralds in Russia were discovered and Krasnobolotnoye is where outstandingly beautiful alexandrites were discovered in 1839.  Out of all the mines, historically,  Mariinskoye was the largest mining location.


Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is one of the most famous gem producing countries in the world. Different types of gems are mined in many different parts of this island nation. Some of the popular gem-bearing areas are

  1. Ratnapura district in in the Sabaragamuwa province
  2. Okkampitiya in Uva province
  3. Elahera Central province
  4. Kataragama in Southern Province


In addition to these, Morawaka area in the Southern province is where crysoberyl was reported mostly although I couldn’t find any reports of finding alexandrite there. . Alexandrite was first reported in Sri Lanka in 1923 and there was a good supply till late 1980’s when it dropped.

Sri Lankans alexandrite however does not have that magnificent bluish green and the purplish red Russian and Brazilian alexandrite have. Both green and the red in Sri Lankan alexandrite is slightly brownish making it less desirable.  The color change is also not as strong as Russian and Brazilian alexandrite. But significantly large alexandrites are reported from Sri Lanka. Even a single gemstone weighing up to 600 carats was reported.



Nearly 95% of the chrysoberyl and cat’s eye chrysoberyl found in Minas Gerais, Brazi is from Americana and Santana valleys located close to the city of Padre Paraiso in the the Teófilo Otoni–Marambaia pegmatite districts. Alexandrite was also mined in these locations but high quality stones were rare. Malacacheta region in the northeast of Minas Gerais state produced most Alexandrites from Brazil from 1975 to 1988. The famous Brazilian alexandrite mine, Lavra Hematita was discovered in 1987. This mine has produced a large amount of high quality alexandrites and it is still functioning.

The stones found here are bigger in size and also cleaner than the alexandrites found in Malacacheta.  Faceted gemstones with brilliant color change up to 30 cts were reported from this area.  Bahia and Espirito Santo states located adjacent to Lavra de Hematita also produces alexandrite but with lesser quality in terms of size, color, clarity, etc.

Since the alexandrite supply from Russia and Sri Lanka depleted by late 1980’s, these mines made Brazil the number 1 alexandrite supplier of the world.

Alexandrites produced in Brazil demonstrate a distinct color change that is equally good as the Russian alexandrite. But the Brazilian stones have better clarity and larger in size. Availability of Brazilian alexandrites are also higher than their Russian counterparts.



In India, Alexandrite is found in the same regions where chrysoberyls are mined. Those are Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh.

Most Alexandrites found in India shows weak color change compared to Russian and Brazilian ones. But high quality stones which are as good as Russian and Brazilian ones are also found occasionally.



In Tanzania, Alexandrite is found in Lake Manyara in the north and Tunduru in the south. Alexandrite from Lake Manyara were in the market from 1960’s to early 1980’s. Alexandrite found in Tunduru was first reported in 1996.

Both emerald and alexandrite were found in a place called Mayoka situated next to Manyara National park in early 2000’s, but mining was stopped later in the same year due to environmental concerns.


Other locations

Are there any other locations where alexandrite is found? The answer is yes. But those locations produce either a small quantity of alexandrite or the quality is not generally good.

Those countries are are Madagascar, Myanmar, Australia, United States and Zambia.

image 2 : Alexandrite mining locations around the world – source (www.gia.edu)

Wrap Up

As one of the most beautiful and rarest gemstones in the world, alexandrite is truly a special gemstone.Even though the gemstone is popular, accurate geological information about where alexandrite is found is not easy to find.

This is the main reason why I wrote the article and hope it helped you to get some new knowledge. I would love to hear your thoughts as well and any question you may have.


Source : GEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN DETERMINATIONOF ALEXANDR by Ziyin Sun, Aaron C. Palke, Jonathan Muyal, Dino DeGhionno, and Shane F. McClure 

If you are planning to buy an alexandrite stone or a jewelry with alexandrite, this article here will help you to do it online, “How to buy jewelry online ? “

Moldavite Healing Powers – A Stone from Space

Moldavite Healing Powers – A Stone from Space

Moldavite has captured the love of many people around the world for generations. One of the main reasons for this could be the fact that the origin of the stone is from a meteorite which collided with the earth 14.7 million years ago. The stone’s unique beauty is of course another reason.

The purpose of this article is to discuss Moldavtie healing powers. I am also going to discuss a bit of history along with its physical and chemical properties.


The Facinating History of Moldavite


Moldavite is a tektite, a large group of impact glass formed as a result of a meteorite colliding the earth and subsequent melting of the surrounding rocks.

The impact is believed to have happened in the Ries crater in Germany. A giant fireball created with the impact sprayed this molten rocks around the areas which is now the Czech Republic and some parts of Germany.

The stone was first discovered near the Vltava river in Czech Republic. The German name for this river is “Moldau” and the German name for the nearby Bohemian city where the discovery was made is “Moldauthein”. This is where the name “Moldavite” comes from.

A professor for Natural history by the name Dr. Josef Myer, who worked in the Charles University in Prague in the late 1700s is accredited with the discovery of Moldavite.

Although he thought it to be a variation of Beryl, centuries later, the real history and nature of Moldavite was brought into light.

Moldavite crystal in the context of Moldavite healing powers
image 1 : A Moldavite Crystal

Moldavite Healing Powers

With that bit of fascinating history, let’s now move into the main purpose of this article, which is discussing Moldavite healing powers. Since there are many healing powers associated with Moldavite, I will break it down to subsections.

  1. Physical Healing Powers
  2. Emotional Healing Powers
  3. Chakra Healing Powers
  4. Spiritual Healing Powers

Let’s go through the list one by one.

(*Note -These healing powers should not be used as an alternative for professional health advice. It should be used with other medication you use as a support stone.)

1. Physical Healing Powers

Moldavite has the ability to highlight the cause of an illness and hence it is useful in the diagnosis process. Once the treatments have started, the stone helps the cell growth and healing process The stone contains high vibrational energy which makes the cells to return to the original positions by cleaning blocked areas.

Moldavite has a great positive effect on the aging of the body. It slows down the aging by encouraging self-satisfaction and fulfillment. Brain cells also have a positive effect where it will ensure smooth flow of electrical impulses. Moldavites slows the mental aging process as well and improves memory.

Moldavtite will help you to overcome allergies as well. If you are suffering from various types of allergies, this is one of the best stones you can use.

Many green stones are good for the eye so as Moldavite. It is believed to be good in treating illnesses in the respiratory system.

image 2 : A Moldavite Crystal

2. Emotional Healing Powers

Moldavite has a very special emotional healing powers with regard to the heart. Most us have certain aspects buried deep inside ourselves which we should focus on unearthing. Moldavite helps us to reach out to those, identify what matters, make us understand the importance and merge with our existing selves. It also helps to get rind of those unnecessary or evil aspects buried inside.

The stone also creates a better relationship with the heart and mind where it enables us to use our intelligence with kindness, forgiveness, sympathy and empathy.

Moldavite helps those who are always skeptic about others actions. It helps to come up with creative solutions in financially troublesome times and hence helps to forget worries.

The stone is useful for those who have relatively sensitive hearts to cope up with grief and strong emotions.


3. Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is another important aspect of Moldavite healing powers. Being a green crystal, Moldavite activates the heart chakra. Heart chakra is responsible for regulating our interactions with the world. It helps us to retain ourselves without getting overly influenced by the external environment as it controls what we accept and reject. An unbalanced heart chakra can result in we being controlled by the external world or trying to overly control it.

Moldavite also activates the Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Third Eye chakra is the one which controls our consciousness. It is through this chakra that our mind comprehends the world and relate to us. A balanced Third Eye chakra makes us open to creative, innovative and even seemingly unachievable things.

Crown chakra is linked to our intellect and spirituality. Our thought process and reactions to the world is controlled by this chakra. When it is balanced, we see the reality of the world better which leads to a stable and fulfilled life.


4. Spiritual Healing

Moldavite helps to protect our aura from negative energies providing spiritual protection. It also helps in meditation by making us more sensitive to intuition.

Here is a video where someone who used the stone speaking about his experience.


Best Ways to Use Moldavite

Use Moldavite in a way that the energies are close to you. Carrying or wearing will be great with this stone. Any type of jewelry which you can comfortably wear will be good.

Keeping it in the place you work or even at home will be great as the stone can make use of the wood energy as well.

Using it accurately will help to maximize Moldavite healing powers.

Physical Properties

Some of the main physical properties are capture in the below table.

Chemical Composition A silica rich glass
Color Predominantly Green, Sometime mixed with yellow or brown
Streak White
Luster Vitreous
Hardness 5 – 5.5
Refractive Index 1.48 – 1.54
Specific Gravity 2.32 – 2.38
Pleochroism Absent
Chemical Compositions SiO2 (Al2O3)


Wrap Up

Moldavite is indeed a special stone given its origin. It is a stone which gained much popularity lately and it will continue to amaze its fans.

This article was to discuss Modavite healing properties as it is a topic of interest for many. I hope you liked it and managed to learn something new. Would love to hear your comments and also please let me know any questions you might have.


P.S. – If you are interested in buying a Moldavite stone or a jewelry, check out this post “How to buy jewelry online” which might give you some tips.

Ametrine Facts –  Characteristics and Properties

Ametrine Facts –  Characteristics and Properties


Ametrine is a gemstone which is extremely popular among many gemstone and jewelry lovers. It is one of the most beautiful and sort after bi-color gemstones. Given its beauty, the price you pay for an ametrine is also extremely reasonable compared with some other gemstones.

I am going to go through some very interesting ametrine facts in this article. It is going to cover a bit of background, chemical and physical properties as well as valuing an ametrine.

Let’s get started.



Quartz is a mineral which is used in many of the objects we come in contact with on a day-to-day basis. Much of this is mined from sand, but quartz crystals used in jewelry are often found projecting from cave walls or inside the geodes. Ametrine, a variety of quartz crystal, goes by a variety of names.

Firstly, Ametrine itself is a composite of the words Amethyst and Citrine. The word order is interchangeable, where it is also known as Amethyst-Citrine but also Citrine-Amethyst. Furthermore, it is also known as trystine, golden amethyst, and bolivianite, a nod to its historical roots and the location of the largest commercial mine.

It is this combination of two distinct quartz crystals that makes this gem so desirable. A good gem distinctly displays the hues of both amethysts and citrine, giving it a stunning and unique look.


Characteristics of Ametrine

Ametrine is a variety of quartz crystal, otherwise known as Silicon Dioxide (SiO₂). You are probably familiar with quartz although you may not be aware of it. The shiny flecks in sand at the beach are small amounts of quartz.

What makes quartz valuable as jewelry are the varieties that occur with the inclusion of additional elements. In the case of Ametrine, Amethyst, and Citrine,  that element is iron (Fe).

The distinct color differences are due to the oxidation states of the iron, with un-oxidized iron in Amethysts resulting in purple and oxidized iron in Citrine resulting in orange coloring. Ametrine contains iron in both oxidized and unoxidized states.


Technical Ametrine Facts

Some useful technical ametrine facts are summarized in the table below.

Chemical Composition Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
Hardness 7
Refractive Index 1.544 – 1.553
Specific Gravity 2.63 – 2.65
Crystal System Hexagonal
Dispersion 0.013
Pleochroism Amethyst side – weak to moderate ( Reddish to purplish red)

Citrine side – very weak (yellow/orange)

Critical Angle 40.490
Cleavage None
Luster Vitreous
Fracture Conchoidal
Treatment Not common to find treated Ametrine

Below is an image of a rough ametrine stone.

showing a rough ametrine in the context of ametrine facts
image 1 : A rough (uncut) ametrine gemstone

Value of an Ametrine Gemstone

Like other gemstones, an Ametrine’s value is primarily determined from four basic criteria (the four C’s): color, cut, clarity, and the carat weight. An additional factor that increases the value of Ametrine, are the gradients of color that highlight the beauty of the gem.


Color (Hues, Saturation, and Tone)

When it comes to the color of an ametrine gemstone, the most desirable gems are those that show a medium-dark to relatively strong orange, and rich to strong purple. When the boundaries between the colors are distinct, arresting and intriguing patterns can emerge. There is a myriad of possible patterns with the more distinct and rare the pattern, the greater the value of the gem. Larger gemstones over five carats tend to show the most intensely saturated hues.



The cut of an Ametrine gemstone has a great impact on the appearance of the gem and the way it plays with light. The cut of this gemstone varies greatly due to the varied delineations of the hues within the gem.

One of the most popular and impressive cuts used is emerald or regular step cut. This style is impressive because it effectively displays the bicolor effect. However, many connoisseurs seek out imaginative and fantasy cuts to highlight the beauty of the stone. Cutters attempt to use internal reflections to mix and bring out the internal colors within the gem.



When it comes to clarity, the majority of multi-faceted  Ametrine on the market is eye-clean, meaning that it does not have any inclusions visible to the naked eye.


Carat Weight

The carat weight (1 carat equals 200 milligrams) for Ametrine is the same for any other gemstone. The greater the carat weight, the greater the value of the gem. One thing to consider, as the carat weight increases, the price of the gemstone increases exponentially. When it comes to Ametrine, the carat weight is especially important as the larger stones tend to have the most intense and vivid colors.


Additional Factors Affecting Value

Although the value of an Ametrine gemstone is primarily determined by the 4 C’s there is one contributing factor that further determines value.



Ametrine gemstones as naturally occurring gems, come in a wide variety of looks. The gradient of color varies from gem to gem, resulting in a myriad of possible designs. These gradient patterns vary from bi-colored gems to fractal patterns and blended regions. Cutters use their skills to highlight these unique gradient patterns.



Along with Citrine and Amethysts, Ametrine may be subjected to treatment. In the case of Amethysts, heat treatment is used to remove unwanted brown inclusions in the gem as well as lightening overly dark gems. Furthermore, this treatment is used to convert some forms of Amethyst into Citrine.

Heat treatment and beta-irradiation are used to modify the color gradient in Ametrine as well as increasing the saturation of the gem.


Synthetic and Artificial Ametrine

Synthetic and artificial Ametrine is available on the market. But these are generally not created from raw material, due to the plentiful nature of the component quartz material. Instead, Amethysts and Citrine gems are treated with differential heat treatment and beta-irradiation to create Ametrine.

Synthetic Ametrine (lab-grown) in the low range of the market may have properties not found in naturally occurring gems. This includes color variations of green-yellow and/or golden-blue.


Mining of Ametrine

The only commercial Ametrine mine in the world at present is the Anahi mine located in a remote area of southeastern Bolivia. Here, naturally occurring Citrine, Amethyst, and Ametrine are mined in quantities found nowhere else on the planet. However, there are other smaller mines located throughout the world.


The Fascinating History and Lore of Ametrine

I will not do justice to the topic “Ametrine Facts” if I do not share this historical story of how ametrine was found.

According to legend, the Anahi mine was “discovered” during the 1600s by a Spanish conquistador who made contact with the local Ayoreo tribe. The daughter of the chieftain fell in love with the conquistador and obtained her father’s permission to marry. As a dowry, the chieftain bestowed a mine on the conquistador that produced beautiful bi-colored gems. The conquistador, being more preoccupied with gold silver and other contemporary valuable treasures, did not pay much attention to these gems.

When the conquistador decided to return to Spain, the princess Anahi, although torn between the love for her tribe and love for her husband, ultimately decided to follow him. Enraged, the tribesmen conspired to kill the conquistador to prevent him from leaving. The princess, however, warned him and they fled.

During a confrontation, the princess Anahi was injured by her people which ultimately led to her death. Dying of her wounds, Anahi placed a stone from the mine in the conquistador’s hand, remarking that it was a token of her eternal love. As she died in his arms, he noticed the bi-colored aspect of the stone and remarked on the perfectly blended purple and orange coloring which represented the princess’s love for her people and her husband.

Returning to Spain, the conquistador, introduced the gem to Europe and presented several specimens to his queen. Thereafter, the mine was lost for more than three centuries until it was rediscovered in the 1960s. It is from this legendary princess that the mine takes its name.

Here is video of the Anhi mine in Bolivia.

Wrap Up

 Anyone that sees this brilliant gemstone and the many beautiful varieties that it takes will be eager to learn more ametrine facts.

The brilliant colors, the captivating designs, and last but not least, the romantic legend surrounding its introduction to the larger world, all come together to fulfill the requirements of treasure in an adventure story.

I hope I managed to provide you with some useful knowledge and would love to hear some comments from you. Also, please shoot any question you might have.


If you are thinking about buying one of of these wonderful stones or a jewelry made of it, this article might give you some tips to do it online.

How to buy jewelry online ?