Tugtupite Metaphysical Properties – A Stone to Release Your Emotions

Tugtupite Metaphysical Properties – A Stone to Release Your Emotions

Tugtupite is a stone which can help you release the emotions hidden deep inside you. Its ability to unearth your lost passions along with other tugtupite metaphysical properties will be discussed in detail in this article.


What is Tugtupite?

Tugtupite is a beryllium aluminum tectosilicate which also contains sodium and chlorine. Its chemical formula is Na4(AlBeSi4O12)Cl and it has a tetragonal crystal system which has similarities with sodalite.

Tugtupite was discovered by Professor H. Sorensen in 1957 from the areas called Tugtup agtakorfia in Greenland, from which it got its name. The tugtupite found by Professor Sorensen is a white mineral according to him but he has mentioned that it turns pink when exposed to sunlight.

Subsequently, pink tugtupite was discovered in 1962 and deeper red tugtupite was discovered in 1965, both from different localities in Greenland. Tugtupite got the gemological interest after the discovery of its deeper red variation. Greenland is still the only country which produce tugtupite in commercial quantities. It has also been found in Canada and in Russia in small quantities.

There is a light blue variation of tugtupite as well but it is much rarer than the pink or red tugtupite.

image 1 : A tugtupite crystal from Greenland

Tugtupite Metaphysical Properties

Even though it is a relatively recent discovery, tugtupite metaphysical properties plays an important role when comes to the crystal healing powers. The meaning of tugtupite centers around its strong ability to arouse dormant emotions but there are other important powers of this stone as well. As usual, I will breakdown the meaning of tugtupite into the following sections and discuss the details one by one.

  1. Emotional Benefits
  2. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing
  3. Love and Relationship Benefits
  4. Physical Healing Benefits

1. Emotional Benefits of Tugtupite

Tugtupite is a stone which can activate the deepest energies of the heart Chakra.

If you are person who has lost your passion or love towards something, this stone will help you to regain it. Tugtupite is also capable of freeing you from grief stuck inside you and allow you to free those negative emotions and cleanse your aura.

“If the human heart could be seen as a dormant volcano, Tugtupite would be the earthquake that gets lava flowing again” – Robert Simmons, The Book of Stones.

This stone also enables you to express your feelings and emotions in the original form without controlling or getting confused with multiple emotions. Therefore, tugtupite is also great to relieve emotional numbness.

But you have to also be careful because one might tend to express too much of emotions all of a sudden if that person have kept too much of those hidden inside for a long time. Both joyful and sad emotions will be unearthed by tugtupite and hence one may even experience a stronger grief for a short period. But releasing these emotions without keeping hidden inside is beneficial in the long run.

Tugtupite opens the heart and it does not control how you manage the outflow of emotions. Being aware of this will help you to avoid any negative consequences.

Since it also improves the consciousness (this will be discussed under chakra healing), tugtupite will not be a blind activator of emotions. Therefore, being aware of the emotional outflow will not be as difficult as it may sound. You will be conscious of your emotions and therefore managing those will be also facilitated (not controlled though) by tugtupite.

Opening the heart of a person is beneficial in many aspects rather than being an emotionally numb and closed person. Even if there is any pain inside you from mistakes happened in the past, tugtupite energy will help to relieve those regrets.

2. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing Benefits of Tugtupite

The effect of tugtupite on chakras is another important aspect of tugtupite metaphysical properties.

As it was mentioned earlier, tugtupite activate the heart chakra and its deepest energies. This powerful opening of the heart chakra enables proper energy flow for the upper chakras as well. This facilitates crown, third eye, throat and heart chakras to integrated and harmonize. All these chakras will be energized and you will feel joyfulness, emotionally and mentally as well.

Opening of higher chakras stimulates higher brain functions, resulting in improved consciousness. Stimulated upper chakras also enables connecting with higher realms and improves psychic abilities.

The opening of the heart chakra also helps in meditation as well as it encourages peaceful and calm qualities such as compassion and kindness to grow.

The opening of the upper chakras together with the heart chakra results in a visionary level of consciousness which is connected with the heart. A heart-centered higher consciousness encourages to spread the love and kindness to others.

image 2 : A Pink Tugtupite Sterling Silver Ring From Greenland

3. Love and Relationship Benefits of Tugtupite

The effects of tugtupite can benefit you in your love life a great deal. This stone can help to regain the lost passion and love towards the partner in a relationship. As a healing stone for the heart, it reaches the highest vibrations bringing unconditional love.

The stone also stimulates self-love and make you aware of the importance of your actions to your own happiness. Therefore, this stone might be a good idea for those who often try to put the blame on others when they are unhappy.

There is a legend in Greenland which says that lovers can make the stone glow blazing red from their intense passion.

image 3 : A Gold Tugtupite Pendant

4. Physical Healing Benefits of Tugtupite

Tugtupite is not a stone renowned for physical healing benefits. However, it can be used to strengthen the heart and the nervous system. It also relieves seasonal affective disorder.

Another notable property of tugtupite is that, the white portion of tugtupite turned black in the presence of cancer and toxins. Some crystal healers claim that tugtupite is also capable of purifying the blood, improve hormone production and boost fertility.

Final Thoughts

As a powerful activator of the heart chakra and as a stone with remarkable energies to bring out emotions, tugtupite metaphysical properties are indeed impressive. Though it does not offer physical healing benefits as much as many other stones, its effect of improving the personal life and relationships are significant.

Since it is a very recent discovery, the knowledge available about the powers, benefits and healing properties of tugtupite is limited. But I believe I managed to cover the topic reasonably well and you managed to learn something new.

If you found this article useful, I hope you would not mind leaving a comment or sharing with your friends. I would also be pleased to answer any of your questions.

p.s. You might like following articles as well.

Meaning of Pink Sapphire 

Meaning of Pink Spinel 


Sources for my articles.


Purple Amethyst Meaning – A Stone Renowned to Bring Calmness

Purple Amethyst Meaning- A Stone Renowned to Bring Calmness


As a stone renowned to bring peace and stimulate intuition, amethyst is a gemstone valued throughout the history of mankind. Due to its high importance in the world of crystals and gemstones, I will discuss the purple amethyst meaning in this article.

Some of you may wonder why I have used the term “purple amethyst” as amethyst is anyway a purple stone. That isn’t true always as there is green amethyst as well which is also referred to as “prasiolite”. But in the context of this article, please note that where I have mention just “amethyst”, I am only referring to “purple amethyst”.

Amethyst gemstone jewelry is extremely popular as the purple hue brings such class and brilliance to any jewelry. Purple amethyst is also the birthstone for the month of February and the zodiac sign Aquarius which makes it even more desirable to use in jewelry.

Amethyst gemstone brings a whole bunch of healing and metaphysical properties and therefore it plays a vital role in the crystal healing domain. Before going on to discuss various benefits and powers of amethyst, lets quickly go through some of its interesting historical facts.

(Check here for more technical information of amethyst)

image 1 : An Uruguayan Amethyst Cluster

History of Amethyst

The name “Amethyst” stems from the Greek word “ametusthos” which means “not drunk” or “not intoxicated”. There is an ancient story in Greek mythology which explains how this stone came to being and got this name.

As per the legend, the god of wine, Bacchus, was offended by an insult by a huntress named Diana (she was later treated as a goddess of hunting). To get his revenge, he declared that he will feed the first person to meet him to his tiger.The first person he met was a beautiful maiden name “Amethyst” on her way to worship the shrine of Diana. When the tiger was charging at her, she prayed to the gods to save her which resulted in turning her into a white shimmering crystal. This made Bacchus regret his actions and poured his purple color grape wine onto the crystal as an offering. This gave the stone its characteristic purple color and also its name. Influenced by this story, amethyst was believed throughout the history to protect from drunkenness.

Amethyst is also referred to as the “Couple’s Stone” and as the stone of faithful love. It is believed that St. Valentine has worn an amethyst ring with the cupid engraved on it. This is probably the reason why amethyst engagement rings are very popular.


Purple Amethyst Meaning

Amethyst has long being associated with its positive influence on mind. But there are so many other purple amethyst meanings as well and I will present those under following sections.

  1. Spiritual Benefits
  2. Physical Healing Benefits
  3. Emotional Benefits
  4. Business and Work Related Benefits
  5. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing
  6. Paranormal Powers

Let’s go through these one by one.


1. Spiritual Benefits of Purple Amethyst

Amethyst is known as a stone which provides spiritual protection and cleansing. It stimulates the mind and intuition and also believed to assist psychic abilities. Hence, amethyst helps to make the connection with the spiritual realm stronger. Therefore, amethyst is considered as a powerful stone for its spiritual benefits and effects in increasing intellectual capacity.Amethyst is also a well-known stone to support in meditation. Calming the mind, entering the meditative state and maintaining it are stimulated by this stone.

Amethyst energy also helps to activate the deeper mind and stimulates brain functions.When the deep mind is activated, you will be able to better understand the reality of life and the reasons for certain experiences or things happening in the present. This emotional balance of mind, which amethyst produce, helps a person to counteract the strong negative desires in mind such drug addictions (I will discuss more on this under the physical healing benefits).

image 2 : An amethyst pendant


2. Physical Healing Benefits of Purple Amethyst

Healing properties are also an important area in purple amethyst meaning. One of its best known benefits is its ability to curb bad addictions and habits. It can be used to help someone to stop using drugs, alcohol and smoking.

As discussed earlier, this effect of amethyst can be attributed to its ability to clear our mind and aura (energy field) from negative attachments and negative influences. It also helps to create a protective energy field around us to repel negative energies in the surrounding environment. This shield helps a person to protect his/her self from falling back to those addictions. Some refer to this protective shield as an energetic field of spiritual light.

Purple amethyst also helps to balance the nervous system and the brain during the withdrawal process from an addiction and in general as well. Amethyst is renowned for treating insomnia as it helps to calm the mind. (I have discussed more related benefits of amethyst in this article)

Amethyst helps to reduce stress and relive headaches. It is also believed to help to overcome tinnitus and nerve disorders.

Amethyst stimulates oxygenation of blood by improving absorption of oxygen and removing unwanted gases. It supports the digestive tract, heart and skin.

Improving the performance of endocrine glands and hormone production is another benefits of amethyst. Hence, it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the rapid involuntary response of a body to stressful situations.

This stone strengthen the immune system and hence it is good again minor wounds. Amethyst elixir has proven to be great in treating arthritis.


3. Emotional Benefits of Purple Amethyst

The peaceful mind and the higher intellect this stone stimulates helps you to be logical and stop taking emotional and irrational decisions in life.

Amethyst is also helpful in understanding the reasons behind emotions, behaviors and practices of yourself and other people. With this knowledge, you will be able to help others to emotionally stabilize and change negative behaviors and also do the same for yourself.

Similarly to the stone’s ability to curb negative physical habits, purple amethyst also helps to alleviate negatively addictive thought patterns as well. When comes to addictions such as drugs and alcohol, it is important that the mind also gets free from such imbalances. The ability of amethyst to balance the brain and nervous system assists in building emotional stability required to free a person from such strong addictions.

image 3 : 10K Solid Gold Purple Amethyst Dainty Ring


4. Business and Work Related Benefits of Purple Amethyst

Amethyst brings a similar effect of “protective shield”to the physical environment where it is placed and crystals, geodes or clusters are used for this purpose. When one of these amethyst specimens are placed in a physical space, it brings the feeling of a protective energy field. Robert Simmons in “The Book Stones” refers this protective energy field experience as a “Bubble of Light”. Amethyst brings this protection to any physical space such as houses, offices, vehicles, hospital rooms, etc.

Amethyst is therefore recommended to almost any profession and also for patients as it helps to purify and maintain a clear energy field in the healing space. Those who are driving for long hours can also be benefited by amethyst by keeping it in the vehicle.

A balance between the body and the energy field can be achieved when wearing amethyst as a jewelry.


5. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Amethyst activates the crown and third eye chakras and hence amethyst is great to improve psychic abilities and intuition.

Crown chakra is responsible for how we think and respond to the world. It is the core of our beliefs, values and spirituality. Third eye chakra controls our consciousness and awareness which makes it ideal for meditations.


6. Paranormal Powers of Purple Amethyst

As I have mentioned earlier in other articles, I am not a fan of paranormal activities and usage of crystals in such endeavors. But I will explain such benefits attributed with amethyst as some of you might find it useful.

Psychic abilities are stimulated by amethyst and the stone’s high frequency energy provides protection from low frequency energies which is valuable in psychic work. This high frequency energy provides a protective shield from dark spirits and psychic attacks and helps to stay clear and balanced.

Here is a video which shows a group mining for amethyst.

Cleaning the Amethyst Stone

It is advised to clear the energies of amethyst from time to time. If you are using it to treat another person, clean it after every use and if you are using it for yourself, clean it once every two weeks. If you are using it regularly for healing, better to clean it once a week.

The easiest way to cleanse an amethyst is by holding it under running water for one minute.

Final Thoughts

As one of the most popular gemstones ever, amethyst brings so much more value on top of its unique beauty. I discussed a range of purple amethyst meaning throughout the article covering many areas such as its spiritual, emotional, physical and work life benefits.

Purple amethyst is indeed a remarkable gemstone which will continue to play a dominant role in this particular domain.

I hope you liked the article and managed to learn something new. It will be great if you can leave a comment and share with your friends who love gemstones and crystals.


p.s. You might like following articles as well

Amethyst and Rose Quartz Combination 

Ametrine Healing Powers


Sources for my articles.

Red Aventurine Stone Meaning – A Motivator to Take Actions

Red Aventurine Stone Meaning – A Motivator to Take Actions


Red aventurine is a gemstone which has made its footprint as a stone which provides encouragement and energy to take actions. There are numerous other benefits of this unique gemstone and hence, I will go through red aventurine stone meaning in this article.

Before going on to discuss the meaning, let’s briefly get to know this stone a little better.


What is Red Aventurine?

Aventurine is a variation of translucent quartz. The stone consists of an ample amount of inclusions which reflects the light entering the stone. This reflection results in giving the stone a shimmering outlook which is also called “aventurescence”. This scenario is what gives this stone its importance as a gemstone along with the range of colors it comes in.

Green, red, orange, blue, yellow, pink, white, brown and gray are the colors of aventurine and green is the most common. Goethite and Hematite inclusions in aventurine gives aventurine the color red, which is known as “Red Aventurine”.

The name “aventurine” stems from the Italian word “a ventura”, meaning “by chance”, which refers to a glass type which was discovered by accident in year 1700.

India is currently the biggest producer of aventurine and Brazil, Russia, Spain, Austria and Tanzania are the other aventurine producing countries.

If you are interested in learning technical information about aventurine, you can do so by visiting here.


Red Aventurine Stone Meaning

Red aventurine is another stone which has earned its own personality among the metaphysical powers of gemstones and crystals. It is also the birthstone for the zodiac sign Virgo. Let’s discuss all the benefits and powers of this wonderful gemstone under following sections, one by one.

  1. Emotional Benefits
  2. Physical Healing Benefits
  3. Spiritual Benefits
  4. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing


1. Emotional Benefits of Red Aventurine

This is probably the most important aspect of red aventurine stone meaning as it offers such a lot of important and valuable emotional healing benefits.

Red aventurine is a stone of energy and liveliness. It also stimulates creativity and awareness in mind as well. The stone also promotes self-expression through actions. Anyone in the creative domain such as artists, musicians, writers, etc. will be able to find the inspiration for their work with the help of this stone. Those who have too many great creative ideas and unable to follow through will also be benefited by red aventurine as it helps to keep the focus till the end of a task.

We often turn back and give up in the face of problems but red aventurine provides us with the desire to take on the challenges and become successful. This stone is another one of those gemstones which provides us with the determination and courage to go on during difficult times. Even in the case of having to work for long hours with same level of attention, the energy of red aventurine stone will be of great help. It will assist you to chose the best possible cause of actions.

The stone also helps to be steady and be emotionally and physically balanced during conflicts.  Red aventurine encourage you to accept your mistakes, promotes self-forgiveness and make you look at your own mistakes positively.

If you are trying hard to make your dreams a reality, the determination, faith and energy induced by red aventurine will be highly useful. The whole process of working towards goals with your talent and self-belief will be facilitated by this stone and the “can do” attitude will be stimulated.

Red aventurine influences the physical body of a person. It helps to transform the body by channeling the energy to take actions. You will be able to properly adjust your energy to make your effort consistent.

Red aventurine also helps to decide on the best actions to take in order to bring your dreams to reality. If you are faced with the decision to select a path from many options, red aventurine energy will help you to decide on the best one. The stone helps to see through the options to get an idea about what lies ahead ultimately and also stimulates better decision-making. Even in cases where your mind has deceived you, the stone will assist you to quickly correct those mistakes.

Another common issue most of us face is that we cannot keep focus and commit to a task. This stone will also help to overcome this problem and ensure that we put our energy to the path we select. Another red aventurine stone meaning is that it will help those who have high ego to think of the bigger picture and be flexible in order to do the best for achieving the vision.

Red aventurine increase the flow of life energy in the body and hence it is useful for those who demonstrate lethargy and inactiveness. The stone will infuse such people with energy to get back in the game. This is applicable for those who are trying to recover from an illness or a surgery to regain their physical energy as well as confidence.

This stone is also helpful to cool down bad tempers and quickly settle disagreements between spouses.

image 1 : Red Aventurine tumbled stones

2. Physical Healing Benefits of Red Aventurine

Red aventurine is another gemstone which helps the proper regulation of blood in the body. This stone is also believed to help strengthen the blood. It is a catalyst to stimulate the red blood cell production in bone marrow.

Red aventurine is also helpful in treating auto-immune diseases. (An auto-immune diseases is the health condition when the immune system attacks the body mistakenly)

The stone also helps the liver and improve the detoxification processes. (Similar health benefits are achieved by Garnet and Bloodstone)

Improving low blood pressure and irregular heartbeat can also be assisted with red aventurine. It also helps in increasing the speed of metabolism, reducing cholesterol levels and relieving negative effects of radiotherapy. Red aventurine also improves the process of blood clotting when wounded.

Aventurine, in general, provides protection from electromagnetic waves around us as it absorb those energies. You can reduce the negative effects of electromagnetic waves of the mobile phone when a piece of red aventurine is kept close to the phone.

Washing from red aventurine elixir is effective against skin diseases. The elixir can be made by soaking a red aventurine piece overnight in de-mineralized water. This elixir is also used in ablutions.

3. Spiritual Benefits of Red Aventurine

As it was mentioned earlier, this stone’s energy helps you to select the best path when you are faced with a choice. The stone supports the same way in your spiritual journey as well. Red aventurine will also help you to keep your focus on the path and at the same time, correct yourself if you haven’t been following the best path similarly to how it helps in your normal activities. It also provides you the energy needed to face the difficulties and pain when following your path and stimulates proper judgment and perseverance.

As a protective stone, red aventurine was used against lightning, fire and theft. It is also believed to provide protection from road accidents.

image 2 : Red Aventurine Pendent

4. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Red aventurine activates and cleanses the Root chakra (Base chakra) which is located at the bottom end of the spine (Red crystals are generally used for this).

Root chakra is the chakra which controls kinesthetic learning, which is leaning through movement and senses of muscles. This chakra is also the foundation for spiritual and physical energy in our body. The physical and emotional energy and self-belief this stone activates, which we discussed earlier in the post, can be attributed to its ability activate the Root chakra.

Final Thoughts

As per the discussed red aventurine stone meanings, there were a wide range of benefits offered by this stone. While the revitalizing energy it provides to carry on during a difficult task might be its most important benefit , all the other emotional, healing, spiritual and chakra healing benefits will be certainly of help in relevant occasions.

Highly appreciate if you can leave a comment down here and share among other gemstone lovers if you managed to learn something from the post. Please also let me know any questions you might have.

p.s. You might also like following articles.

Ruby Gemstone Facts 

Pink Spinel Meaning


Sources for my articles.

Rutilated Quartz Meaning – A Stone With Super Energy

Rutilated Quartz Meaning – A Stone With Super Energy

Rutilated quartz is an exceptional stone and it is considered to bring an enormous amount of energy to the person wearing it. In this article, I will be explaining rutilated quartz meaning in detail.

First of all, let’s quickly understand what rutilated quartz is.

Rutilated quartz is a variation of clear quartz or smoky quartz with hair (or needle) like inclusions inside which are called “rutile inclusions”. There are many different types of rutile inclusions ranging from thin to thick, scattered to dense and parallel to crossed.

Quartz is mainly made of silicone dioxide (SiO2) and rutile is titanium dioxide (TiO2). The hardness of quartz is 7 in the Moh’s scale and the hardness of rutile is 6 to 6.5. Specific gravity o rutile is 4 to 4.2 which is considerably higher compared to 2.65 of quartz.

In the metaphysical world of crystals, rutilated quartz is known to be a stone with electrifying energy. It is also the birthstone for the zodiac sign Leo. (However, there is no specific birth month associated with rutilated quartz)

Therefore, let’s discuss the powers and benefits associate with rutilated quartz.


What Is Special About Rutilated Quartz?

Rutile has this effect of making harmonious with other vibrations, increasing and accelerating those energies.  Therefore, when rutile are present in a clear quartz or a smoky quartz, it has a synergistic effect on the powers of those stones.  It boost and quicken the built-in powers and energies of these two stones. As an example, healing energy of clear quartz and the strengthening, absorbing and grounding influence of smoky quartz will be multiplied.

Rutilated quartz blazes with energy and feels electrifying.  Depending on the person, rutilated smoky quartz might be a better option than rutilated clear quartz. Smoky quartz has less intensity when comes to the amplification capabilities. But it is valuable when manifesting as  its grounding capabilities influences to bring things to the physical world.

image 1 : A Red Rutilated Quartz – Polished Crystal Point

Rutilated Quartz Meaning

Since now we know what this stone is, let’s go through rutilated quartz meaning. As always, I will break it down to the following sections in order to make it easier to read and grasp.

  1. Emotional Benefits
  2. Business and Work Related Benefits
  3. Physical Healing Benefits
  4. Spiritual Benefits
  5. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Let’s go into the details one by one.


1. Emotional Benefits of Rutilated Quartz

The power of rutilated quartz amplifies the consciousness, intuition and make manifestation faster.

Hence, it enables a person to instantly read another person or a situation and understand whether the vibes are good or bad.

The stone also supports you in sustaining mental clarity and focus throughout the task.  Therefore, it is a good stone to have with you when you are involved in an emotionally or physically tiring task for a longer period of time.


2. Business and Work Related Benefits

The mental clarity this stone provides helps to see things that you might not see otherwise. It will shed light to problems that you couldn’t see a solution before.

Rutilated quartz also brings a fun and joyful vibration to your energy field. If you are overloaded with responsibilities and feel overwhelmed, this energy of rutilated quartz will help you to remove that pressure and weight.

If the goals seems too big to achieve and you feel the work you are doing is pointless, the energy of rutilated quartz will help you to keep going just like in the case of Black Sapphire.

3. Physical Healing Benefits

When a body part is removed due to an accident or any other health condition, some people still feels pain from that removed part, which is called the “phantom pain”. As per doctors, this pain is caused as a result of mixed signals from the brain and spinal code. Rutilated quartz is believed to help those patients who are suffering from “phantom pain” to relieve that pain.

This stone also helps to stimulate hair growth and hence it can be used stop hair loss. Healing of wounds can also be stimulated by rutilated quartz.

image 3 : A Large Rutilated Quartz Crystal Specimen

4. Spiritual Benefits

Rutilated quartz injects your energy field with light energy.  It assists a person to gain spiritual knowledge as it activates the deeper mind. This is helpful to improve creative abilities as well as psychic abilities.


5. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Rutilated quartz is a truly unique stone when comes to its chakra stimulating powers. This is a stone which activates all 114 chakras in the body, clear energies and connects from Root to Crown chakras. It brings and exceptionally high amount of energy to you as earlier mentioned.


Stone Combinations to Use with Rutilated Quartz

Another important area to discuss are other stones which can be used with rutilated quartz for additional benefits.

Rutilated quartz works well with all other stones in the quartz family and also enhances the energies of the stone types categorized as the super twelve – Moldavite, Phenacite, Danburite, Tanzanite, Azeztulite, Brookite, Herderite, Satyaloka quartz, Natrolite, Petalite, Scolecite and Tibetan Tektite.

Personal transformation and making a person motivated to strive towards higher purpose can be sped up when used with Moldavite alone.  An instant link to the higher realms can be achieved when used with Phenacite, Danburite, Calcite, Merkabite, Herderite, Elestial Calcite or Brookite.

Grounding and psychic protection can be added to the power of rutilated quartz with Sugilite, Jet, Obsidian or Black Tourmaline.

image 4 : A Rutilated Quartz Gold Pendant

Color Variations and Meanings of Different Rutilated Quartz Types

Rutile appears in rutilated quartz ranges from brown-red to golden yellow and sometimes even silver.

Color of the rutile is important for the rutilated quartz meaning as it shows how the stone will channel its light energy to the body. For example, quartz with red to brown rutile assists the body to integrate higher frequencies of energy to the body and helps to remove blockages which cause health issues and money shortages.

Orange-to-gold rutile light energy stimulates the creative energy and also to receive inspiration from the unseen world while Silver rutile enhances the intuition. ( More technical information about rutile can be obtained from here)

Here is a nice video which shows the faceting process of a rutilated quartz.

Final Thoughts

As a stone which can bring an astonishing amount of energy, rutilated quartz meaning is an important area in the world of crystals and its metaphysical powers.

In this article, I went through emotional, physical healing, work a& business, spiritual and chakra healing benefits and powers of rutilated quartz.

I also discussed the other stone types which can be used with rutilated quartz to have additional benefits and also the meanings of different color variations.

I hope you liked the article and if you did, please leave a comment and it will also be great if you can share this post among other gemstone and crystal lovers.


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Owyhee Blue Opal Meaning – Benefits and Powers of A Unique Opal

Owyhee Blue Opal Meaning – Benefits and Powers of A Unique Opal


Owyhee blue opal is a new and a unique variety of Opal. Since it is a new gemstone type, Owyhee blue opal meaning is a topic of interest for many gemstone and crystal lovers.

Opal is also the birthstone for the month of October and for the zodiac sign Libra. For those who have opal as the birthstone, if you do not like the other opal color varieties, Owyhee blue opal will be a great option to consider.

Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to discuss various benefits and metaphysical properties of Owyhee blue opal.

I will also discuss a bit of background information on Owyhee blue opal. If you are interested in learning about various types of other opal types and its physical properties, this article will be a great source o information. I previously wrote a detailed article about the benefits of fire opal which might also be of interest to some of you. Owyhee blue opal works well with some other stones such as moldavite, black precious opal, blue opal, Oregon opal, herderite, and andean pink.

So, without further due, let’s get started by going through some interesting facts of Owyhee blue opal briefly.


About Owyhee Blue Opal

Owyhee opal is a very new variety to join the opal family. It was first discovered in 2003 from the eastern Oregon in 2003. It got the name as it was found near the sacred Indian springs of Owyhee.

The main characteristic of Owyhee blue opal is its sky blue color which resembles the color of fine blue Chalcedony. One more thing to know about Owyhee opal is that it is mostly translucent when take out from earth but it will gradually become opaque. This transition is due to the fact that when the stone is exposed to air, the water contained inside the stone starts to evaporate.

As per a study done by a group of scientist, the blue color of Owyhee opal is due to a light scattering phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering.  In the normal blue opal (from Peru and France), the color comes from copper silicate inclusions.


Owyhee Blue Opal Meaning

Even though it is a relatively new gemstone variety, it still has many benefits for the wearer. Let’s break down those benefits to following subtopics and go through the list one by one.

  1. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing
  2. Physical Healing Benefits
  3. Emotional Healing Benefits
  4. Paranormal Powers


1. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

The Owyhee blue opal is a combination of pure blue ray and subtle gold patches which activates the throat chakra and the third eye chakra respectively.

This is a great combination as the third eye chakra controls the perception and throat chakra powers the speech and expression. With both activated, a person will be able to see with clarity,  speech and actions will be fueled with confidence and authority.

As the stone helps to clear and balance the throat chakra, it is highly useful for singers as well as speakers. The energy of the stone also helps a person to find the correct words and tones to convey the true meaning.

The Owyhee blue opal is great to overcome low confidence and other effects of blocked energies such as inability to take decisions, shyness, fear, inability to express, inhibition and feeling of powerlessness.

Since the stone injects clarity, the powers it awakens within us does not come out as aggression or arrogance. The powers will be coupled with softness as the mind is filled with certainty.  A person will choose words and actions with soft calm strength in order to strive to achieve his/her goals.

image 1 : Sterling silver earnings with natural Owyhee blue opal

2. Physical Healing Benefits

The energy of throat chakra in this stone is beneficial to the physical body as well and it can be used to treat numerous health conditions in the throat. It is useful for viral and bacterial inflammations, overuse of vocal codes or exposure to smoke.

As mentioned earlier, Owyhee blue opal is great for singers and speakers because it activates the throat chakra and the above mentioned ability of healing overused vocal codes makes the stone even more useful for such professions.

The stone has mild cooling effects for inflammations in other parts of the body as well.


3. Emotional Benefits

The Owyhee blue opal improves a person’s experience of positive emotions but without enhancing negative emotions.

It also makes one be logically fearless and encourages to take calculated risks. When someone is overly thinking about everything that can go wrong, it ads unnecessary fears. Energy of this stone helps a person to do what needs to be done and keep the focus and determination till the end.

image 2 : Natural Owyhee blue opal, Mystic Topaz 925 Sterling Silver Pendant

4. Paranormal Powers

Although I am not personally a fan of seeking paranormal powers, I will share such powers believed to be associated with Owyhee blue opal as some of you might find it useful. It is also a key aspect of Owyhee blue opal meaning.

The Owyhee blue opal, as a stone which helps to open the lucid state in dreaming, stimulates metaphysical capabilities and enhances intuition. The stone is capable of arousing deep memories, even from past births.  It is used in other western mystery traditions and contemporary witchcraft as well. The high celestial vibration it emits, connects to the highest divine guidance and one’s own spirit guides. Owyhee opal is also capable of incorporating higher level frequencies to the aura of a person.

It is also believed to facilitate the mind to mind communication with the unseen spirit world and nonhuman intelligence, through speech and sound, which is known as kything. The stone is considered to be highly effective in understanding the visual symbolism used in spirit guides as the relevant intuition is stimulated by it.

It is also considered a talisman to use again hidden metaphysical magic known as positive magic and against psychic attack. It is also known as a protective stone to use in the practice of traveling to the invisible world beyond the ordinary reality, commonly referred to as shamanic journeys.

Here is a video which shows a person mining for Owyhee blue opal.

Final Thoughts

Since it is a very new crystal type, the documented knowledge on Owyhee blue opal meaning is very rare. Even the chemical facts about the stone are not easily available.

Given the restraints, I presented all the information I gathered and hopefully did justice to the topic.

I do hope you found this post useful and was able to learn something new. If you did, it would be great if you can leave a comment and share within your social circles.


p.s. Here are some other articles you may like

“Meaning of Fire Opal”

“Meaning of Blue Sapphire”

“Tanzanite Metaphysical Properties”

Sources for my articles.


Fire Opal Gemstone Meaning – Its Benefits and Powers

Fire Opal Gemstone Meaning – Its Benefits and Powers


Fire opal is a variety of opal which comes in light yellow to bright red color range. Though fire opals rarely display a play of colors, unlike the Ethiopian opal, it is still a marvelously unique gemstone. The fire opal with a considerable play of color can be very expensive.

Many gemstone lovers are eager to learn fire opal gemstone meaning which is the main objective of this article. Opal is also the birthstone for the month of October and for the zodiac sign Libra which ads to the value of this remarkable gemstone.

I am going to discuss a number of metaphysical properties of fire opal. But before that, let’s quickly get to know this gemstone a little better.


 About Fire Opal 

The name opal is believed to stem from the Sanskrit word “upala” for precious stone but some say it is from the Latin word “opalus”.

The ancient Aztec civilization has used fire opal as early as 850 A.D. It was found in their burial sites – in jewelry and as decorations for their art and figurines. It is reported that fire opals were still a part of  Aztec culture when Spanish invade Mexico in 1500s.

Fire opals are contains silicic acid just like other opals but with a comparatively higher water content. The color of fire opal is unique and it comes from the iron oxide content.

Mexico is the world’s most famous mining destination for fire opals and hence it is also called “Mexican Opal”. The soil layer which contains fire opals runs all across Mexican highlands with many died volcanoes.  But several years ago, yellow to orange color fire opals were discovered from Brazil. Since then, Brazil has produced considerably large fire opals and it is becoming a popular source for this gemstone.

Fire opals are also mined in small quantities in countries like Guatemala, USA, Canada, Ethiopia, Turkey and Australia.

The hardness of Opal in the Mohs scale is 6 – 6.5, hence extra care should be taken when designing and making jewelry.

When comes to pricing of fire opal, color of the stone, transparency and play of color are the main deciding factors. The deeper the red color and higher the transparency with “fire”, more expensive it will be. The rarest and hence the most expensive is the strong red-orange fire opal from Mexico with a solid play of color.


Fire Opal Gemstone Meaning

Since there are many areas to discuss under fire opal gemstone meaning, let’s break it down following subtopics.

  1. Emotional Benefits
  2. Physical Healing Benefits
  3. Spiritual Benefits
  4. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing
  5. Business, Work and Wealth Benefits

Let’s go through one by one.

1. Emotional Benefits of Fire Opal

Fire opal awakens the passion in a person. When it comes to passion, it can be anything from personal to professional matters and even spiritual.  Whatever your passion may be, fire opal can will increase your intensity. It will also enhance the pleasure of the experience you go through.

Fire opal also helps in sexuality. The connection of opal to your emotional body will help to combine more love into the relationship. The stone promotes creative energy associated with sexuality and physical energy.

Sometimes, ones passion is held back by fears, personality traits, shyness or shame. Fire opal helps to relieve these uneasiness and discomforts, and allows to explore the passions and enjoy more.

Another advantage of fire opal is that it enhances the creative energy as its energy is attune to the creative energy of the universe.  It stimulates the creative person inside you and motivate to express emotions in the form of art. The stone’s energy will help to direct the creative energy to achieve your dreams.

Negative, defeatist thinking and fear of taking actions can be alleviated with the energy of fire opal. It assists to become a more positive person with confidence and belief about his/her abilities and talents. If you are an overly introvert, fire opal will help to be outgoing person. The stone brings a joyful energy and curiosity to the life.


2. Physical Healing Benefits of Fire Opal

Fire opal is well known for treating fertility issues with both men and women. The stone is useful in treating menstrual problems caused by hormonal imbalances. Chronic fatigue is another health conditions which can be treated with fire opal.

In acupuncture, fire opal is a perfect simulator for triple-burner meridian.  Endocrine system is also stimulated by fire opal.

image 1 : A ring made of fire opal and some raw fire opal pieces

3. Spiritual Benefits of Fire Opal

Spiritual benefits are another important aspect of fire opal gemstone meaning.

As discussed earlier, fire opal allows person to ignite the passions in a person. This is applicable for the spiritual path as well. Fire opal increase passion in the quest for the spiritual enlightenment as well.

For spiritual enlightenment, it is said that what matters the most is the intensity of the desire to achieve success. Fire opal supports precisely on this as it enhances the emotional intensity considerably during spiritual practices such as meditation.

“Fire Opal can assist one in experiencing complete spiritual abandon to the frequency of creative energy that flows throughout the Universe” – ( Ahsian, The Book of Stones, page 294)


4. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Fire opal contains the frequency of ecstasy and activates the Root (Base) chakra and the Sacral chakra. Therefore, this ecstasy will be initially felt in sexuality. But as the kundalini energy is activated and start its upward movement, ecstasy will be felt in the energies of other chakras as well.

In the concept of yin and yang energies, it is said that there are two opposite forces in the universe but works to complement each other. Yin is the feminine, inward energy and yang is the masculine, outward energy. Fire opal is a great stone which balances these yin and yang energy forces.


5. Business, Work and Wealth Benefits

Fire opal is an ideal stone to have in your entrepreneurial journey. It provides support during a change process and provides guidence to progress. It also brings the good luck to attract money to your business.

Fire opal is great as a lucky charm when you are trying to make your own independent path in life and define your own rules. It also helps when you are trying to achieve something unique, personally or in your professional life.

This stone is also an amulet to protect in danger. If you are facing harassment or mistreatment at work, this protective energy of fire opal will help you to get yourself out of that situation.  Fire opal also supports the releasing grief which was stored for a long time.

Ok… With that piece of information, we are almost at the end of this post.

Here is a cool video which shows a group of miners trying to retrieve large  fire opal.


Final Thoughts

Fire opal is indeed a unique gemstone in the family of opals. Fire opal gemstone meaning is not of any less importance in the world of metaphysical powers of gemstones and crystals.

I went through a whole bunch of powers and benefits of fire opal under emotional, physical healing, spiritual and chakra energies aspects. I also explained it benefits in your professional and business lives as well.

Hope you liked the article and also learned something new. If you did, it would be great if you can leave a comment and also share the article with other gemstone lovers. Please also let me know any questions you may have.


p.s. Other articles you may like

“Emerald Spiritual Properties “

“Tanzanite Metaphysical Properties”

Sources for my articles.

Ruby Stone Meaning – Amazing Benefits of A True Beauty 

Ruby Stone Meaning – Amazing Benefits of A True Beauty 


Ruby is one of the most expensive gemstones in the world along with blue sapphire and emerald. Its remarkably unique red color is unmatched to any other red gemstones. Due the extreme popularity of this outstanding gemstone, many are searching for the ruby stone meaning when it comes to crystal healing powers and metaphysical properties.  Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and for the zodiac sign of Cancer which adds to the curiosity of learning the benefits of this gemstone.

Discussing these various benefits of ruby gemstone is the main purpose of this article and you can find a lot more other information about ruby in this article : “Ruby Gemstone Facts”

Before starting, an interesting thing to know about ruby is that the exact ruby gemstone was categorized accurately only a couple of centuries ago. Before that, even high quality red spinels and some garnets were also called ruby.  Even the large red gemstone in the imperial state crown was also thought to be a ruby but later found out that it is actually a spinel.

image 1 : Imperial State Crown with the Red Spinel which was thought to be a Ruby

Historical Beliefs

Ruby was a symbol of royalty for thousands of years and it is said that Kublai Khan, the Chinese emperor, exchanged an entire city for a large ruby.

According to an ancient Burmese legend, one could become invincible by inserting a ruby in the flesh.As per the middle age European lore, ruby was believed to give good health, alleviate negative thoughts and resolve disagreements.

Ruby was also carried as a talisman to prevent war and danger during ancient times. The Mesopotamian goddess of war and sexual love, carried a ruby which has illuminated her temple with supernatural light. She has used it to watch souls of the dead.


Ruby Stone Meaning

There is a wide array of benefits when comes to the ruby stone meaning. As it was mentioned earlier, ruby was used for thousands of years for its remarkable benefits. In order to present these benefits in an order, I will break down those into following sub topics.

  1. Emotional Healing Benefits
  2. Physical Healing Benefits
  3. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing
  4. Love and Relationship Benefits
  5. Spiritual Healing Benefits

Let’s go through the list one by one.


1. Emotional Healing Properties

Ruby supports you to strive for your dreams wholeheartedly by stimulating passion and determination.  It has the energy to remove negative thoughts of defeat and frustration and to infuse with positivism and fortitude to strive for the goals.

Ruby brings feeling of control and power to the wearer which improves the self-belief and self-confidence.

If you are looking for a change in life, ruby is the stone for you as it is a magnet to attract adventure and novelty. Its energy attracts new opportunities and unexpected positive changes in situations.

Even if you feel stuck and seems to be going nowhere in any area of your life, ruby can inject the energy you need to get going again. It brings this positivism, enthusiasm and passionate energy to make the steps needed to get to the next level.

Ruby helps to adjust to the unknown and overcome anxiety. It gives courage to deal with doubtful situations. It makes you confront with your fears and enjoy the challenge. Ruby inspires you to move forward amidst challenges.

Ruby also inspires the caring and protective side of a person. It will make you stand up for those who are in need, be it your family, friends or even the nature. The confidence ruby gives will make you stand against more powerful people than you when needed.

A balancing stone to have with ruby is sapphire, which brings the self-control and discipline aspect to balance out the adventurous enthusiasm.

During stressful times and also when the stress should be endured until results are achieved,  ruby will be a strong ally.

Ruby is also helpful for those who are trying to overcome the pain of sexual abuse as it will help to heal the emotional connection with the body. It is also great for someone who is recovering from a bad addiction such as drugs.


2. Physical Healing Powers

Ruby is recognized as a blood stone and has many positive effects on the cardiovascular system. It is known to strengthen many parts of the heart including the ventricles, myocardium and coronaries. It also helps to improve the blood circulation.Due to its positive effects on the heart, ruby is used in treating different other medical conditions of the heart as well.

Ruby is a stone which has many benefits for women in particular. Its ability to stimulate a proper blood flow has positive effects in regulating menstrual flow as well and in relieving menstruation related pains. It is also beneficial to overcome early menopause. In addition, the gemstone is used as a support in gynecological operations.

Ruby is also considered to have positive effects on reproductive organs. Therefore it is used in treating impotence, infertility and sexual dysfunction.

The stone is believed to have positive effects during the pregnant period especially for older mothers. Ruby is considered to have positive effects on the child during the early stage where all organs and structures within the child is formed, also known as the embryonic state.

Ruby is beneficial in detoxification of blood, lymph and the body.  It is also used to treat fever, inflammations, hemorrhage and infections.

The stone can be used to help in weight management especially by regulating where excess weight is held in the body. It also stimulates reproductive organs, adrenals, spleen and kidneys.

image 1 : A ruby gemstone crystal

3. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

As ruby is an excellent stone for the first and second chakras (root and sacral chakras), it is used to ensure a proper circulation of energy flow in legs and feet.

As a stone for the root chakra, it stimulates the life force energy to flow throughout the body and provides the energy for a person to strive for the dreams.


4. Love and Relationships Benefits

Ruby is another stone known to stimulate the sexual energy and desire and also supports in alleviating sexual dysfunction and certain types of infertility.

It helps to understand the sensual pleasures of your body and to build a better relationship with your own body.


5. Spiritual Healing Benefits

Ruby encourages you to understand the spiritual energy that exists everywhere in the physical world and helps you to master in controlling the thoughts and determination to manage the physical world.

Ruby also supports you spiritually to get over the memories and grief of past losses or physical abuse.

Ruby is also great to connect the energy field of a person to that of the earth and release the excess energy. The stone is great for grounding, which helps to relieve from symptoms like dizziness, disconnected and also when someone feels overloaded with energy.

Here is a nice video which shows a gem market in Myanmar (Burma).

Final Thoughts

The unparalleled beauty of this gemstone becomes even more special with its unique and powerful ruby gemstone meaning. As discussed, there are many emotional, physical and spiritual healing powers in addition to the positive energy its ads to your life.

I hope you liked the article and managed to learn something new. If you did, it would be great if you can leave a comment and share with your friends who love gemstones and crystals.

p.s. You may also like to read

Facts about Ruby Gemstones

Garnet Gemstone Meaning


Garnet Stone Meaning – How Will It Benefit You?

Garnet Stone Meaning – How Will It Benefit You? 

With a unique and powerful set of benefits, garnet is a stone which has been popular for thousands of year. From energizing you in and out to bringing order in chaos, garnet brings a heap of irrefutable metaphysical properties.

Hence, I am going to discuss the garnet stone meaning in this article along with a bit of background information about the stone as well.


About The Garnet Gemstone

Garnet is not a single mineral but a large group of rock forming minerals. The minerals have similar crystal structure and related chemical composition.

Even though it comes in several colors, the word “garnet” usually refers to the red version of it. Green, yellow, orange, pinkish red are some of the other colors of garnet. ( You can learn more technical facts about Garnet from here)

Garnet gemstones are mined in several countries around the word including Sri Lanka, India, Brazil, Madagascar, Tanzania and Russia.

The name comes from the Latin word for pomegranate – “granatum”,  as the seeds of this fruit resembles red garnet. It is also the birthstone for the month of January and for the zodiac sign Capricorn (The sign of the Goat).

Ancient Egyptians have used garnet more than 5000 years ago and evidence have been found that it has also been used in the bronze age in the area of former Czechoslovakia. Garnet was also used in Sumeria around 2100 B.C and in Sweden between 1000 B.C. and 2000 B.C.  Apart from that, garnet has been used throughout the history including the Greek and Roman empires, middle ages and during the more recent European colonization era.

image 1 : An orange color garnet specimen

Garnet Stone Meaning

As it was earlier said, garnet consists of a wide range of powerful benefits. Hence, I will discuss the garnet stone meaning under the below subsections.

  1. Physical Healing Properties
  2. Emotional Healing Properties
  3. Business, Work and Wealth Benefits
  4. Love and Relationship Benefits
  5. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing


1. Physical Healing Powers of Garnet

Garnet was famous in the medieval ages for its powers in healing and providing protection. Back then, it was used to neutralize poison, reduce fever and also depression. Red and yellow garnets were used in sympathetic magic rituals. Red stones were used for its perceived anti-inflammatory powers and yellow stones to cure jaundice.  Garnet elixir (garnet infused water) was used to improve digestion.

Garnet was used in the past to remove toxins from the body and cleanse blood and organs, especially the heart and lungs. It was also used to relieve arthritic pain, rheumatic pain and some psychological illnesses.

It was also placed on wounds to speed up the healing process and also to stimulate blood clotting.

Today, garnet is used to encourage the absorption of minerals and vitamins to the body including calcium, magnesium, iodine and vitamins A, D and E.

The stone also helps to regenerate the body by improving the metabolism. It is also used in treatments for the cellular and spinal disorders.

Garnet helps to reduce acne and improve libido. It also alleviate cardiac rhythm disturbances and regulate blood pressure.  (However, it is reported that garnet can worsen the arterial hypertension and therefore it should not be used with those patients).

Garnet is used to improve the heart conditions in general and to rejuvenate the entire body.

image 2 : A sterling silver natural garnet pendent

2. Emotional Healing Benefits of Garnet

Emotional benefits are another important area in garnet stone meaning.

Garnet is famous for cleansing abilities as discussed before and it helps to cleanse your body energies as well. The stone also provides support to balance the energy system of a person and helps to alleviate insecure feelings. When you internal energies are balanced, you will feel more confident about the path you need to take and the decision you have to make.

It helps to get you to the correct state of mind when you have to take serious decisions in your professional as well as in your personal lives. The stone also helps you to become a more pragmatic person.

As a protective stone, it is believed to safeguard against potential money losses. It is also a talisman for protection in your journeys.

Garnet helps during crisis situations where everything seems to be destroyed and you cannot see a way out.  It provides strength and courage to overcome such situations and also solidifies the survival instinct. You will be encouraged to come-out of the challenging situations with determination.


3. Business, Work and Wealth

Garnet also brings good luck to your professional and personal lives including your love life.  It will help you in achieving your goals and always provides the encouragement to achieve more.

Garnet will have an overall positive effect in your attitude and also in your personality. It helps to increase your likability, popularity and self-confidence. The stone will have a positive effect on your business relationships and in the overall business as well.  Mostly, the square cut garnet is believed to bring the business related successes.

Garnet is popular as an executive stone especially among women.

Another unique garnet stone meaning is that it helps widows to regain the positive joyful spirit by overcoming pain and grief. Garnet is in general good to get back on after going through extreme painful situations.

When placed under the pillow, the stone is known to help you alleviate bad nightmares.

Garnet is good to increase your motivation and fuel you with determination when you are mentally down and it also provides the mental strength to refuse negative things.

image 2 : A sterling silver butterfly pendent with natural garnets

4. Love and Relationships

Garnet is especially known to benefit you when there is a change, a transition, happening in your relationship as it helps you remove insecure feelings and be mentally strong for the right decisions.

Red always represents a strong romantic bond and garnet is a stone for stability. So if you are looking for a stable, long lasting relationship, garnet is a stone you should definitely consider. Romance is probably the most popular benefit when comes to garnet stone meaning.

It is a stone which helps you to be honest with yourself and at the same time to your partner as well. It also encourages to solve any issues in the relationship which affects the harmony of the two. The ability of garnet to balance the head and the heart is one of the main properties of garnet which makes it suitable in such situations.

Just like the positive effect it has on widows, even when you have become single after being in a relationship, the energy of garnet helps you to come out of that emotionally stressful situation. Hence you will be open and better prepared to let someone new into your life.

During the early days of your relationship, the energy of the stone will help you to maintain your composure and emotional balance.

5. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

The red garnet stimulates the Root and Crown Chakras. Hence it provides physical and spiritual energy (effects of a balanced root chakra) and makes us feel connected, inspired and well belonged to the physical world (effects of a balanced crown chakra).   As a powerful rejuvenating and regenerating stone, it cleanses and energizes all the chakras.

Here is a video which shows the cutting process of a garnet gemstone.

Final Thoughts

As a gemstone which is not as rare or expensive as sapphires or rubies, the garnet stone meaning is truly remarkable. You can use it as a crystal for healing purposes or wear as an everyday jewelry even.

This magnificent creation of Mother Nature will continue to amaze humans for many more thousands of years.


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Ruby Gemstone Facts 

Pink Spinel Meaning


Sources for my articles.

Ametrine Healing Powers – Truly Wonderful Benefits

Ametrine Healing Powers – Truly Wonderful Benefits


Ametrine is one of the best examples of the nature of the core existence of two different objects as ametrine is in essence, a mix of amethyst and citrine minerals. Both amethyst and citrine are from the quartz family and the purple color of ametrine is from amethyst and the yellow is from citrine.

Ametrine is also a very unique stone when comes to the metaphysical powers of crystals as it combines the powers of amethyst and citrine marvelously. Ametrine is also the birthstone for the month of November  and for Libra and Pisces zodiac signs. Therefore, in this article, I will go through ametrine healing powers as ametrine indeed contains truly special and a wide array of healing benefits.

If you are interested about learning more about the history and other properties of ametrine, you can check this article. 

image 1 : Ametrine Crystals from Bolivia

Ametrine Healing Powers

The healing benefits of ametrine are wide spread and in order to present in a way that you can grasp easily, I will break it down to three parts.

  1. Physical Healing Powers
  2. Emotional Healing Power
  3. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing.

Let’s dig in and find out what these are.


1. Physical Healing Powers of Ametrine

The stimulation ametrine provides to get to the bottom of problems makes it is useful in treating chronic diseases (illnesses which are long standing) and ametrine helps to find the root cause of the illness.

Ametrine bears strong cleansing capabilities and it helps to clear toxins from the blood and also clears blockages in the body. Therefore, it is in general good for all organs in the elimination processes.  It is used in treating spleen, pancreas, kidney and bladder infections.  Ametrine also improves the blood circulation in the body and the re-absorption of water.

Therefore, ametrine is effective in weight management.

It also acts as an energizer as it stimulates vitality.  The stone is a good support to fight fatigue and lethargy.

Similar to the effects in the physical body, it also helps to ease emotional and mental pain as well as it helps to alleviate stress related illnesses and headaches caused by mental tension.

Therefore, ametrine is beneficial in treating the medical condition known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

(ME is simply the long-term fatigue and other symptoms which act as barriers for a person to carry out normal activities. Some of the other symptoms here are muscle pain, headache, memory issues, standing/sitting difficulties etc.)

Ametrine also stimulates the regeneration of the physical body. Therefore, the stone is useful in treating all degenerative diseases. Once such disease is the Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s disease, which is a progressive disease causes the brain cells to degrade gradually and die.

Supporting the process of providing oxygen to different organs in the body (oxygenation) is another benefit of this gemstone.

Ametrine supports in the physical maturation as well (Physical maturation means, the maturity of the body is appropriately proportional with the age).

The stone improves the immune system and the autonomic nerves system. (Autonomic nerves system is a part of the peripheral nervous system which acts mostly unconsciously to control certain body functions such as the rate of breathing and blood pressure). Neural transmission also benefits by ametrine.

Ametrine is known to stabilize DNA and RNA, the most important molecules in the body.

Another benefits of ametrine is that it helps to overcome burning sensations. Therefore, the stone is good for those who are trying to come out from bad addictions such as drugs or alcohol.

Relieving gastric trouble is another benefits of ametrine.

It can reduce itching and used in treating ulcers, bruises and injuries. It is also good for burns and swellings.

​The stone is beneficial for the endocrine system as well. (Endocrine system is the network of glands which generates the hormones that help cells to communicate with each other). It also helps in improving male hormones

The stone is good for the thymus, thyroid glands and the nerves. It is used to treat skin issues and cellulite as well.

Ametrine has positive effects on the respiratory system including the lungs. Regulation of flora and removing parasites are also benefits of ametrine.

The ametrine elixir is used to treat menstrual and menopause complications, hot flashes and hormonal imbalances.


2. Emotional Healing Powers

In addition to the whole heap of physical healing benefits of ametrine, there are emotional healing properties as well.

Ametrine helps you not to become too influenced by your environment and to be independent. Ametrine makes you emotionally strong and helps you deal with stress and anxiety.

It helps you to be optimistic and provides the motivation to carry on when things are not going right. It also infuses you with self-confidence and hence it is a good stone for those who are suffering from low self-esteem.

The strength to overcome different types of fears and phobias is another advantage of this stone. It also supports to overcome bad nightmares and get a good night sleep. Ametrine is beneficial for those who are suffering from insomnia as well.

Another benefit of ametrine is that it encourages creativity as well as individuality. It also supports in expressing yourself and in decision making.

The regenerative energy of ametrine is applicable to get over emotional fatigue as well. Providing support to overcome emotional and psychological pain is another benefit of ametrine.

The emotional strength provided is beneficial in controlling strong negative emotions such as extreme anger.

As mentioned earlier, this stone helps overcome addictions such as drugs. Ametrine provides the emotional strength for such a task in addition to the physical energy it provides.

Improving your relationship with your partner is another area where ametrine energy will come in handy. As ametrine is one of the best natural examples of two different stones working together as explained before, it will support you with that coexisting energy to achieve a better relationship.

image 2 : A faceted ametrine gemstone

3. Chakra Healing and Energy Balancing

Ametrine stimulates solar plexus, third eye and crown chakras.

Solar plexus chakra is the distribution center for energy and the chakra responsible for relationships.  As it controls the digestive system and the immune system, a balanced solar plexus chakra improves your strength against infections, allergies and viral diseases plus better digestions of food ( which improves the intake of nutrients).

This chakra also encourages individuality and strength to express yourself.

The third eye chakra controls our perception and authority.  When this is balanced, we are more open to new ideas, visions and dreams.

The crown chakra is what defines us spiritually.  How we think, how we react, our values, beliefs are all connected with the crown chakra. A balanced crown chakra makes us understand how life is and see successes and failures as part of life.

Final Thoughts

As a wonderful example of a natural blend of  two crystals, ametrine is indeed a power stone. Due to its importance as a healing crystal, discussing ametrine healing powers was the primary objective of this article.

I discussed its healing powers under physical, emotional and chakra healing powers. Hope you managed to learn something new from the article and enjoyed it as well. I would love to hear your thoughts and also, let me know if you have any questions. Please do share this in your social circles if you think your friends will find it useful.


If you are a skeptic of the healing powers of crystals and gemstones, you might find something interesting here – “Scientific studies in crystal healing”

Sources for my articles.

Here is also a video by GIA which shows an ametrine mine in Bolivia.

Amethyst and Rose Quartz Meaning – An Awesome Combination

Amethyst and Rose Quartz Meaning – An Awesome Combination

When comes to crystal and gemstone healing, using a mix of crystals is a great way to use the synergetic power of different crystals. However, certain stone combinations can enhance the effect while some other combinations can negated the power of other stones.

If you are looking for the combined amethyst and rose quartz meaning, you have come to the correct place. In this article, I will go through the benefits using these stones together. But before that, let’s find out why this is a good stone combination to use.

Is Amethyst and Rose Quartz A Good Combination?

When comes combining crystals, there are some simple rules for you to decide whether a stone pair would actually work.

The easiest criteria to look at is the color. If both stones are of the same color, it will usually work well with each other in the energetic level.

The next criteria to check is whether both stones are from the same mineral group. For an example, amethyst and rose quartz are both from the quartz mineral group and hence it is a good indication that these two stone will work together.

The third factor is the crystal structure: whether two stones have the same crystal structure. If the stone combination you are looking at is from the same mineral group, the crystal structure would be the same.

If not, you can easily google and find the crystal structure of the stone of interest. For example, minerals like garnet, spinel, magnetite and pyrite have cubic crystal structures. Minerals such as agate, sapphire, jasper and tourmaline have trigonal crystal systems.

This is very basic guide on how you can decide whether two or more stones are compatible with each other. But before you use a specific combination, it is always better to google that specific combination and see whether it works.

In the case of our topic, amethyst and rose quartz are from the same mineral family and hence both have the same crystal structure. Therefore this is a good combination to use.

Now let us look at the benefits of using amethyst and rose quartz combination. It is important to note that there are common benefits of both stones as well as differences. When there are different benefits, the two stones will provide you a combination of those benefits.

In addition, I want to note that Amethyst is the birthstone for the month of February and zodiac sign Aquarius. Rose quartz is the birthstone for zodiac sign Taurus there is not month associated with rose quartz specifically.

(Before going further, I would like to give you a quick reminder that we have our own gemstones, crystals and mineral shop on Etsy where you will be able to browse through a nice collection)

image 1 : Amethyst and Rose Quartz Healing Crystals

Amethyst and Rose Quartz Meaning

There are few areas where this combination of amethyst and rose quartz meaning can provide great effects.

1. Creativity

Rose quartz is good for artists and authors as it encourages to see the beauty in people and nature.

Amethyst encourages one to be creative and to develop something new from existing tools and methods.  Amethyst is highly regarded as a stone for those who are in creative professions such as authors, artists, poets and painters. Amethyst is also good for inventors as it encourages originality.

Therefore, amethyst and rose quartz combination is excellent in the creative work.

2. Helps you to calm you down

Rose quartz provides emotional support during difficult times. It helps to calm you down and be receptive of change. It also promotes good qualities such as kindness and empathy.

Amethyst also helps to calm you down as it facilitates the proper conduction of neural signals through the brain.  Amethyst is also good for the psychological health condition called obsessive-compulsive-disorder . This cause people to have recurring unwanted thoughts or images or the strong desire to do something repeatedly.

The same energy of amethyst helps people to overcome addictions such as alcohol, drugs, smoking and any other dangerous habits.

Amethyst also helps to calm down hyperactive children and also animals.

Therefore, the amethyst and rose quartz combination provides you with a combination of these related benefits.

image 2 : Amethyst and Rose Quartz Home Decoration

3. Peaceful Sleep

Rose quartz helps to get a peaceful sleep. Amethyst is also believed to heal insomnia when placed under the pillow or rubbing the center of the forehead counter-clockwise. This method also works to stimulate peaceful dreams.

Both rose quartz and amethyst prevents bad dreams and helps children to overcome fears of the darkness.

4. Work

Rose quartz provides protection from those who act against you behind your back at work.The stone is also good if you are working as a beautician.

Amethyst on the other had is good when your work involves heated debates as the stone helps you to maintain your composure. This helps you to see things clearly and focus on the issues without getting carried away with emotions. Amethyst is therefore good for businessmen and those involved in serious negations such as politicians and diplomats.

5. Love and Relationships

This is another important area in amethyst and rose quartz meaning.

Rose quartz is famous as a protective stone for relationships and it is also known as the heart stone.  It attracts love and intimacy. It is a stone which encourages better relationships among family, friends and even in groups.

Amethyst is also considered as the “Couple’s Stone” and the stone of faithful love. It is believed that St. Valentine also wore an amethyst ring with the cupid engraved on it.

One unique advantage of rose quartz is that it helps during pregnancy and child birth. Rose quartz helps to improve the mother baby relationship and also provides protection. Keeping the stone on the stomach from time to time and keeping it near the mother during birth is a good idea.

6. Physical Healing

Amethyst helps to improve the oxygenation in blood and also supports treatments of digestive system, skin and heart.

Rose quartz also supports the proper functioning of the circulatory system including the heart. It helps to sooth irregular heartbeats and improves the stability of the heart (especially for premature babies and kids).

Both rose quartz and Amethyst elixir has great health effects. Rose quartz elixir is used to ease blistering and sooth burns.   It can also clear the skin, improve the complexion and reduce wrinkles. Amethyst elixir is used to treat arthritis.

image 3 : Amethyst and Rose Quartz infused water bottle

As both rose quartz and amethyst encourage a peaceful sleep, both can be used to treat insomnia especially if it is caused by overloaded thoughts.

Both of these stones help to calm the neural impulses in the brain and to reduce stress and tension.

  • Other Healing Benefits of Amethyst

Amethyst is believed to help those who are suffering with hearing disorders such as tinnitus.

Amethyst increases the hormone production by improving the performance of the endocrine glands and improves reactions to difficult situations by simulating the sympathetic nervous system.  It also improves the immune system.

It is also good to relieve headaches and migraines.

  • Other Healing Benefits of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is especially beneficial for women since it helps to increase fertility. The stone also helps the healing process after a child birth. Additionally, it helps to overcome postpartum depression.

It is also believed that keeping the food of the baby within a rose quartz circle for a couple of minutes reduces colic and any difficulties in feeding.

Rose quartz is used to clear toxins from the body. It helps the healing of adrenals glands and kidneys.

7. Luck

Both rose quartz and amethyst are known to bring good luck. Rose quartz bring luck in your love life and amethyst provides luck to protect yourself from bad investments and unnecessary spending.

8. Emotional Healing

Both stones provide the emotional support to overcome grief.  Helps to forget worries and fears and bring back inner peace.

In addition, as discussed previously also, both stones helps to calm down your nerves and relax your mind.

9. Chakra Healing and Energy Balance

When comes to chakra healing, amethyst stimulates third eye, crown and etheric chakras while rose quartz stimulates the heart chakra and also the root chakra to some extent.

Therefore, the combination of these two crystals is great to activate all these chakras.

Final Thoughts

Metaphysical properties of gemstones and crystals is a frequently discussed subject these days and the combined effect of crystals is also a topic of interest for many. Therefore, I discussed the combined amethyst and rose quartz meaning in this post. The combined effects were discussed under several subtopics such as creativity, health, love, emotional healing, etc. I also briefly explained how to check whether two or more stones are compatible or not.

I hope you found this article useful and if you did, please leave a comment and share inside your social circles. Let me know if you have any questions also.

Before you leave, take a look at this video where a person mining for a rare amethyst.


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Sources for my articles.

(You can also visit our own gemstones, crystals and mineral shop on Etsy where you will be able to browse through a nice collection)