Smoky Quartz Stone Meaning – Its Awesome Benefits for You

Smoky Quartz Stone Meaning – Its Awesome Benefits for You

Smoky quartz is another variation in the quartz family of minerals. Its color can range from light yellowish brown to very dark brown (almost black). Very dark variation is sometimes called “morion” or “caingorm” and in 1873, J.S. Dana, introduced the term “Smoky Quartz” to the world. Other than the color, all variations of quartz such as amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz and citrine bears the same physical properties. You can find more technical information on smoky quartz here.

Since smoky quartz is found in abundance, it is relatively inexpensive (deposits are found in Brazil, Russia, Madagascar, Scotland, Ukraine and Switzerland). Even though it is an inexpensive stone, smoky quartz bears many important metaphysical properties. Smoky quartz is also the birthstone for the month of June.

Hence, I am going to discuss smoky quartz stone meaning in this article along with some of its historical beliefs.

image 1 : Orange-brown smoky quartz

Historical Beliefs of Smoky Quartz

Ancient Druds believed that smoky quartz symbolized the great dark power of earth gods and goddesses.  Celts, who mined smoky quartz around 300 B.C. in the Cairngorm Mountains of the Scottish highlands, used smoky quartz in the handles of their weaponry as they believed smoky quartz to be a “power stone”. Many other civilizations used smoky quartz in their traditional ceremonies, truth saying and other forms of rituals.

Smoky quartz was also use by Dr. John Dee, Queen Elizabeth I’s astrologer, to connect with spirits of the lowers worlds.

Even to date, many around the world consider smoky quartz to be capable of absorbing a large amount of negative energy from the environment and releasing to the earth.


Smoky Quartz Stone Meaning

As already mentioned, smoky quartz contains a number of benefits which spans across many areas. Therefore, I will discuss the smoky quartz stone meaning under the following subtopics.

  1. Emotional and Transformational Power
  2. Healing Powers
  3. Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits
  4. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing Benefits

When going through these benefits, you will also see how some of these benefits are interconnected.


1. Emotional and Transformational Meaning for Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz absorbs negative energy. Holding the stone helps to release stress, anxiety, panic attacks, negative thoughts and worries. It also provides support to get through difficult time with composure.

Smoky quartz is a talisman which provides security against robbers. It also protects the vehicles and passengers from human error accidents and mechanical breakdowns. People use car charms and other decorative ornaments made for vehicles to protect themselves from accidents and other mechanical issues. The power of smoky quartz to relive stress also helps during long drives.

Smoky quartz is a powerful stone in making you more connected with the environment. If you are a nature lover or a person working closely with the nature, this stone will help you to better resonate with nature.

Another unique benefit of smoky quartz is that it helps to reduce the urge to smoke, gradually. If you are trying to quit smoking, this stone will aid support in your course. It also helps to relieve withdrawal symptoms such as anger and tension.

Stone is believed to help those who are frustrated with living and tends to be suicidal. It helps the mind to resonate with the body better. The stone will help to get to the core of the problem without getting carried away with negative emotions.

2. Healing Powers

(Note : Information provided here shall not be considered as an alternative for professional medical advice)

Healing power is another important area in smoky quartz stone meaning.

It is a stone capable of improving the core stability of the body and reduces healing failures from happening.

Smoky quartz carries the properties of quartz and hence it can be used in treatments where other types of quartz are used. Such as, treatments of kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands and other organs involved in elimination processes as energy of quartz is used to remove toxins from the body.

Smoky quartz is also believed to aid in the proper flow of fluids in the body and the absorption and digestion process of minerals.

As an irradiated stone by nature, the energy of smoky quartz is used by crystal healers to counter the impact of radiation. These includes side effects of medical radiation such as chemotherapy, accidental exposure to radioactive substances, sun burn, etc.

Smoky quartz is used to treat tensions in shoulders and back, muscle cramps and chronic pains. The stone is also used in the treatments of abdomen issues, hips and legs.

The stone is believed to benefit the respiratory system by protecting pulmonary tracts and regeneration of bronchi.  In addition, smoky quartz benefits the reproductive system and tissues of the muscles and nerves.

It is even believed to reduce the effect of electromagnetic waves from power lines, WiFi and other electronic devices, which in effect helps to remove the negative health effects caused by those.

image 2 : Sterling Silver Ring with an Emerald Cut Smoky Quartz

3. Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits

As with all dark stones, smoky quartz also helps to absorb negative energies from home and work place as well. It takes out bad moods and strong words between employees which affects their emotions. It provides protections against talking behind the back and harassment from colleagues or superiors.

The stone provides support to achieve your goals and dreams. It stimulates logical and practical thinking and helps to become an analytical and organized person.

Smoky quartz stone helps to improve your focusing abilities and survival instincts. It is a good stone to have with you if your work involves traveling in dangerous environments and also if you are going on an adventurous camping trip.

The stone is also good to overcome challenges in communications, be it with one person or in a group.

4. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

When it comes to chakra and crystal healing, smoky quartz is believed to be one of the best to stimulate and cleanse the root (base) chakra.  It is also used to guide energy from the upper chakras to the root chakra.

Root chakra is located at the bottom of the back born and it is the underpinning chakra for the spiritual and physical energy of a person. Both physical powers and mental strength increases when the root chakra is in balance.

image 3 : Sterling Silver Smoky Quartz Ring

Final Thoughts

Since smoky quartz is a stone which possesses a number benefits, discussing smoky quartz stone meaning was the main intention of this article. I hope you liked the information about all different benefits of smoky quartz such as emotional benefits, healing power, chakra energies, etc.

If you did like this article, it would be great if you can leave a comment and share in your social groups. Please also let me know any questions you might have.

Last but not least, here is a great video which shows a group of miners going in search for smoky quartz.



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Prasiolite Gemstone Meaning – Powers and Benefits

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Beryl Stone Meaning – Its Amazing Benefits and Powers

Beryl Stone Meaning – Its Amazing Benefits

Beryl is a silicate mineral with several varieties. The basic composition of beryl is Be3Al2Si6O18  but it comes in a variety of colors due to minor changes in trace elements. For example, the pink color of Morganite is from the element Manganese. Various types of beryl are found in different parts of the world such as Brazil, Russia, Sri Lanka, USA, Pakistan, Madagascar and Colombia. Emerald, Aquamarine, Heliodor, Bixbite, Goshenite and Morganite are all beryl variations. ( More technical details of beryl can be found here )

When it comes to metaphysical properties of beryl, each and every individual variation has its own meaning but there are common benefits of beryl in general as well. The objective of this article is to discuss the beryl stone meaning and meanings of other variations are separately discussed.  (Check Emerald and aquamarine stone benefits)

image 1 : 1. golden beryl crystal, 2. heliodore. 3. emerald, 4. aquamarine, 5. morganite (light color)

Beryl Stone Meaning

The beryl stone meaning has been used for thousands of years for many purposes. As always, I will discuss the powers of this stone under separate sub categories for the ease of reading and grasping the content. Since I found the legendary powers of beryl very interesting, I will start with that and continue to other areas.  So the order of the content will be,

  1. Legendary Power
  2. Healing Power
  3. Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits
  4. Love and Relationship Benefits

Let’s go through one by one.

1. Legendary Power of Beryl

Plyni was a Roman author and a naturalist who wrote books about the legendary power of gemstones. According to him, Indian craftsman back in the day, used to cut the beryl into elongated hexagons and laced it with the bristles of elephants. They might have done this to use it in their sacred mystic activities.

It was believed that a spirit who occupy beryl can be summoned for soothsaying. It was used for protection against the storm god as a part of rain magic.

For thousands of years, beryl has represented immortality and happiness. Emerald, which is a variation of beryl, was a symbol of eternal life in the ancient Egyptian civilization. It was also used in celebrating the dead.

Beryl was used in the practice of communicating with the dead souls. Albertus Magnus, a magician from the twelfth century, claimed that beryl can be used against evil spirits but it will lose this strength if it touches a dead body.

You might be surprised to hear that even the British royals in the Middle Ages used the power of crystals. Dr. John Dee, the astrologer of Queen Elizabeth the 1st, used a beryl in his super natural activities. Beryl was famous as a crystal to be used in predictions and seeing things during that period. Even today, in the chakra systems, beryl is considered a stone to stimulate the third eye chakra.

The sixteenth century author, Reginal Scot, claimed that when praying to St. Helen with a finest quality beryl will enable to visualize an image of the saint and also talk to her.


2. Healing Power of Beryl

Healing powers are a major aspect in beryl stone meaning.

Beryl has been used in the past to treat issues in the eye.  Beryl is also very popular as a stone used to treat problems in the throat. Rubbing the crystals on the throat is good for throat inflammation and gargling with beryl infused water is used to treat throat infections and asthma. It is believed that hiccups can also be cured by beryl infused water. Beryl is also used to treat other respiratory issues such as emphysema and tuberculosis.

In the past, beryl crystal was rubbed over the liver to relieve pain. Today, the crystal is applied over the lymphatic system and the liver to remove any toxins.  The stone is believed to increase the resistance of the body for toxins in general.  Beryl is used to treat issues in the bladder and kidney stones as well.

The beryl energy also strengthen the lungs, heart and the blood circulation. It also improves the cardiovascular system and enhances the strength of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, beryl can help when treating health issues of the spine, liver, heart, stomach and damages in the skull. The stone also relieves effects of concussions.

Some other benefits of beryl are that it improves the strength of the pituitary gland and also supports the absorption of nutrients.

image 1 : Natural Emerald & Diamond Pendant   ( Sterling Silver)

3. Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits of Beryl

Beryl enhances the clarity of mind helping you to analyze a situation and understand which helps you to take right decisions. A clear mind also helps to do normal problem solving much faster and come up with wiser solutions.

Beryl is another stone which can help you to get rid of idleness and lethargy as it injects you with enthusiasm. However, the stone can bring you so much, there is of course a part you have to play by planning and taking actions step by step.

Beryl brings the power to make your path to achieve your dreams. Beryl is a stone which has long being related with wealth and luxury but also with the luck of achieving those.

It also helps to improve your communication skills and makes you better at explaining your ideas which definitely helps in office work or even in your own business.

The stone has this effect on you which increases your likability (charisma) which will helps you to succeed in your career.  It can also create new business opportunities as others will like to work with you.

If your mind tends to focus on the issues and challenges all the time, beryl will help you to become a person with the positive “can do” attitude. It will help you to focus on the opportunities with the resources you already have.

image 2 : Sterling silver pendant with natural aquamarine gemstone

4. Love and Relationship Benefits of Beryl

The benefits of Beryl when it comes to love and relationship are somewhat similar to the benefits of emerald and aquamarine we have earlier discussed as those also belongs to the beryl family.  But I will discuss those again here for your convenience.

Beryl helps to revive the love in the relationship. It also provides moral support in terms of courage during a bad period in the relationship.

Beryl is especially good for the love of a married couple. It will help you to enjoy your marriage and also solve any issues in the marriage life. The stone encourages good qualities such as empathy, compassion and patience.

The stone also helps to preserve the love in a relationship. As we discussed earlier, the stone encourage to see the positive side of a problem and this is applicable to relationships as well.

Beryl increases honesty and your partner will feel that in your activities. It also helps to preserve the joyful spirit in the relationship and increases hope.

Beryl encourages to love yourself as well, which in-return affects all aspects of your life including the relationship. The stone makes you more peaceful and calm and heal you from inside.


Before I finish the article, just wanted to share a video which shows a group of people going in search for beryl gemstones.

Final Thoughts

Beryl is another fascinating group of minerals which produces a large variety of gemstones. As it is very popular among many gemstone and crystal lovers, beryl stone meaning was discussed in this article.

Many aspects such as its historical beliefs, healing powers and effects in the personal & professional lives were discussed.

I hope you liked the article and if you did, please share it in your social networks and leave a comment. Don’t forget to ask if you have any questions either.


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Blue Apatite Metaphysical Properties – Awesome Powers and Benefits

Blue Apatite Metaphysical Properties

Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals and it is found in several colors such as green, pink, yellow, violet, blue and colorless. The name “apatite” comes from a Greek word with the meaning “cheat” and this name was given because apatite, with its many colors, is easily confused with other minerals.  Though there are few colors, blue apatite is very popular among jewelers and crystal lovers. Hence, the objective of this article is to discuss blue apatite metaphysical properties.

Even though blue apatite is a well-known gemstone, it is relatively low priced. This is mainly due its low hardness and it’s easily found. Hardness of apatite is 5 in the Mohs hardness scale and it is also used as an index mineral in the scale. Apatite is mined Myanmar, Brazil, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Norway, Sri Lanka, South Africa and in the United States.

You can find a lot more technical information on apatite here. So, without further due, let’s get into the main subject.

image 1 : An apatite specimen

Blue Apatite Metaphysical Properties

Blue apatite holds a unique place when comes to the powers and benefits of gemstones and crystals. Therefore, I am going to discuss blue apatite metaphysical properties under four subsections. Namely

  1. Physical Healing Properties
  2. Spiritual and Emotional Healing Properties
  3. Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits
  4. Chakra and Energy Balancing

Let’s start with the first and continue one by one.


1. Physical Healing Properties.

(Note: These information should not be considered as an alternative for professional medical advice)

Apatite, a calcium rich mineral, contains “hydroxylapatite”, an important component naturally created in the human body. Hydroxylapatite is present in the pineal gland, bones and teeth enamel.

The energy healing with apatite is therefore is used to treat issues with imbalances in the pineal gland, bones and teeth related issues.

Apatite energy is used to remove excess fluorite and calcium in the pineal gland and this can improve sleeping issues as well as issue related to sexual maturity.

An accumulation of matter inside the body is called concretions. Apatite healing reduces these concretions created with excess calcium and fluorite and helps to re-balance the bone building and metabolic processes.

Excess of calcium in the body also cause high blood pressure which can also be reduce with blue apatite.

Crystal healers position apatite over joints to strengthen cartilages, reduce muscle pain and support bone development.  It is also used to treat arthritis and heal teeth.

As apatite also contains phosphorous, it is also used balance phosphorous in the body which helps the growth of bones, kidney functions and to strengthen nerve tissues.

Apatite is also believed the slow the aging of the body and also balance the two sides of the brain when placed on the forehead.

The stone helps to overcome loss of balance and headaches as well as to reduce strain in the eyes.

Apatite is also believed to improve healthy eating habits as it has this ability to raise the metabolic rate and to reduce hunger as well.


2. Spiritual and Emotional Healing Powers of Blue Apatite

Spiritual power is probably the most talked about when comes to blue apatite metaphysical properties.

Just like other dark blue stones, apatite is also associated with activating the psychological power.

The stone helps to develop psychic capabilities and connect better with the spiritual realm.

Hence this is a great stone to have with you if you are planning on taking spiritual path in order to develop the mind.

When trying to develop the mind, it is important to distinguish actual development vs the deceptions (Our mind tends to show us illusions when working with it).  Apatite will help you to see the imaginary work of the mind and separate it from the true status.

The stone is also known to purify the aura of the mental body making it even more attractive for spiritual work. Apatite also acts as a healing stone by helping to restore damages in the mental body.

There is a strong correlation between psychic powers and creativity. Hence, the stone also stimulates the great creative power in the mind and it is also considered as one of the best for improving creativity.

The stone also encourages the creative subconscious problem solving skills in dreams as well. Some believe that placing a blue apatite stone under the pillow will further enhance its ability to influence dreams with creative energy.

If you are a reserved and close person, apatite will help you to be more open and social. It also helps to remove negative emotions such as grief and temper.

image 1 : Neon blue apatite ring – sterling silver

3. Wealth, Business and Work Benefits

If you are lacking aspiration in your life, blue apatite will help you with infusing motivation.  It also improves the energy levels of a person.

It improves your communication capabilities as well as your memory and ability to focus. Therefore, blue apatite is good in your studies.

The ability to improve your creativity and problem solving skills will also be great in your work.  Any profession where you need a high level of focus and creative problem solving skills can be benefited by blue apatite.


4. Chakra Healing and Energy Balance

Blue apatite simulates and balance the third eye chakra and the throat chakra.

Third eye is what controls our consciousness, helps us to filter things important to us. A balanced third eye chakra helps us to interpret and understand what we see. Our mind will also be receptive to imaginations and dreams.

A balanced throat chakra facilitates the proper communication of our thoughts and feelings as it enables the proper release of energy from lower chakras. It controls the energy flow from other chakras.

Final Thoughts

Though there are several colors to apatite, the blue is the most popular and commonly found. Since it is a unique gemstone when comes to its meaning and benefits, the objective of this article was to discuss blue apatite metaphysical properties.

I discussed its physical healing properties, psychological and emotional healing properties, effects of personal life and its chakra energy balancing effects as well.

If you liked the article, it would be great if you can leave a comment and share within your social circles. Please also let me know if you have any questions.

Here is a nice video of a person going in search for blue apatite crystals.

p.s. If you are fan of blue color gemstone and crystals, you might also like following articles.

Meaning of Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Healing Powers of Blue Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)

Meaning of Aquamarine Gemstone

Blue Zircon Metaphysical Properties

If you are a skeptic of the healing powers of crystals and gemstones, you might find something interesting here – “Scientific studies in crystal healing”

Sources for my articles.


Emerald Spiritual Properties – Amazing Powers and Benefits

Emerald Spiritual Properties – – Amazing Powers and Benefits


With its magnificently unique green color, emerald, the birthstone of May, is one of the most three desired gemstones in the world along with ruby and sapphire. Emerald has been treasured by many civilizations across the world for over 6000 years.

One unique reason for the high desirability of emerald in ancient civilizations is the perceived spiritual power of it. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to discuss emerald spiritual properties.  I will discuss a bit of background information and history of emerald as well.


What is Emerald?

Emerald is the gem quality green variation of the mineral Beryl. The basic chemical composition of Beryl is Be3Al2(SiO3)6. The colorless form of beryl is called “goshenite”. Aquamarine, chrysoberyl and alexandrite also belongs to the “beryl” family of minerals.

The green color of Emerald comes when trace elements chromium or vanadium is mixed with Beryl.  Presence of iron can either give a blue or a yellow tint. To be classified as emerald, the stone should contain the rich green color that fall between the yellowish green to bluish green.  This unique green color cannot be compared to any other green color in gemstones and hence it is termed as “emerald green”. The gemstone “Uvarovite” is the only other gemstone that comes close to the “emerald green”.

Most emeralds are clouded by inclusions and these inclusions are also used to distinguish natural emerald from synthetic lab created emerald. Transparent natural emeralds are rare and very expensive. But even in the transparent emeralds, inclusions are visible from the microscope.

Most emeralds comes from few main sources, Colombia, Brazil, Zambia, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. There are some other countries who produces emeralds but not in significant commercial scale.

You can find more technical information about emerald from here.

image 1 : An Emerald Crystal Specimen

History of Emerald

Emerald has been traded in Babylon as early as 4000 B.C. Ancient Egyptians considered emerald as a symbol of eternal life and it was also the favorite gemstone of the Queen Cleopatra. Emerald was also worshiped by many civilizations across the world including the Incas and Chaldeans.

It has also been used as an amulet by the Moguls in India, Aristotle and Alexander the Great. The name “Emerald” stems from the Persian word which translated to Greek as “Smaragdus”.


Emerald Spiritual Properties

As it was mentioned earlier, emerald was used and worshiped throughout the history for its spiritual power. There is a vast amount of emerald spiritual properties and let’s take a look at those.

Emerald is a stone long associated with special vision abilities such as fortune telling and finding the truth about someone. The stone improves the clarity of mind allowing a person to focus and it also increase the memory capacity of a person. Increased focus allows a person to improve the psychological abilities and also improve special abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance.

Emerald is also believed to connect the unconscious mind with the conscious mind. Unconscious mind is connected with our judgement and gut feeling whereas the conscious mind is associated with our intellectual power. A proper connection between these two allows the make intelligent decisions with proper judgement.

Emerald encourages ambition and motivation to keep moving in the spiritual path. It helps to open the heart to spread kindness and unconditional love to people around you and daily activities and also to receive love from others. When you spreading compassion with an honest heart, it brings positive universal energy towards you.

Emerald motivates a person to dream for materialistic wealth as well as achieving something more than physical success.

image 2 : A gorgeous 14k white gold emerald pendant

The mental development emerald encourages has great effects in the work place as well. The clear mind and increased memory it stimulates will immensely improve your efficiency at work or in your own business. Emerald also helps to develop flawless speaking abilities.

There is this belief that just holding an emerald crystal or a tumbled stone for five minutes will help you to remember things. It is also highly beneficial where ability to “correctly foresee what can happen in the future” is of utmost importance.

Emerald brings calmness and a soothing mind which helps in meetings, negotiations and other activities where corporate about a group of people is important.

Emotional healing abilities is also a unique aspect of emerald spiritual properties. The extreme fear of confined places are called claustrophobia and emerald is helpful in alleviating that as well. Emerald is also great if you are seeing bad nightmares helps to overcome insomnia. It is also a good stone to help overcome depression.

Emerald is known as a crystal of heart and it has great effects in supporting a person emotionally. It helps to overcome grief and courage to face losses in life.

The stone remove the sadness and related energies from the aura and replace it will determination. It is helpful is removing the negativity and the feeling of failure and fill a person with positivity and energy to carry on.

Emerald is good for fresh beginnings and recovery processes as it brings the liveliness, fresh energy and good qualities such as love and kindness to the wearer and as well as for the people around.

image 3 : A great set of 14k white gold emerald stud earrings

Spiritual Rituals Associated with Emerald

When it comes to spiritual rituals, emerald is used for rituals in bringing abundance and also in rituals to heal psychic attacks. This stone was historically used as a talisman against dark magic and spells.

When comes to astrology, emerald is a stone of Gemini, Taurus and Cancer. In the traditional Vedic science, emerald is one of the 9 sacred stones related with Venus.


Meditating with Emerald

Emerald is good for breathing related meditation. It encourages inhaling and exhaling to a rhythm which helps to achieve deeper stages of meditation.


Chakra Healing and Energy Balance

When comes to stones which activates the heart chakra, energy field of emerald best resembles the energy field of the activated heart chakra. Therefore, emerald is used to balance the energy field of the heart chakra.

The heart chakra controls our interactions with the world, what we reject and what we accept.  A balanced heart chakra enables us to properly manage controlling someone and being controlled by someone. It also helps us to regulate our responses to the interactions with the world.

Final Thoughts

In addition to its unique beauty, emerald is filled with other meanings and metaphysical powers. The main objective of this article was to discuss emerald spiritual properties and meaning of emerald with regard to its healing energies and other metaphysical properties will be discussed in another article.

I hope you liked this article and of you did, please don’t forget to leave a comment and share in your social circles. Please also let me know any questions you might have.

Here is a video which discuss about Ethiopian emeralds.

p.s. You might also like following articles

Prasiolite Gemstone Meaning – Powers and Benefits

Moldavite Healing Powers – A Stone from Space

Sources for my articles can be found here. 








Tanzanite Metaphysical Properties – Amazing Benefits and Powers

Tanzanite Metaphysical Properties – Amazing Benefits and Powers


Tanzanite is a gemstone which was discovered relatively recently but captured the hearts of gem lovers very quickly with its unique violetish blue color. Tanzanite is the second most desirable blue color gemstone in the world after blue sapphire and it is also a birthstone for the month of December. In this article, I will be explaining the tanzanite metaphysical properties along with a little bit of background information.


About Tanzanite

Unlike many other gemstone which were known to humans for thousands of years, Tanzanite was first discovered in 1967. Tanzanite is a blue variation of the mineral zoisite and the name was given by the famous Tiffany & Co in honor of Tanzania where it was found.

To date, Tanzania remains the only location where Tanzanite is mined in commercial quantities. The mine is located near a city called Arusha in the base of the famous Mount Kilimanjaro and it is only 8 square miles in size.

The blue color of tanzanite is from small presence of vanadium in zoisite mineral. Heating this for about 30 mins under 600 degrees Celsius improves the blue color. But compared to gemstones like sapphire, this heat treatment is considered a mild treatment and this color change is due to the change in the oxidation state of vanadium during heating.

You can find more technical information on Tanzanite from the official GIA page here.  I will move on to discuss the tanzanite metaphysical properties as that is the main objective of this article.

image 2 : A zoisite crystal with calcite

Metaphysical Properties of Tanzanite.

The meaning, benefits and powers of tanzanite spans across many areas and therefore, I will discuss the topic under few subsections. Namely,

  1. Physical Healing Properties
  2. Wealth, Business and Work Benefits
  3. Spiritual Healing Properties
  4. Love and Relationship Benefits
  5. Emotional Healing Properties
  6. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Let’s discuss these one by one.


1.     Physical Healing Properties

Tanzanite cleanses the blood and helps to remove any toxins. It also improves the immune system and also enhances the liveliness of the body. It is highly useful against too much of sweating.

The stone helps the regeneration of cells, hair and skin. It also provides protection against side effects of medication or surgeries.  One other unique healing energy of tanzanite is that it is believed to help someone bring back from a coma.

If you are getting help of a counselor to overcome the addiction to alcohol, tanzanite might help your cause.  Tanzanite is also good for treating emotional issues such as stress and anxiety.

Tanzanite is believed to help to reduce over acidification and inflammations. Wearing tanzanite for a considerable period of time helps to overcome migraines and skin issues.

The stone is also good for the ovaries and testicles and helps to improve the fertility of women.

tanzanite meaning
image 2 : A 14k white gold tanzanite pendent

2.     Wealth, Business and Work Benefits

Tanzanite provides this calming effects helping you in the work place. It is a stone to have when you are in need of a realistic solution to a difficult problem and also when looking for a change in jobs.  It also helps you to get rid of stress at the workplace and stay relaxed and focused. Even if everyone else around you is freaking out, tanzanite’s energy helps you to say calm.

Tanzanite is also good for tackling with communication difficulties. It ensures good vibes with your colleges and helps you to stay composed.

You will be able to give your attention to the work you are doing without getting scared of the scale of the results you have to achieve.

Tanzanite will support you to find the correct pace for your actions. There are times where you need to act fast and in a hurry and there are times where you need a whole lot of patience. The calmness and patience fueled by the stone will help to distinguish between such occasions.

The stone will help you to strategize your actions when facing tough times and challenges, bringing the success a step closer.

As with many other predominantly blue color gemstones, tanzanite attracts good luck and abundance.


3.     Spiritual Properties

Tanzanite is renowned as one of the best crystals for a spiritual search. The high vibrational power of tanzanite is believed to provide the protection when connecting with higher realms and facilitates to achieve deep levels in meditation. The stone connects the heart and mind making a person have a balance between intelligent and rational thinking vs empathetic and kind heart.

If you are new to exploring psychic powers, the protection provided by tanzanite will be highly useful as it make the brow chakra (the chakra responsible for clairvoyance) to open steadily without thoughts getting overwhelmed.

If you are involved in a field where you have to analyze emotional problems of a person and provide solutions, tanzanite is helpful as it supports you to present spiritual facts in a manner which matches the direction of one’s life.

Wearing tanzanite jewelry helps a person to be consistently in a higher consciousness. It even promotes consciousness in those who see this magnificent stone even is someone else is wearing.


4.     Love and Relationship Benefits

The encouragement this stone provides to express yourself honestly helps to build a better understanding between you and the partner.  You will not be influenced by the society to portray a different self of yours.

The stone stimulates to live a life with awareness and meaning which helps to become a better partner.

You two will be able to focus on what makes both of you happy rather than getting caught to what others are saying and build a stronger relationship.

Tanzanite also helps to remove any uncertainties or anxieties who have with related to being in a relationship or in love.

Tanzanite is also good when you want to transform and become a better person. It will help you to get away with qualities that you don’t like to have as a partner and keep improving.


5.     Emotional Healing of Tanzanite

Tanzanite helps to forget negative things that your mind tends get stuck, overcome worries and bring back happiness to life. The stone helps to overcome fears of past failures and experiences and develop trust again. It promotes positive qualities such as kindness and love.

Another benefits of tanzanite is that it helps a person to find the purpose an objective of life and stop fighting with the inner voice over what he/she should be doing. The stone also helps a person to speak honestly and express what’s in the heart.

image 3 : A tanzanite ring

6.     Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Chakra healing is another key aspect in Tanzanite metaphysical properties as Tanzanite stimulates Crown, Third Eye and Throat chakras. Therefore tanzanite is a stone that connects the spiritual power of the mind, intellect and communication.

Tanzanite is also considered as the most efficient stone to synchronize the Heart Chakra with the Third Eye Chakra which makes the better coherence of heart and mind.

The blue crystal energy is the activator of the throat chakra. As the throat chakra acts as a regulator of energy of other chakras, its balance is important for the health of those as well and for the communication of our inner self to the world.  There will be a proper flow of energy in the body and soul and also a free upward flow of energy from lower chakras allowing natural outflow and expression.

The Third Eye or the Brow Chakra controls how we perceive the world and our awareness of it. Our consciousness is controlled through this chakra and our constant communication with the inner self is persistent when this chakra is balanced. A balance third eye chakra also makes us open to our visions and dreams.

Crown chakra defines our spirit, our values and beliefs. It controls our reactions to the external stimuli.  It is also the point which connects us to the spiritual realm.  A balanced crown chakra makes us spiritually strong and gives us a deep understanding of the way of life. It makes us face challenges with a better understanding of how things work.

Final Thoughts

For a gemstone that was discovered recently, the popularity gained by Tanzanite is rather amazing. Hence, tanzanite metaphysical properties is a topic of interest to many fans of this fabulous gemstone. I believe I was able to cover this topic reasonably well in this article and gave you a fairly good understanding to the meaning of another fabulous gemstone.

If you liked the article, please don’t forget to leave a comment and share in your social networks. I would also like to hear any questions you might have.

Before I finish the article, wanted to share a very interesting video which shows inside a tanzanite mine.

p.s. – Some other articles you may like

Meaning of Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Healing Powers of Blue Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)

Meaning of Aquamarine Gemstone

If you are a skeptic of the healing powers of crystals and gemstones, you might find something interesting here – “Scientific studies in crystal healing”

Sources for my articles.

Blue Zircon Metaphysical Properties

Blue Zircon Metaphysical Properties


Zircon is a gemstone that has been used for more than 2000 years. It has a very high dispersion and a refractive index which makes its luster brilliant so much so that colorless zircon is used as an alternative for diamond.

Zircon comes in a wide range of colors including yellow, brown, orange, red, violet, blue, green and colorless. In this article, I am going to discuss blue zircon metaphysical properties. I will also discuss a bit of background about zircon as well since I believe you will find it useful.

healing properties of zircon
image 1 : Zircon gemstones of various colors

About Zircon

Chemical composition of zircon is ZrSiO4 ( Zirconium Silicate) and it has a tetragonal cubic system.

The name “Zircon” stems from the Persian word “Zargun” meaning “gold-hued”. The luster of zircon is vitreous to a brilliant sheen and zircon with high optical properties are called high zircons and those with low values are called low zircon.

Zircon is mined in many countries around the world such as Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, China, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Mozambique, Brazil, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania and few more countries.

With that bit of background to zircon, I will move onto blue zircon metaphysical properties as that is the main objective of the article. If you are interested, you can find all the technical details of zircon here.

image 2 : Zircon perched on a sugary, tan matrix of calcite.

Blue Zircon Metaphysical Properties

When I was doing my research for the meaning and benefits of blue zircon, I could only find a limited number of resources as most speaks about the meaning and powers of zircon in general.

But I will list everything I found here about blue zircon and I am also going to highlight some of the generic benefits of zircon as well.


Emotional Benefits of Blue Zircon

Blue Zircon helps to overcome stress and lack of focus. It clears your mind and gives the mental and emotional stability and therefore it will drive proper attention to the work you do and help you achieve better results. It removes the negative energy accumulated from stress.

The stone is effective when you are full of negative energy and feel like giving up. Blue zircon infuse you with self-confidence, faith and energy to keep you going forward.  Improved self-confidence will have ripple effect in all aspects of your life.

Blue zircon helps to bring back your dreams, hopes and wishes back which you might have forgotten over time and gives you strength to achieve those. The stronger the hopes are, the stronger the energy blue zircon gives you. Blue zircon is believed to understand you and you will feel a deeper connection with the stone.

In the ancient times, blue zircon has been used as a talisman against evil spirits. It was used for protection from evil when travelling. It is also believed to cleanse dark energies. The protection is from both natural and human threats.  Blue zircon is said to purify your energy when you are filled with negativity.

Blue zircon clears your way forward with its color energy. It is also useful when you are in need of information as it will help you to find what you need. Hence, it supports you to expand your capabilities.


Physical Healing Abilities of Blue Zircon

(Note – Information here should not be considered as an alternative for professional medical advice)

Here I will list some healing benefits of blue zircon. I found these information only in one of the resources I referred to and hence there is no way to cross check and confirm.

Blue zircon helps women to improve fertility and has positive effects on the womb during the pregnancy.

In terms of chakra healing, blue zircon stimulates the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. It is therefore believed to help in the spiritual search in achieving higher levels of the mind.

Using blue zircon for a longer time is good for asthma patients and treating allergies. Blue zircon also helps to improve vision.

*-This is all the information I managed to find specifically on blue zircon metaphysical properties and hence, I will list more generic benefits of zircon which are definitely applicable for blue zircon as well.

image 3 : 10K White Gold Blue Zircon Stud Earrings For Women (2.40 Ct Round 6MM)

Benefits of Zircon

Emotional Benefits of Zircon

Zircon will help you to win over a temptation that you find difficult to resist. Zircon gives you the strength to get the better of such strong temptations.

The stone helps to sharpen the thoughts so that you will be more acceptable to differences in individuals and opinions.  It also helps to increase your intellectual capacity in general. You will become a sharper and wiser person as zircon enhances your intuition. You will put more thinking to the decisions and make better and responsible decisions in life.

Zircon is a stone that has a connection with major achievements. If you are working on something really big or something life changing, keeping the zircon nearby will help you.

As in the case with many other stones, zircon is also another stone that brings good luck to you.

Zircon will help you if you are a hyperactive person and someone who finds it difficult to find a way to release emotions such as anger.

It also improves the problem solving capabilities and you will be better at managing challenging situations.

The stone promotes kindness and empathy and encourage you to help others who are in need. It also helps you to avoid becoming an extremist (in religion, sexuality, raise, etc.) and become more understanding.

If you are a sort of person who finds it difficult to keep focusing on one thing and tends to give up easily, zircon will be great as it encourages to be persistent.

The stone helps you to stay calm and connected with yourself if you are facing a lot of uncertainties and changes in personal life or work.

Zircon will also support you to overcome the grief of losing someone very close


Healing Benefits of Zircon

Zircon will help you to tackle with depression. It purifies the mind from negative and harmful ideas.

Zircon helps to get a good night peaceful sleep and help overcome insomnia. The gemstone stops bad nightmares that kills your sleep and peace of mind.

Another benefit of this stone is that it will relieve the pain some women get from cramps during menstruation.

This gemstone also has positive effects on the liver and ensure its correct functionality. Zircon also helps to improve digestion.

Under emotional benefits of zircon, I mentioned that zircon helps to get rid of strong sensations. This is a great health benefit as well since this helps you withdraw from drugs and other addictive substances. Zircon will help you with the symptoms of substance withdrawal.

Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits

Zircon has its own way of helping you in achieving success in life. Zircon helps to get away with laziness, makes you active and efficient which makes your output much higher and hence a chance at achieving much better results.

As it brings good luck, it will help you to get more relevant chances to improve your business or job performance.

The stone also helps to keep financial problems away from you and protect you from potential chaos.

As mentioned earlier, zircon enhances your intellect and you will be a much sharper thinker with better analytical and critical thinking abilities. These will help you make much smarter business or work decisions bringing success much closer to you.

Love and Relationship Meanings of Zircon

If your relationship has lost that spark and it has become dull, zircon will help to get the love back to the relationship. Zircon will develop the love between you and the partner and make you two closer again.

Zircon is also great for new couples as it helps to nurture the romance.

Since zircon makes you empathetic, you will be able to understand and accept the differences in your partner and hence make you accept for who he/she is. The confidence zircon brings to you also helps in the relationship as you will take the initiative to take it in the right path and also face challenges on the way. Zircon helps you to become more tolerable as well making you stronger against the negative side you see in your partner.

As zircon will make your personality more attractive, your partner will attach with you even better.

The power of zircon to detach yourself away from unhealthy temptations, which we discussed earlier, will protect you from being unfaithful to your partner.

Here is a video which shows a process of heat treatment for blue zircon.

Final Thoughts

Here in this article, I discussed a number of blue zircon metaphysical properties. But due to the lack of information available about the specific benefits of blue zircon, we also discussed the generic meaning and powers of zircon as well.

I hope you liked the article and if you did, please leave a comment. Let me know if you have any questions also.


p.s. – Some other articles you may like

Meaning of Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Healing Powers of Blue Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)

Meaning of Aquamarine Gemstone

If you are a skeptic of the healing powers of crystals and gemstones, you might find something interesting here – “Scientific studies in crystal healing”

Sources for my articles.


Blue Lapis Healing Properties

Blue Lapis Healing Properties


The lapis lazuli (also referred to as blue lapis) is another gemstone with such a long history behind it. The brilliant celestial blue of this magnificent stone is used as a symbol of royalty, power, spirit, dignity and vision.

This stone has been used for jewelry as well as for healing for thousands of years. The blue lapis healing properties will be discussed in this post along with a little bit of background and its history.

What is Blue Lapis Gemstone?

The stone is made out of several minerals such as Lazurite, Calcite, Sodalite, and Pyrite (gold color flecks). The blue comes from both Lazurite and Sodalite. The blue lapis with more white and with a lighter blue is sometimes called as denim lapis. The name lapis lazuli comes from the Latin word “lapis” for stone and the Persian word “lazhuward” for the color blue. ( More information on its chemical composition is available here )

composition minerals of blue lapis lazuli
image 1 : Main minerals of Blue Lapis

The History of Blue Lapis

The history of blue lapis runs back about 6000 years. As the earliest found occurrence, blue lapis has been traded between the Mesopotamia and now Afghanistan in 3500 BC. The stone is also believed to be first mined in Afghanistan.

Blue lapis is a stone well connected with ancient Egyptians as well. King Tutankhamen, one of the most powerful Egyptian emperors, wore a blue lapis scarab bracelet along with many other blue lapis jewelry. Even his tomb is filled with blue lapis ornaments.

Blue lapis was also a symbol of the starry night in the ancient Persia and pre-Colombian America. Blue lapis was also used in the Greek and Roman times and in the medieval Europe as well.

The ultramarine pigment from the blue lapis stone has been in used for centuries as a coloring agent in many applications.

image 2 : A blue lapis jewelry belonging to an Egyptian emperor


Blue Lapis Healing Properties

Blue lapis is a great stone to stimulate the deeper intellectual capabilities in mind. It encourages the eager to know the truth, gather more knowledge and the desire to understand the truth. It also supports the learning process and improves the memory power.

The stone is also a stone of truth as it promotes honesty. Wearing Blue lapis helps you in deep communication. Stone promotes friendship and brings peace to relationships.

As there are many more areas to discuss, the blue lapis healing properties will be discussed under following sub topics for your convenience of reading and grasping the content.

  1. Physical Healing Benefits
  2. Emotional Healing Benefits
  3. Chakra Healing and Balancing
  4. Spiritual Benefits
  5. Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits

(Note – information presented here should not be considered as an alternative for professional medical advice)

Let’s us got through this list one by one.

1.     Physical Healing Energy

Blue lapis is particularly good for the throat area. It is beneficial to the voice box (larynx) and vocal codes. It also helps the regulation of thyroid and endocrine glands.

It is also good for complications with the nasal passages and ear and also to overcome loss of hearing. It also reduces vertigo.

Blue lapis is good for the blood system as it improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and improves the heart rhythm.  It also relieves sleeplessness (also called insomnia)

Blue lapis when heated in warm water can be used to stop blood flowing from a small wound, on infected swellings and also for eye infections. Just rub the area with the water heated with blue lapis (put the stone in a bowl of water and heat it). You can also use the cooled water to wash eyes. A blue lapis stone heated in sunlight can be used to reduce bruising, insect bites and also for other minor skin issues.

Blue lapis helps the nervous system and also illnesses in the brain. The stone is good for children suffering from illnesses such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), autism and Asperger’s syndrome. It is also good against migraine.

The stone is good for pains in the lower back and also for all stiffness and cramps. Blue lapis is believed to be good for women who are suffering from irregularities in menstrual cycle and in general it alleviates pain and swellings.


2.     Emotional Healing Benefits

Emotional healing benefits is another key area in blue lapis healing properties.

As mentioned earlier also, blue lapis is considered as the crystal of truth. It will allow you to learn the inner truth of you and promotes self-awareness as well as the embracing of that knowledge. You will be able to better see your values, beliefs and inspirations so that you can get a clearer understanding of yourself. You will also see your weaknesses, areas to improve and how to use the naturally gifted talents for the development of yourself.

People often have things that are suppressed inside them for a long time which results in grief and regret. Lapis lazuli helps to release these and express yourself without having a negative impact.

The stone promotes self-respect in social relationships. The stone helps the good qualities such as kindness, empathy as well as honesty and directness when comes to relationships with others.


3.     Chakra Healing and Balancing Energies

Blue lapis stimulates the intellectual aspect of the third eye chakra and help balancing the energies of the throat chakra. This explains some of the main benefits of the stone explained above.

Third eye chakra controls how we see the world and awareness of it. We relate the world to us through this chakra. When the third eye chakra is activated, we are able to distinguish important from the unimportant and hence better interpretation of facts.

We are also able to see things more clearly when the third eye chakra is in balance, meaning the interpretation of what we see will also be better.

There will be harmony in the internal communication and thoughts within ourselves. New ideas and seemingly impossible imaginations will be better accepted. Our intellect will be open, observant and critically analyzing the dreams and visions.

Throat chakra plays a very important role in the chakra system. It regulates expression of the energy from other chakras. A blocked throat chakra has negative effects on other chakras. When the throat chakra is in balance, we will be free to express our feelings and thoughts. A balance throat chakra allows us to communicate our beliefs, values, emotions, personal truths and also new ideas to the world.

The energy flow within the body and spirit will be smooth. Energy flow from the lower chakras will be freely expressed and released.

The positive effect the stone has on the third eye chakra and the throat chakra is another reason for the brain and throat related blue lapis healing properties we earlier discussed.


4.     Spiritual Energy

When comes to stones which is used for spiritual awakening, lapis lazuli is one of the oldest known to the world. It is used by healers and priests to activate spiritual abilities and vision.

Blue lapis enables you to achieve contentment and peace by releasing stress. When placed of the third eye, it stimulates intuitive capabilities and awareness to achieve spiritual success. Blue lapis helps to tap into the spiritual power.

5.     Wealth, Business and Work Benefits

Blue lapis is great for many professions as it stimulates intellectual power and good judgement. Any profession where a sharper brain and better judgement helps such as inventors, writers, psychologists, lawyers, managers, business owners, etc. will benefited from the stone.

It also attracts achievements, promotions and acknowledgements. If you are involved in activities where you are presenting something to the public, wearing Lapis lazuli helps you to attract fame.

Here is a good video by GIA which shows a blue lapis market in Afghanistan.

Final Thoughts

Blue lapis is indeed a fabulous looking gemstone with a whole lot of metaphysical powers. In this article, blue lapis healing properties were discussed under its physical, emotional, chakra, spiritual healing properties as well as its impact on the business life as well.

I hope I covered the main areas reasonably well and would love to hear your thoughts. Let me know if you have nay questions as well.

p.s. –

If you are planning to buy a blue lapis jewelry, you might find this article useful – “How to buy jewelry online ? “

Sources for this article can be found here. 

Red Tiger’s Eye Meaning – Benefits & Powers

Red Tiger’s Eye Meaning – Benefits and Powers


Tiger’s eye gemstone family indeed holds a very special place among other gemstones. This is going to be the third article of the tiger’s eye gemstone family as I have already covered the meanings of the yellow/brown tiger’s eye and the blue tiger’s eye.

This article is dedicated to discuss red tiger’s eye meaning.  Red tiger’s eye stone is also known as the dragon’s eye and it also belongs to the quartz family of gemstones. It is an oxide mineral and the color red is due to the level of oxidation.

It is mined in almost the same countries where other tiger’s eye stones are mined and namely Brazil, USA, Canada, South Africa, Namibia and India.

I will now move onto discuss the meaning of red tiger’s eye as it is the main purpose of this article.


Red Tiger’s Eye Meaning


Just as I did for the blue tiger’s eye gemstone, here also I will discuss the red tiger’s eye meaning under the following sections.

  1. Emotional Benefits
  2. Health Benefits
  3. Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits
  4. Love and Relationship Benefits
  5. Chakra and Energy Balancing


1.     Emotional Benefits

Just like other tiger’s eye stones, the red variation also provides you motivation and inspiration to your life.

This stone is also known as the survival stone because it will make sure that you have the skills required to survive and protect yourself.

Red tiger’s eye will also make sure that you do not get stuck in situations where you have to compromise your values and integrity. The stone will always help to protect your core values and integrity.

Stone encourages you to become a better person. You will put effort to become smarter, knowledgeable and a stronger person.

When you are involved with office work, a project, or work towards achieving a certain goal, stone ensures that you maintain the required passion to become successful. Red tiger’s eye encourage you to keep yourself busy, both physically and mentally. At the same time, the stone help you to take a break and relax when needed.

The stone brings this unique benefit of slowing down your system when required by removing surplus energy and it also helps to balance your aura.

It also helps to activate your creative energy and hence create new things and also come up with innovative solutions to problems.

You might be familiar with the concept of dualism where it says there are two opposite forces working in our lives. The red tiger’s eye helps to balance these energies which are also discussed in terms of yin and yang energies and also a balance between heart and mind.

Stone keeps you calm and focused regardless of your busy and complicated lives.  The red tiger’s eye gemstone also helps to improve your spiritual clarity.  You will be a peaceful person in day to day activities interacting with people around.

The stone injects you the confidence you need to overcome challenges you face in your activities so that you will become successful in those tasks.

Another property of this stone is that it will make you give enough emphasis to yourself, your needs and desires. Stone will encourage you to take care and love yourself.

Showing a bracelet in the context of red tiger's eye meaning
image 1 : A necklace made of red tiger’s eye gemstones

2.     Health Benefits

(Note : The information provided here should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice)

The healing benefits of the red tiger’s eye gemstones are somewhat related to those of the blue tiger’s eye gemstone as well.

Red tiger’s eye is beneficial in relaxing a blockage in the bowels or digestive system in general and also it accelerates the metabolism. It can also relax overactive adrenal glands and calm the nervous system.

The red tiger’s eye gemstone is said to be very good for blood related health conditions such as anemia.  The stone is good for the regulation of blood pressure. It is also good for those who are suffering from heart conditions as the stone tends to relax the heart.

The stone is good against infections in the eye and improving night vision.

The bones, teeth and nails are also benefited by the energies of red tiger’s eye and the muscle tissues as well. The stone is great when a person is recovering from a surgery.  The physical energy needed for the body can be provided by the stone and it will also help to regulate the body back to the normal vibrations.  The stone helps to get the body back to normal conditions faster.


3.     Business, Work and Wealth

The stone fuels you with energy and passion to any work you are doing and also the courage and determination. You will become stronger to overcome challenges. The creativity stone fuels you will make you think of innovative ways to make thing work. This automatically has a great positive effect on either your professional life or in the entrepreneurial journey.

As the stone helps you maintain a positive energy, you will not easily give up on your tasks. Red tiger’s eye gemstone will help you to make practically applicable solutions and choices in real life.

Red tiger’s eye also brings you good luck and also prosperity and abundance.


4.     Love and Relationships Benefits

Effects on love and relationships are another key aspect in red tiger’s eye meaning.

As red tiger’s eye boosts your self-confidence and make you appreciate yourself, you will be more confident in relationships. You will even start positively accepting negative things in you.

The stone will make you well connected with your partner. You will feel this both physically and spiritually. The relationships will get stronger as the two will be better bonded.

You will be more welcoming and willing to embrace the love from your partner and at the same time you will be open to give your love back. There will be a balance in how you interact with your partner.

Even in relationship matters, the stone stimulates intellect and strength to overcome challenges.  As you will be stronger, you will also be more faithful in love.

You will be able to get rid of any sadness and grief stuck in your heart. The emotional healing benefits of the stone directly benefits you in love and relationships. Stone helps you to get rid of anxieties and worries about the relationship.

The emotional strength and also the wisdom the stone stimulates will make it easier to make correct decisions for the relationship and for you and your partner as well.  You will think of the future and properly plan your actions.  The mental clarity and concentration power stone stimulates, comes to your help in things that matters for the relationship.  You will find the strength to make logical decisions without getting caught in your emotions.

image 2 : Red tiger’s eye gemstones

5.     Chakra and Energy Balancing

Red tiger’s eye gemstone activates the root chakra, sacral chakra and the solar chakra.  The gemstone hence help you to create that connection between your physical body and the earth.  This strong connection this stone creates between your body and earth is the reason why it is called the survival stone. Your survival instincts and skills will be better when that connection is stronger.


Final Thoughts

Red tiger’s eye meaning holds a unique place among the metaphysical properties of all gemstones. As we discussed, the meaning of red tiger’s eye spans across many areas such as emotional, health, love, wealth and chakra.

I believe I gave you a fairly good understanding of the benefits of red tiger’s eye gemstone and it will be great if you can let me know your comments or any question you might have.

p.s You might also like my following articles

Meaning of yellow tiger’s eye

Meaning of blue tiger’s eye.

If you are are skeptic about crystal healing, this article might interest you – “Scientific studies in crystal healing”



Blue Tiger’s Eye Metaphysical Properties

Blue Tiger’s Eye Metaphysical Properties


The tiger’s eye family of gemstones is a very important family of stones when it comes to the metaphysical properties. The yellow, blue and red variations have different properties and uses in respective fields. I discussed the yellow tiger’s eye meaning and red tiger’s eye meaning in two other articles and this one will be dedicated to discuss the blue tiger’s eye metaphysical properties.

Blue tiger’s eye is a member of the quartz group of stones.  The parallel inter-growth of quartz crystals and transformed amphibole fibers give this stone the silky and lustrous appearance.   ( You can find more technical details of tiger’s eye stones here).

The blue tiger’s eye is also known as hawk’s eye, falcon’s eye and Rodusite. This wonderful stone is found mainly in Namibia, Canada, India and Brazil.

With that little bit of background to the stone, lets move on the metaphysical properties of blue tiger’s eye.


Blue Tiger’s Eye Metaphysical Properties

The family of tiger’s eye gemstones plays a unique part in crystal healing and other similar fields. Just like the other tiger’s eye stones, the blue one also has a number of unique benefits. Therefore, blue tiger’s eye metaphysical properties will be discussed under following subtopics.

  1. Emotional Benefits
  2. Healing Properties
  3. Business and Work Related Benefits
  4. Love and Relationship Benefits
  5. Chakra Healing

Let’s go through the list one by one.

image 1 : A blue tiger’s eye tumbled stone

1.     Emotional Benefits of Blue Tiger’s Eye

Blue Tiger’s eye has amazing soothing effects. It reduces your stress and relaxes you.  It also helps to reduce nervousness and anxieties and calms you down.

It helps you focus by clearing the mind and you will be able to analyze and get deeper insights to your personal experiences. You will be able to see certain issues more clearly which you were unable to see before. This applies to your internal emotional struggles as well.

Some argue that the name hawk’s eye was given to this stone because it helps people to see things deeper and clearly.

It is also good to get rid of depressive feelings, depression symptoms and fatigue. It opens up the aura and help you release the heaviness inside.  It enables you to understand your feelings and emotions rather than getting tired with those.

The effect of calming the mind has ripple effects in many more aspects of your life. It helps you loosen your stance when you are over holding and uptight about things. You also can easily let go of the fear of losing your stance as you are not over egoistic about holding it.

A relaxed mind is good to cool down your temper, get rid of worries and any fears.

The stone helps to improve your creativity by removing any blockages holding it.  You will be able to come up with creative solutions and plans as you will be better at imagination. It also helps to convert these ideas to practice and make your dreams a reality.  Blue tiger eye provides you with determination and courage to face issues and challenges successfully.

Blue tiger eye makes you accept who you are and your personal truths. It helps to increase your self-belief and value and respect yourself more. When you believe in yourself, it is far easier to get the maximum of your abilities and potential.


2.     Blue Tiger Eye Healing Properties

( Note : These benefits should not be used as an alternative for professional medical advice)

The stone is good to be used in stomach problems. It also increases the absorption of nutrients. It is also good for issues with the spine and healing of broken bones.

Blue tiger eye is believed to balance blood cell counts and also fortify blood. The stone can also help to lower the blood pressure.  When the heart muscle does not get enough blood, it results in a chest pain and blue tiger eye is used to relive that pain.

Blue tiger eye can be used in treating conditions affecting the throat and eye. It is also use to relieve asthma attacks.  When placed on the head, the stone helps to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain which helps you to get a better awareness of reality.

As mentioned in the earlier section as well, blue tiger’s is great against depression. There is a type of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which occurs typically during autumn and winter. Blue tiger eye can also relieve symptoms of SAD.

The stone increases physical energy, strength and liveliness.  It restore the balance in the body and stimulate the endocrine system and properly regulate hormones.  This can help to calm metabolism if it is overactive and bring back body’s biochemistry as a whole to normality.

The stone is also believed to have a positive effect on reproductive system and fertility when the stone is placed on reproductive organs.


3.     Wealth, Business and Professional Benefits

The stones energy works to bring you a steady stream of income to you.  It brings good luck and fortune. The stone is excellent if you are starting a new business or in the very early stages of a business.

As the stone helps to clear the mind, this will make you focus more in your business and work which will have a positive effect in the respective areas.

The stone is great if you are looking for a big change in your career. Stone will also be good if you are studying a new subject or practicing a new set of skills.

Blue tiger’s eye fuels you with courage and confidence to challenge your existing capabilities and routines to move out from your comfort zone. It makes you experiment new things and provides the universal positive energy to become successful.


4.     Love and Relationships

The effect on love life is also another important area in blue tiger’s eye metaphysical properties.

The emotional relief and balance the stone brings will positively affect your love life as well. Negative emotions such as temper and grief will be replaced by love and happiness. As you get more emotionally stronger, you will be better at compromising and taking responsibilities for your actions. The stone will help make the relationship also a balanced and healthier one.

Blue tiger’s eye helps to take away misunderstandings with your partner and make it a more mutually understanding relationship.  The stone makes you approach any issues with an open mind and peace.   It makes you more empathetic. Finding a common ground will make things easier in solving issues.

Just as the stone increases your self-confidence, even in relationships, it makes you comfortable in speaking the truth. The stone helps to overcome anxieties and reluctance when it comes to relationship matters.

As the blue tiger’s eye helps to see things clearly, it does the same in relationships. You will be able to see deeper into a problem and understand the truth.  It will even help you see if your partner is hiding certain things in the relationship.

The stone will help you to become a more calm, patient and peaceful partner but with confidence to be yourself.


5.     Chakra Healing

The blue tiger’s eye activates the throat and third eye chakras.  The effect on throat chakra gives you confidence to speak with confidence and express yourself better.

The effect on third eye chakra helps you get insights into your emotional and mental problems and see things clearly.

Before I wrap up, I want share a good video I found in youtube which shows few blue tiger’s eye stones with minor color variations.

Final Thoughts

As with all other gemstone and crystals, the tiger’s eye family of gemstones also have their unique benefits and powers. This post was in particularly to discuss the blue tiger’s eye metaphysical properties and I discussed many areas under this main topic.

I hope I was able to give you some new knowledge today and highly appreciate your comments. Kindly let me know if you have any questions as well.


p.s You might also like to read about the benefits of Yellow/Brown Tiger’s Eye and Red tiger’s eye gemstones. 





Scientific Studies in Crystal Healing

Scientific Studies in Crystal Healing


As a telecommunication engineer, I am a big fan of science and its developments. Technological developments are indeed fascinating to follow and to see how those are affecting the day to day life of ours.

I am also a huge nature lover and I love to spend time in the nature whenever possible. I started studying Gemology by accident but soon I felt in love with the subject mainly because gemstones are one amazing creation of nature. Then I started this website to share information about different gemstones and most of these posts contains the metaphysical powers of gemstones and crystals.

From many comments I got for the posts, I realized that there are so many who are skeptic about these so called “powers” of crystals as most of us only believe what we see or what science discovers. The science lovers and also others who are skeptic about the powers of gemstone and crystals are looking for scientific studies in crystal healing.

I did some research on the scientific studies done on crystal healing and the power of gemstones and thought of sharing some of my findings for the benefit of all of us, including the ones who already believe in gemstones.

As there are many areas of studies, I will probably do a series of articles on this subject and this will be the first.

Let’s get it started.


A Study On The Gemstone Powers and The Placebo Effect

I thought it is better to start with a research that came up with conclusions against the belief of gemstones and crystal having powers. Here is one such research.

What is a placebo effect? When researchers wants to find the actual effect of the test object, they divide the test group into two and give the actual object to one group and a fake object to the other group which is called the placebo. No-one in either groups know who is getting the actual object or the placebo.

In 2001, Dr. Chris French, a psychologist from Goldsmith College did a test on the healing powers of crystals using the placebo test. He took 80 volunteers and gave everyone crystals and a book containing information of mystic powers of those crystals.   Forty volunteers got the actual crystals while the other forty got fake plastic pieces as crystals.  Dr. Chris French claimed that except for 6% of the volunteers who claimed they did not feel anything, all others reported to feel the positive effects mentioned in the book.

After this study, Dr. Richard Wiseman, a psychologist and a researcher to paranormal claims at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield said the following regarding the study to the Telegraph UK.

“It is suggestive that the power of crystals is in the mind instead of in the crystals. Clearly there is an effect, but people are paying hundreds of pounds for crystal and they might as well pay just a couple of quid.”

I think, he was compelled to say “there is something” because only 6% said they didn’t feel anything.

So, in summary, the result of the test is that a larger majority of those who had a fake crystal said they felt the benefits while a larger majority of the ones who got the real thing also said they felt benefits.

Are these test results enough to come to the conclusion that power of crystals and gemstones lie only in the mind?

Let’s discuss some other scientific evidence as well before jumping to conclusions.

Scientific Studies in Crystal Healing

Here, I am going to present three studies done on three different aspect of crystals and gemstone. First study was done to test the effect of human energy field. The second was done to test the cleansing abilities of crystals and the third is a study done to find the effect of colors on people.

1. Crystals Effect on Human Energy Field

When I was doing my research on ‘scientific studies in crystal healing” I came across an extremely interesting research done by Professor Maria Kuman of Holistic Research Institute of USA.

She has used her own patented technology to measure the subtle variation of the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) when a Reiki master is healing a patient without crystals and with crystals. ( You can find more about Reiki here)

In her test, she measure energy (EMF) at different parts of the body during these two scenarios. It is a proven fact that the energy of different parts of the body should be nearly the same when we are in good health and it will vary when we are not in good health. This means that the body is not properly energy balanced when we are sick.

The energy measured at different parts with and without crystals clearly show a difference and it is higher and more balance when treated with crystals. Please refer to image 1. ( You can find the research paper here )

image 1 : Comparison graphs of energy levels during the test

The patients were not told that the crystals are used in order to remove the placebo effect and the test was done for a second time in reverse order as well (i.e. crystals were used in the first session and the second session was done without crystals in order to make sure that the difference was not simply because of the first and second healing sessions) .

The healer’s energy was also measured in these two scenarios and even the healers energy was higher and more balanced when crystals were used.

This research provides scientific evidence to the positive effect crystals have on the energy field on humans.

Let’s look at a slightly different research.


2. Water Purification Quality of Crystals

VitaJuwel is a company who manufactures water bottles with crystals inside and they claim that crystals transmit their power to drinking water. Institute Hagalis, an international research laboratory for water quality did a test about the claims of VitaJuwel.

They took two water samples from the Lake Constance in Ueberlingen in Germany and one was treated with VitaJuwel drink bottle.  The institute, in their test results, claimed that VitaJuwel bottle managed to improve the quality of water, neutralize harmful substances, improve pH value, improve the oxygen content, increase the bio availability of minerals and many other improvements.

Well, that’s a lot of benefits just by inserting crystals in a water bottle.

image 2 : A comparison of three factors between the two water samples
image 3 : A VitaJuwel bottle with Sodalite, Chalcedony, Amethyst and Rose Quartz gemstones.

3. Effect of Colors 

When discussing scientific studies in crystal healing, the studies done on positive effects of colors are also important.

The effect of colors are frequently discussed in the field of Consumer Psychology. Red and Blue are strongly associated with power and victory. It says that the wearer of red or blue is motivated to take more action and win.

Well, I know what you are thinking now. You want scientific evidence. So, here you go.

Scientists from Plymouth and Durham Universities analyzed the history of 68 English soccer teams from 1946 to 2013.  The results showed that the teams who wore red won more matches than they lost regardless of their winning record or experience.

A research done by Durham University showed that in 2004 Olympics, those who wore red won 55% of all competitions.  Given the number of colors sportsman wear, 55% winning for one color is extraordinary.

Still not convinced? Do a google image search for “Tiger Woods winning”.  You will realize why the best player in the history of Golf was wearing red all the time.

image 4 : Google results for “Tiger Woods winning”

If you are not a fan of Red, try going with blue. Here is a study of NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship winners from 1940 to 2015. This shows the effect of blue on winning teams.

There are many more research done to show the effect of colors on victory and a simple google search will bring all the information to you.

Therefore, the power of a gemstone lies in its color as well since different colors help to bring out different qualities of humans. ( E.g. Checkout my article on Blue Sapphires)

Here is a good test you can try at your home if you want to test the power of crystals for you selves.


Final Thoughts

Well, I agree that this was a heavy article. But scientific studies in crystal healing is really a very interesting subject to study.

In this article, I covered only few areas such as gemstones effect on energy fields, its cleansing abilities and the psychological effects of colors.  I hope to write more articles on this topic as it is indeed an exciting subject to study.

I believe you liked this post and it will be great to hear your thoughts. Please also let me know any questions you might have.