Rare Sapphire Colors – Composition, Color Range and Other Important Information

Rare Sapphire Colors – Composition, Color Range and Other Important Information

Sapphires are one of the most expensive and rarest gemstones in the world. But certain colors of sapphires are even rarer and can attract very high prices. The full range of sapphire colors were discussed in an earlier post which you can find here, and in this article, I will discuss specifically about the rare sapphire colors.

There are certain rare colors such as brown in sapphires which are not very valuable. Such colors will not be discussed in this article and I will only focus on the rare and valuable sapphires.

Color is not the only factor which will make a sapphire rare. The carat weight, clarity and cut can also make a sapphire rare and valuable. All these factors which affects the value and rarity of a sapphire were also discussed in this article here.

Certain popular sapphire colors such as royal blue or cornflower blue are not considered rare but sapphires over 15 carats can be considered rare regardless of its color.

But this article is dedicated specifically to introduce some rare color tones and color mixes of natural sapphires.

Rare Sapphire Colors

Following is the list of rare sapphire colors which will be introduced in this post.

I will discuss the details of each, one by one.

Padparadscha Sapphire

Padparadscha sapphire is probably the most valued rare sapphire. Its unique and rare color is the reason for the high price tag of this sapphire. The name Padparadscha derives from the Sinhalese word (Main language in Sri Lanka) for the Lotus flower as the best color Padparadscha resembles the color of this flower.

But, there is a range of colors which falls into the category of “Padparadscha”. The sapphire to be categorized as a “Padparadscha”, it should have mix of pink and orange colors. This can be a mix of light pink – orange tone to medium pink-orange tone.

When the stone is pure pink, it becomes a pink sapphire and when it is pure orange, it is an orange sapphire.

Padparadscha stone gets its color from both iron and chromium as trace elements. The pink color is from chromium and the orange color is from iron. The rare mix of these trace elements during the formation process gives the unique color.

For many gemstones, the price will increase with the saturation of the color. But for Padparadscha sapphire, a medium saturation mostly preferred as this is a stone popular for its remarkable soft tone.

Sri Lanka was the only producer of Padparadscha sapphire for a while, but the same color sapphires have reached the market from some African countries like Tanzania and Madagascar. Some gemologists are still in the opinion that the real Padparadscha sapphire comes only from Sri Lanka.

image 1: Padparadscha Sapphire

Peach Sapphire

A term coined relatively recently, Peach sapphire refers to lighter colors of Padparadscha. The stone consist of a light pink and light orange mix which cannot be categorized as Padparadscha. The color can range from a stronger orange to a stronger pink. This can be a more economical option to Padparadscha and some will even prefer peach sapphires over Padparadscha depending on their personal choice.

The coloring agents for this sapphire are the same as for Padparadscha – chromium and iron.

Color Change Sapphires

Not many would have heard about or seen these sapphires. This color changing effect can be seen in some purple sapphires.

Purple sapphire gets it color from either vanadium as the trace element or in the presence of chromium, iron and titanium. When the coloring agent is vanadium, the color change will be comparatively strong. If there are uniform amounts of vanadium throughout the stone, color change will also be visible uniformly. If there are only patches of vanadium, color change will only be visible in those areas.

Purple sapphires with chromium, iron and titanium can sometimes demonstrate color changing effect but it is usually less strong.

image 2 : A Color Changing Sapphire

Greenish Blue – Bluish Green Montana Sapphires (Yogo Sapphires)

These sapphires were found in 1894 in the Montana region in USA and it is still the only source of this sapphire. It is a stone which has gained in popularity recently. These sapphires get their color from iron and titanium as trace elements.

Although similar color sapphire maybe found from other parts of the world, Montana or Yogo sapphires specifically refers to sapphires found in from this region.

Green Sapphire

Green sapphires with a uniform and saturated color is a rare sapphire and it is considered as a collector’s stone. Green sapphire get its green color from the presence of iron as the only trace element.

image 3 : A Green Sapphire

Bi-Color Sapphires

Bi-color sapphires have two colors and demonstrate color zoning (two colors can be seen separately). The bi-color sapphires are a result of how the trace elements are mixed during the formation process of gemstones.

Natural corundum (Al2O3), the main mineral of sapphire is a colorless material. During the formation, if iron and titanium starts to get mixed with Al2O3 after the formation of one part, the stone will have two colors. The first formed section without trace elements will be colorless and the next section will be blue.

Similarly, if chromium acts as the trace element in formation of corundum initially and iron and titanium get mixed after a certain period, the final stone can become a mix of red and blue.

Green-yellow is another color mix found in bi-color sapphires.

Depending on the mix of colors and the color zoning pattern, these bi-color sapphires can be very rare and collectors will have a high interest in such stones.


Final Thoughts

Sapphire is a very famous gemstone for jewelry and there are many who loves to collect sapphires as well. Rare sapphires can be a great choice to make a unique piece of jewelry as well as a valuable addition to a sapphire collection. Hence, the objective of this article was to introduce a list of rare sapphire colors.

I hope you found it useful and it will be great if you can leave your thoughts down here. Please also feel free to let me know any questions you may have.


White Gemstones List – My Top 10

White Gemstones List – My Top 10

White or colorless gemstones are another very popular category of gemstones. The negative side of colored gemstones is that, a specific color will not go with all different colors of dresses, skin types and sometimes even the metal of the jewelry. But white or colorless gemstones, on the other hand, is perfect to be used all across. Therefore, I will introduce a white gemstones list in this article which you can consider for your jewelry.

Diamond is undoubtedly the most popular gemstone in this category and many other colorless gemstones such as white sapphire, white zircon, goshenite and white topaz are mostly used as less expensive alternatives for diamond.

Other white gemstones such as moonstones, pearls, white agate and white opal brings a whole new value to jewelry in terms of design.

White Gemstones List

Following white gemstones list is created based on some generic factors such as hardness and luster. But, depending on your requirement, any stone in the list can be the best fit. The list of stones are,

  1. Diamond
  2. White Sapphire
  3. White Zircon
  4. White Topaz
  5. Pearls
  6. Moonstone
  7. White Spinel
  8. White Agate
  9. White Opals
  10. White Jade

I will describe the details of each stone one by one.

White Gemstones List

1. Diamonds

Diamonds still remain as the most desired gemstone in the world. Due to its brilliance and hardness, the popularity of diamonds for jewelry is unlikely to drop. Diamonds have a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale of hardness which is the highest value. Therefore, diamonds are the hardest known material and it cannot be scratched unless with another diamond.

Diamonds also have the highest refractive index of 2.417-2.419 among all precious gemstones. Therefore, diamond has the best brilliance/luster among all of those.

The negative fact about diamond is, even though it has a high hardness, it is a brittle material due to its structure. Diamond can get chipped or cracked with a hard knock.

Although diamond is not a rare gemstone, the global market is controlled by two major companies, Alrosa and De Beers. This is the main reason for the high prices of diamonds.


2. White Sapphire

When the mineral corundum is free from any trace elements, white sapphires are formed (You can learn about all other colors of sapphires and how those colors are formed in this article). Sapphire has a hardness of 9 in the Moh’s scale and a refractive index of 1.76 – 1.77.

Sapphires are also tougher than diamonds and will not easily chip or break when faced with the high force. High hardness, brilliance/luster and toughness makes white sapphire a perfect choice for a jewelry which you want to last for a long time.

Another major advantage of white sapphire is that, it is much less expensive than diamonds.

Occasionally, natural white sapphires can have a faint tint of yellow or blue. Some people will prefer this and some will don’t.

image : A White Sapphire Engagement Ring

3. White Zircon

Zircon has a high refractive index of 1.930 – 1.987 and demonstrate a high brilliance. It is usually faceted to highlight its brilliance. Hence, zircon is used as a natural alternative for diamonds.

Zircon has a hardness of 7.5 and it is also a relatively brittle gemstone. Therefore, it is not considered as a very durable stone.

If you are going to purchase white zircon jewelry, you might want to keep in mind that certain white zircons can demonstrate a faint off-white color which will affect the beauty of its jewelry.

image : White Zircon

4. White Topaz

White topaz is another very popular alternative for diamond. It is a gemstone found in abundance and prices are affordable for almost anyone. Natural topaz is mostly colorless and it is treated with irradiation to get more popular colors such as London blue, Swiss blue or sky blue.

Refractive index of topaz is 1.61 – 1.638 and hence it is not as brilliant as diamonds. But it has a hardness of 8 which is higher than zircon.

Topaz has a cleavage and hence it is prone to chipping and cracking. Topaz can easily lose its luster due to dirt and cleaning the surface from a soft cloth often makes a notable difference.

image : White Topaz Earrings

5. Pearls

All the gemstones we discussed so far are colorless, but pearls come in a very rich white. Although there are other colors of pearl, white is the most common. Surface of pearls also demonstrate different colors when viewed from different angles, which is known as iridescence.

Hardness of pearl is only 2.5 – 4.5 in the Moh’s scale, probably the softest gemstone in this list and therefore it can easily get damaged.

Pearls are grown inside mollusks and oysters. Long ago, pearls were one of the most valuable gemstones as those were hard to find. Sri Lanka, where I am from, was known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean as the sea around Sri Lanka was famous for pearls. But pearls are now abundant and affordable as those are now cultured by oyster farmers and mussel farmers.


6. Moonstone

There are few types of moonstones such as rainbow, blue, white and colorless. All these types are used in different types of jewelry. Moonstones are famous for its unique silky sheen and soft surface which adds a unique value to its jewelry. Colorless moonstones also demonstrate a blue, white or a mixed color sheen. There are some moonstones which demonstrates the cat’s eye effect as well.

image : A White Moonstone with the Cat’s Eye Effect

Since its hardness is only 6 – 6.5., it can get scratched easily. Moonstones are generally cut as cabochons and raw moonstones are also used in some jewelry.

Showing a milky white moonstone in the context of moonstone gemstone meaning
image : A White Moonstone

7. White Spinel

Spinel is a very popular gemstone for jewelry as it has a hardness of 8, a refractive index of 1.712 – 1.736 and it is generally an affordable stone. White spinel is not as easily available as popular colors such as pink and purple.

Spinel is a tough and durable gemstone and these jewelry can last a long time. Spinels are gaining popularity in the world of gemstones and it is definitely a stone you should consider.

8. White Agate

Agate is another gemstone found in abundance and hence it is very affordable. It comes in so many colors including white. White agate ranges from translucent to opaque and it adds a unique beauty to jewelry with its soft oily brilliance.

It is a fairly durable stone with a hardness of 7, especially when compared with the price you pay.

9. White Opals

If you want to add a bit of color to your white jewelry, white opal is a great option. Opals are known for its optical effect of shinning mix of colors known as opalescence. Opals are mostly cut in cabochon shapes to increase this effect. Darker tones of opals are much expensive as those demonstrate a stronger opalescence but white stones also adds a unique beauty to jewelry.

The hardness of opal is 5.5 – 6.5 which is relatively low and hence it can get scratched quite easily. Its refractive index is 1.37 – 1.47 which is also low but the beauty of opalescence is the attraction of this gemstone.

10. White Jade

Jade occurs in a range of colors including white, although green jade is the most famous. There are two variations of jade: Nephrite and Jadeite. Nephrite is abundant and inexpensive while jadeite is rarer, harder and expensive.

The stone has a hardness of 6-7 in the Moh’s scale but it is a tough gemstone due to its compact composition. Jade is either translucent or opaque. It is usually cut as cabochons or as various shapes such as human figures, animals, ornaments, etc.


Final Thoughts

This white gemstones list was created to give a brief understanding of the options available for you to consider for your jewelry with white or colorless stones. I summarized the properties of each stone together with advantages and disadvantages.

Hope you found this article useful and please let me know any questions you may have.


Natural Sapphire Colors – The Complete List of Sapphires

Natural Sapphire Colors – The Complete List of Sapphires

Sapphires are one of the most desired gemstones in the world. Along with diamond, ruby and emerald, sapphire is one of the most priced gemstones as well. These amazing natural beauties have managed to capture the love of humans throughout the history and will continue to do so as long as we exist. One major reason for the remarkable popularity of these is the range of natural sapphire colors that exists. Even though blue is the only sapphire color that many are familiar with, they come in a whole range of other colors as well.

As you may already know, I am from Sri Lanka and I take great pride about writing about sapphires as it is one of the main gemstone varieties found here. Sri Lanka was previously called Ceylon and Ceylon sapphires still have a unique position in the world of gemstones.

In this article, I will introduce you all the different colors of sapphires along with chemical properties which results in that specific color. Color is also the main factor when comes the value of a sapphire and more details on how color affects the price of a sapphire can be found here.

Following is the list of natural sapphire colors,

  1. Blue
  2. Pink
  3. Purple
  4. Yellow
  5. Orange
  6. Padparadscha ( A rare mix of pink and orange)
  7. Green
  8. White
  9. Black
  10. Color change
  11. Star sapphire
  12. Bi-color sapphire

As you may have realized, Red is not listed in the list. Sapphires are essentially made of the mineral corundum. Red color corundum is also available but those are specifically referred to as “Ruby”. Therefore, the term “Red sapphire” is not used in the gem industry as it is always referred to as “Ruby”. What you have to keep in mind is that both sapphire and ruby as essentially the same mineral and color difference is due to the presence of different trace elements. For rubies, presence of chromium as the trace element gives its red color. I will list the trace elements for all other colors below in the relevant section.

*Note – Different types of color enhancing treatments are very common for sapphires. I have listed those in the article I linked above. If you are buying a sapphire, I strongly recommend getting a valid detailed certificate which states the treatment type the stone has undergone.

Natural Sapphire Colors

Let’s go through the details of each natural sapphire colors one by one.

1. Blue Sapphires

Blue is the most famous sapphire color. Blue sapphires comes in a range of different color hues and the very intense color called “Royal Blue” is the most desired in many parts of the world. The color hue referred to as “Cornflower Blue” is the most sought after in certain countries including Australia. But the desirability of the exact color is a very personal choice.

The trace elements which gives corundum its blue colors is iron and titanium. Heat treatments to enhance the color are very common in blue sapphires. Natural blue sapphires without any type of treatments could be very expensive.

Following video shows most of the different hues of blue sapphire.

image 1 : A Natural Ceylon Blue Sapphire

2. Pink Sapphire

The color of pink sapphires range from light red to light purple. It can neither be considered ruby nor purple sapphire. The saturation can vary from weak to strong and pink sapphire with strong color saturation are indeed very beautiful and expensive.

Chromium is the trace element which gives this stone its pink color similar to ruby. When there is a strong presence of chromium, the stone will be red and it will be pink when the chromium concentration is relatively low.

Heat treatments are common for pink sapphires as well.

image 2 : A Pink Sapphire

3. Purple Sapphire

Although some people get confused with pink and purple sapphires, purple sapphire always has purple as the dominant color. Its color can range from medium to dark reddish purple to violetish purple with weak to strong (vivid) saturation.

Purple sapphire gets it color when wither a small amount of vanadium is present as the trace element or in the presence of  chromium, iron and titanium. When a considerably larger amount of vanadium is present, it will become a color changing sapphire (I will discuss more about color changing sapphires later in this article).

One unique advantage of purple sapphire is that most of them are free from any type of treatment.

a purple sapphire in the context of purple sapphire meaning
image 3 : A Purple Sapphire

4. Yellow Sapphire

When only iron is present in a small amount, sapphire becomes yellow or green. Yellow sapphires range from yellow to orangish yellow, light to dark tones. Both yellow and orangish yellow with a vivid saturation is considered as the best yellow sapphire color but for some, canary yellow (medium to bright) is the best color.

Green can also be present in yellow sapphires and can range from light to dark greenish yellow. Presence of green will make the stone less desirable for many buyers.

Heat treatments to enhance the color are common for yellow sapphires. Some yellow sapphires are treated with irradiation also and if the yellow sapphire is treated by irradiation (x-ray), the color will deteriorate when kept in the sunlight for a couple of days. Therefore, I will not recommend buying a yellow sapphire treated with irradiation.

image 4 : A Ceylon Yellow Sapphire

5. Orange Sapphire

Orange sapphires can be considered as a variation of yellow sapphires. When the color of yellow sapphire is actually a strong orange, some calls it orange sapphire.

image 5 : An Orange Sapphire Ring

6. Padparadscha Sapphire

Padparadscha (also called padmaraga or pathmaraga) is a rare and unique type of sapphire. It has a mix of pink and orange colors. The name comes from the Sinhalese (main language in Sri Lanka) word for the lotus flower as the color of the stone resembles its color.

In all the gemstone varieties in the world, there is no other gemstone which can compete with this stone for its truly unique color. The color of the stone comes from both iron and chromium as trace elements.

Different types of treatments are common for padparadscha as well.

image 6 : Padparadscha Sapphire

7. Green Sapphire

As mentioned earlier, presence of a small amount of iron makes a sapphire yellow or green. Sapphires with a uniform and saturated green color is actually a rare gemstone and it is considered as a collector’s stone. Hence, it can attract high prices.

Green is also present in some blue sapphires as a secondary color. But these greenish blue sapphires are less desirable. (Blue sapphires from Madagascar and Australia demonstrate a greenish blue while blue sapphires from Sri Lanka are free from any green).

image 7 : A Green Sapphire

8. White Sapphire (Colorless Sapphire)

When the mineral corundum is not mixed with any trace elements, the white sapphires are created. Pure white sapphires are available as well as white sapphires with traces of other colors such as blue and yellow.

White sapphires with faint tints of other colors can be heat treated to make pure white sapphires.

A White sapphire in the context of white sapphire meaing
image 8 : A White Sapphire

9. Black Sapphire

When corundum is very dark, it absorbs all the light and hence it is called a black sapphire. It is a stone found in abundance and not considered as a precious gemstones.

image 9 : Two identical black sapphires

10. Color Changing Sapphires

As described earlier, a small presence of vanadium results in purple sapphires. With a relatively larger amount of vanadium, it will become a color change sapphire. The color change happens between blue and purple.

When vanadium is distributed equally in the stone, the color change will appear uniformly throughout the sapphire. When vanadium is present only in certain places, the color change will only be visible accordingly.

Purple sapphires colored with chromium, iron and titanium can also demonstrate the color changing effect sometimes but this change usually less stronger.

image 10 : A Color Changing Sapphire

11. Star Sapphire

The presence of needle-like rutile inclusions in a sapphire cause the optical phenomenon known as asterism. The rough gemstones demonstrate glimpses of this effect and experienced gemologists, cutters and sellers can determine whether the stone is suitable to be cut as a star sapphire. The star is only visible if such stone is cut in the cabochon shape.

Star sapphire appears in all colors mentioned above. But green, yellow and orange star sapphires are very uncommon. In order for a star sapphire to be a quality stone, the star should be perfectly centered when viewed right from the top and the rays of the star should be of equal length. The rays should also be sharp and bright without being blurry and weak.

Showing a star sapphire in the context of star sapphire gemstone meaning
image 11 : A Star Sapphire

12. Bi-color Sapphire

Bi-color sapphires are formed when different trace elements get mixed during the formation of a sapphire. For example, when a sapphire is created perfectly pure and iron and titanium starts to get mixed after a while, the stone will become a white and blue sapphire.

If a sapphire is created only with iron and later get mixed with titanium, the stone will become a yellow and blue sapphire.

image 12 : A Bi-color Sapphire

Pleochroism in Sapphires

Sapphires have this effect called pleochroism. Pleochroism refers to the effect of showing different colors when viewed in different directions. This is mainly relevant for gem cutters as the cutter should try to get the most desired color to the front direction of the stone. For blue sapphires, presence of either green or grey is common and the effect of these secondary colors should be minimized during the cutting process.

Final Thoughts

Since sapphires are a popular category of gemstones with a whole range of colors, the objective of this article was describe all natural sapphire colors. I hope you found this article useful and relevant and please feel free to drop any questions you may have.

Blue Gemstones List – My Top 10

Blue Gemstones List – My Top 10

Blue gemstones are probably the most popular gemstones to be used in jewelry. If you are in search for a list of blue gemstones to compare properties, advantages, disadvantages and prices, you have come to the correct place. In this article, I will introduce a blue gemstones list together with important information regarding each stone.


Blue Gemstones List

Blue is indeed a great color for any jewelry. The famous engagement ring of Princess Diana which was later used by Princess Kate is made with a 12 carat Royal Blue sapphire from Sri Lanka (Ceylon). This speaks for the royalty and the admiration of the blue color jewelry.

Therefore, I have come up with my top 10 blue gemstones list which you can use in your day to day jewelries as well as in statement jewelries. This list is not created in any specific order and therefore, please do not consider it as ranked from 1 to 10. Depending on the advantages and disadvantages, which I will highlight, you can choose the best stone for your requirement.

(Note : If you are planning to purchase gemstones or jewelry, this guide will give you some valuable tips)


1. Blue Sapphire

I am from Sri Lanka (previously known as Ceylon) and Sri Lanka is the most famous destination for blue sapphires. The color of the best Ceylon blue sapphires is unmatched to any other gemstone found in the world. Although there are several colors of sapphires, blue is definitely the most popular.

Blue sapphires is also arguably the most desired colored gemstone for engagement rings.  Sapphire has a hardness of 9 in the Moh’s scale of hardness which is second only to diamond. Due to its compact structure, sapphires are even more resistant to cracking and chipping than diamond.

Blue sapphires are quite expensive. The stone comes in a range of different color hues and price depends on the exact color. In most countries, “Royal Blue” sapphires are the most expensive while in certain countries ( e.g. in Australia), “Corn Flower Blue” is the most sought after color. Heat treatment and certain other types of treatments are common for sapphires and the price will also depend on the exact type of treatment. (More details of determining the value of blue sapphires are given here)

Blue sapphire is also the birthstone for the month of September.  Synthetic sapphires are widely available in the market today and hence, please stick to the guidelines I have shared when buying these gemstones or jewelries.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 9

Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77


(Refractive index is a measure of the brilliance or the luster of the stone)

A  unique gemstone.


High durability and high brilliance.




It is an expensive gemstone



Blue Sapphire Meaning

2. Blue Diamonds

Diamonds are  one of the most expensive types of gemstones. Blue diamond is one of the rarest types of diamonds and prices could be as high as $ 200,000 for a half a carat stone.

Diamonds are the hardest material on earth with a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale and therefore it is the ultimate scratch resistant material. But diamonds are not as tough as sapphire and it can chip or crack if faced with a hard knock.

There are different tones of blue diamonds available and as per GIA classification, the highest ratings goes for the “fancy vivid” color diamonds.

Synthetic blue diamonds are also available in the market and hence, buying from a highly trusted source such as Leibish is recommended.

You can check their blue diamond prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 10


Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419



Very rare and hence it will definitely be a very unique possession.


Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.


Very high prices


Hard to find




image 2 : A Blue Diamond from Leibish

3. Aquamarine

The word aquamarine means “sea water” in latin. The name is very appropriate for this stone as it comes in all shades of different sea water colors, even the greener shades. The blue aquamarines have a very soft blue which has an amazing soothing effect.

Aquamarine belongs to the beryl family of gemstones, which is the same as for emeralds. It has a hardness of 7.5 – 8 and quite tough as well.  Properly faceted aquamarine stones consists of a great luster. There are several different blue tones of aquamarine and the most expensive is the moderately strong, medium to dark, very slightly greenish blue.

Heat treatment to enhance the color is a common practice for aquamarine. Due to its affordable prices, hardness and toughness, it is a great choice for day to day jewelry.  Aquamarine is also a birthstone for the month of March.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index – 1.57 – 1.58


Relatively affordable prices


High Durability


The color range might not be suitable for some jewelry



image 3 : An Aquamarine Gemstone

4. Blue Topaz

This is one of the most popular and affordable blue gemstones. Blue topaz is made by subjecting colorless topaz to irradiation. Sky blue, Swiss blue and London blue are the three most common types of blue topaz and London blue is probably the most popular.

It has a hardness of 8 but it is prone to chipping due to its cleavage. Finding sizable stones free of inclusions isn’t that hard and it also has a good brilliance. Topaz is the birthstone for the month of November.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 8


Refractive Index – 1.61 – 1.638




Very affordable prices


Good luster


High resistance to scratching


Stones free of inclusions are readily available


Prone to chipping



showing a london blue topaz in the context london blue topaz facts
image 4 : A London Blue Topaz Gemstone

5. Tanzanite


Tanzanite is a gemstone which was discovered in 1967 and became popular in a short period of time. It comes in a range of blue tones and the strong bright blue tanzanite can be expensive.

It has a hardness of 6.5 – 7 which is relatively low but jewelry can last long when used with care. Tanzanite with strong vivid blue can also be used as a less expensive alternative to blue sapphires. It is also a birthstone for the month of December.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 6.5 – 7


Refractive Index – 1.69 – 1.7


Inexpensive compared to blue sapphires and diamonds


Good luster


Prone to scratching



tanzanite meaning
image 5 :  A 14k white gold tanzanite pendent

6. Blue Spinel

Spinel is another very popular and a beautiful gemstone, and red and blue spinels are the most expensive. There are few different shades of blue spinel and the color variation known as cobalt blue is very rare and could be even more expensive than blue sapphires.

Spinel has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness and a refractive index of 1.71. Therefore, this stone is a very durable gemstone with good brilliance and it is a great choice for everyday jewelry. Spinel is also an August birthstone.

Although not as common as synthetic sapphires, lab grown spinels are available. The GRS (Gem Research Swiss Lab) issued a notice about lab grown spinels in 2015. As cobalt blue spinel is extremely rare, some sellers treat light color spinel with cobalt to get that color.

Therefore, when you are purchasing spinel gemstones or jewelry, you should buy from a trustworthy seller or request for a gemstone certificate.  (When buying any type of expensive gemstone or a jewelry, buying from a trustworthy seller is a must as there are so many different ways which you can get ripped off)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 8


Refractive Index – 1.712 – 1.736


High durability


Good brilliance


Blue spinel can be expensive


image 6 : A Blue Spinel

7. Blue Tourmaline

Tourmaline in general is a very popular gemstone including blue tourmaline which is also known as Indicolite. Tourmaline is considered as a birthstone for the month of October.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. It is also an affordable gemstone and comes in a range of different blue tones. Heat treatments are common for tourmalines and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern. If the seller is claiming that the stone is free of treatments, it is better to ask for a gemstone certificate to prove that claim.

A rare variation of tourmaline, which is called Paraiba Tourmaline also has a very unique blue tone. More about this stone and its prices can be found here.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65






Prices are generally affordable


Has a good brilliance


Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.


image 7 : A Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite)

8. Blue Zircon

Zircon is a gemstone with a great brilliance since it has a very high refractive index. It is also used as an alternative for diamonds due its high luster. Blue zircon is also considered as one of the most brilliant gemstones and it comes in a range of blue hues.

Zircon has a hardness of 7.5 which is considered as a fairly decent hardness for jewelry.  However, it is a relatively brittle gemstone and can chip or crack. Zircons are another birthstone for the month of December.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.93 – 1.987



Prices are generally affordable


Has a great brilliance


Prone to chipping and cracking


a blue zircon in the context of blue zircon metaphysical properties
image 2 : A Blue Zircon

9. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is very popular as a healing crystal. It is a gemstone which has been used in jewelry for many thousands of years and it was also a popular stone among the ancient Egyptian emperors.

Lapis lazuli has a unique celestial blue which should be the reason for its popularity among ancient emperors. However, its hardness is only 5 – 5.5 which makes it easily scratchable.  But, with proper care, these jewelry can last for a long time.   It is an opaque gemstone and some stones contains white or gold color inclusions on the surface which gives it a unique texture.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 5 – 5.5


Refractive Index : 1.5




Inexpensive stone


The blue color is very unique


Less brilliance


Prone to scratching


As it is available only in the opaque form, might not be suitable for certain jewelry types and designs.


a blue lapis lazuli in the context of blue lapis healing properties
image 9 : A Blue Lapis Lazuli Crystal

10. Turquoise

Turquoise is a gemstone which has a very unique blue color and the color “turquoise” was also named after this stone. Just like lapis lazuli, turquoise is also an opaque gemstone with dark lines like inclusions on the surface. These inclusions are called as matrix and it creates a unique texture. However, natural turquoise without the matrix is more expensive. Turquoise is also a birthstone for December.

There is another cheaper version of turquoise which is made by natural turquoise powder. These are much cheaper and I personally will not recommend using those for your jewelry. Genuine sellers will disclose if they have use this semi-natural turquoise in their jewelry.

Hardness of turquoise is 5 – 6 and therefore it can get scratched easily. The stone also contains minuscule veins like formations where water or other liquids can pass through (known as porous). Therefore, turquoise can get damaged if exposed to chemicals and rough use.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 5 – 6


Refractive Index : 1.61 – 1.65




Affordable prices


The blue color is very unique


Less brilliance


Prone to scratching and breaking



As it is available only in the opaque form, might not be suitable for certain jewelry types and designs.

image 10 : A Turquoise Gemstone

Final Thoughts

This article was written with the objective of introducing a blue gemstones list which can be used for different types of jewelry.  As mentioned earlier, the list was not created on any specific order and hence you can select any gemstone you like by paying attention to advantages and disadvantages of each different stone.


Purple Gemstones List – My Top 10

Purple Gemstones List – My Top 10 

If you are a fan of purple color gemstones and searching for a list of different types, properties, pros & cons, and prices, you are in the right place. The purpose of this article is to come up with a purple gemstones list with all the important information of each stone.

There are many different types of gemstones in the world and purple is present in quite a few of these.  The physical properties and prices can vary significantly from one gemstone type to another.


Purple Gemstones List

Following purple gemstones list is not created in any specific order, in terms of price or otherwise. The list is followed by details of each gemstone and I will cover advantages and disadvantages of each different type. It is hard to give a price range for gemstones as it depends on so many factors. But I will provide links where ever applicable so that you can browse through available options and compare the prices.

(The basic gemstone valuing criteria is the 4 c’s framework which I have covered for diamonds, sapphires and emeralds before. Either one of these articles will give you a basic understanding on the 4 c’s criteria for a gemstone if you are keen on learning more about it).

Note : If you are planning to buy gemstones or jewelry online, I recommend you to read this article for some important tips)

I will first list down some of the main purple gemstones and go into details one by one.

  • Amethyst
  • Purple Diamonds
  • Purple Sapphire
  • Purple Spinel
  • Purple Chalcedony
  • Iolite
  • Purple Jade
  • Purple Kunzite

Let’s go into the details of each, one by one.

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is probably the most famous purple gemstone out there. It comes in so many different shades of purple, from very light to very dark. Therefore, with amethyst, you will be able to find the exact shade you are looking for.

Even though it was as expensive as diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds in the past, recent discovers of massive scale amethyst mines in Brazil has made amethyst an extremely affordable gemstone.

Check for amethyst gemstones and jewelry prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 7


Refractive Index – 1.54-1.55


(Refractive index is a measure of the brilliance or the luster of the stone)


Readily Available


Affordable Prices





The color can fade with time if it is exposed to sunlight for a longer period.




image 1 : An amethyst pendant

2. Purple Diamonds

If you are looking for something really unique to stand out, purple diamonds is one great option. Purple diamonds are rare to find as the formation of it requires a high concentration of hydrogen. Purple diamonds with a high color saturation (high purple intensity) is rarer and can be more expensive.

Diamonds also have the highest refractive index meaning it has the best brilliance (luster) among all gemstone variations.

You can check out a range of purple diamonds here from Leibish.  Since there are different color tones for purple diamonds, some colors have got their own nicknames such as Lilac, Lavender, Orchid, Grape, and Plum Diamonds

Synthetic purple diamonds are also available at really low prices and hence, make sure you buy from a trusted place if you want to buy natural purple diamonds.


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 10


Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419



Very rare and hence it will definitely be a very unique possession.


Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.


Very high prices


Hard to find





3. Purple Sapphire

Purple sapphire is another unique and expensive option which will be second only to purple diamonds. Although blue sapphire is the most famous type of sapphire, it is available in many colors such as purple, pink, yellow, green, white, black, etc.

Sapphires get their colors from the presence of various trace elements. Purple sapphire gets its color from the presence of vanadium as the trace element.

The hardness of sapphire is 9 which is second only to diamond and it also has a high refractive index of 1.76. Therefore, purple sapphire is a highly durable gemstone with a great luster.

It is a great choice for an important piece of jewelry such as an engagement ring or a wedding ring and also for everyday jewelry.

Another advantage of purple sapphires is that most available stones are not treated in any way to enhance the color. Heat treatment and other types of treatments are very common for many other sapphire variations.

(Check for a range of purple sapphires and jewelry here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 9


Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77




It is a unique gemstone although it is not as rare as purple diamonds.


High durability and high brilliance.


Purple sapphire is often left untreated.


It is an expensive gemstone





image 2 : A Natural Untreated Purple Sapphire

4. Purple Spinel

Spinel is another very popular and a beautiful gemstone. Red and blue spinels are the most expensive and purple spinels are relatively less expensive. Purple spinels come in a range of different color tones and Lavender color spinels are the most expensive. Those can sometimes be even more expensive than blue or red spinels.

Spinel has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness and a refractive index of 1.71. Therefore, this stone is a very durable gemstone with good brilliance and it is a great choice for everyday jewelry.

Although not as common as synthetic sapphires, lab grown spinels are available. The GRS (Gem Research Swiss Lab) issued a notice about lab grown spinels in 2015.

Therefore, when you are purchasing spinel gemstones or jewelry, you should buy from a trustworthy seller or request for a gemstone certificate.  (When buying any type of expensive gemstone or a jewelry, buying from a trustworthy seller is a must as there are so many different ways which you can get ripped off)


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 8


Refractive Index – 1.712 – 1.736



Affordable Prices


High durability


Good brilliance


If you are with a low budget, purple spinel might not be the best choice as it is a moderately expensive gemstone.


Image 3 : A Lavender Spinel


5. Purple Chalcedony

Purple chalcedony is another popular gemstone and it is also very affordable. Unlike all the other gemstone variations we discussed above, chalcedony often comes in translucent to opaque variations.

Since this gemstone has no cleavage, it is resistant to chipping and cracking. Therefore, it is considered as a long lasting gemstone. But since the hardness is about 6.5 – 7 in the Moh’s hardness scale, it is not as hard as diamond, sapphires or spinels.

(Check for purple chalcedony prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness –  6.5 – 7


Refractive Index – 1.54 – 1.55



Very affordable


Resistant to cracking and chipping


Hardness is moderate


Transparent purple chalcedony is hard to find as it is often translucent or transparent

6. Iolite

Iolite is another gemstone which is found in abundance. Therefore, it is also an inexpensive option for jewelries.  Iolite has a unique cleavage which makes it prone to chipping and cracking. It has a hardness of 7 – 7.5 in the Moh’s hardness scale but it is not considered as a durable gemstone due to its cleavage.

Properly faceted Iolite stones exhibit a strong brilliance. This is another reason for it to be a popular gemstone for jewelries.

( Check for iolite prices here )


Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness –  7 – 7.5


Refractive Index – 1.55 – 1.62


Very affordable


High Brilliance


Prone to cracking and chipping


7. Purple Jade

Jade occurs in a range of colors including purple although green jade is the most famous. There are two variations of jade: Nephrite and Jadeite. Nephrite is abundant and inexpensive while jadeite is rarer, harder and expensive.

The stone has a hardness of 6-7 in the Moh’s scale but it is a tough gemstone due to its compact composition. Jade is either translucent or opaque. It is usually cut as cabochons or as various shapes such as human figures, animals, ornaments, etc.

(Check for Purple Jade prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6 – 7


Refractive Index 1.6 – 1.67



Nephrite jade is very affordable


Resistant to clacking and chipping


Hardness is moderate

Since jade is either translucent or opaque, it has less brilliance than other transparent gemstones.


8. Purple Kunzite

Although kunzite was first discovered in USA, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the current main suppliers. Kunzite without inclusions can be found fairly easily.  Large kunzite gemstones free of inclusions are available at very affordable prices and hence it is a good option for jewelries which requires bigger gemstones.  It is also a stone free of treatments.

Kunzite has a hardness of 6.5 –7. One disadvantage of Kunzite is, it is prone to chipping and cracking due its distinct cleavage.

(Check for purple kunzite prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6.5 – 7


Refractive Index : 1.66 – 1.68




Large stones are available at affordable prices.


Generally free of inclusions and blemishes.


Free of treatments and enhancements.


Hardness is moderate




9. Purple Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a very popular gemstone although the purple version is not so much. But there are beautiful purple tones of tourmaline and a properly faceted stone can be really beautiful in a jewelry.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. It is also an affordable gemstone and comes in a range of different purple tones. Heat treatments are common for tourmalines and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern. If the seller is claiming that the stone is free of treatments, it is better to ask for a gemstone certificate to prove that claim.

(Check for purple tourmaline prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65






Prices are generally affordable


Has a good brilliance


Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.



10. Purple Jasper

Jasper is a variation of chalcedony which we discussed above. The most popular color for japer is red but its purple variation is also available. Jasper is either translucent or opaque and the textures of the surface created by inclusions is something which adds to the desirability of this stone.

Its hardness is 6.5 – 7 but has a very good toughness due to its compact structure. Therefore, it is a very durable gemstone which can last in jewelry for a long time. Jasper is either cut as cabochons or as different shapes just like in the case of jade.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6.5 – 7


Refractive Index : 1.54 – 1.55



Very Durable


Surface textures are very unique


Affordable  prices


Due to its unique textures, purple jasper can only be used in certain types of jewelry.


Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to make a purple gemstones list which are suitable for different types of jewelry. I have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each gemstone which will make selecting one particular type easier.

The 4 C’S For A Diamond – Assessing The Quality

The 4 C’S For A Diamond – Assessing The Quality 

When buying a diamond, having an idea about how to determine its value is imperative. This knowledge can save you from getting ripped off as well as help you to select the best stone out of many options. In this article, I will explain the 4 c’s for a diamond which is the framework to determine the value of a diamond.

The 4 c’s for a diamond are Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat weight. A combination of these factors contributes to the beauty of a diamond. Unlike for other gemstones, the “Cut” is the most important when comes to diamonds. It has a great impact on the brilliance of a diamond.

( Note – How the 4 c’s are used to analyze emeralds and sapphires can be found here. Emeralds, Sapphires)

A diamond with the correct balance of 4 c’s will give you the best value for your money depending on your requirement. Each of these 4 c’s are graded in standard scales and hence the evaluation of diamonds are much easier compared to other gemstones. But one important point to remember is, although global standards and terminology exists, grading can vary depending on the entity which does it. GIA and AGS are two entities which you can rely upon to get an accurate certificate. If you are presented with a certificate from a different entity, it is better to do some background checking into that entity to assess its reliability.



As the beauty of a diamond is significantly impacted by its cut, it is important to know how to analyze the quality of a cut in a diamond. Fortunately, GIA grades Diamond cut on the scale of ideal, excellent, very good, good, fair and poor.

Diamond’s angles, proportions, brilliance, symmetry of facets, fire, scintillation, weight ratio, durability, and finishing are considered when grading a diamond. A detailed description of how these factors affects the quality of a diamond can be found in this article by GIA.

The quality of a cut depends on the diamond cutter. Getting the best proportions, angles, shape and other factors is an art and it requires experience as well. If the depth of the diamond is either too high or too shallow, light reflection will not be optimal. Cutter should also try to minimize the impact of inclusions to the final stone.

Even though the most popular shape for diamonds is the round shape, there are many other shapes as well.

image 1 : Different shapes of diamond cuts


Color of diamonds are also graded and the GIA scale is from D-Z. D is the most colorless and Z is for diamonds with a higher yellow tint.

You can view the interactive GIA diamond color grade here.

The prices can vary significantly based on the color grading. Sometimes the color difference is hardly noticeable but the price difference certainly is.

The above color grading is only for colorless diamonds and the same cannot be applied to colored diamonds. Colored diamonds are much rarer than traditional colorless diamonds. These are also gaining popularity and pink, black, yellow, brown, blue, red and green are some other colors of diamond. Out of these, yellow and brown are the most common while the rest is even rarer.

Grading of these colored diamonds will be discussed in another article.

image 1 : A red color diamond, one of the rarest diamond colors


The presence of inclusions and blemishes in a diamond is reflected in clarity. Unlike in the case of colored gemstones, there is a standard grading system for the clarity of a diamond. Following is the clarity grade by GIA.

  • FL (Flawless)
  • IF (Internally Flawless)
  • VVS1 (Very, Very Slightly Included 1)
  • VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included 2)
  • VS1 (Very Slightly Included 1)
  • VS2 (Very Slightly Included 2)
  • SI1 (Slightly Included 1)
  • SI2 (Slightly Included 2)
  • I1 (Inclusions 1)
  • I2 (Inclusions 2)

In the presence of inclusions, the brilliance can be affected as the light reflections are interfered.

This grading might look overwhelming and too technical.

Therefore, as long as the diamond is eye clean (That is, no visible inclusions or blemishes to the naked eye) and the brilliance of the stone is not reduced, you should not worry too much about the specific grading. But if you are very concerned about the clarity, pay attention to the grading in the certificate.

Carat Weight

The weight of the stone is given by the number of carats and 1 carat is equal to 0.2 grams. Although the size of the stone is reflected on the weight, depending on the cut, appearance of the size of the stone can vary.

How To Evaluate A Diamond?

Since now you have a good understanding about the 4 c’s for a diamond, you can try to put this knowledge into practice. Go through several diamonds which are available online and see how these actors have affected the price. For this exercise purpose, you should stick to one seller as the price can change from seller to seller as well.

But how each of these factors matters for the purchase really depends on the personal choice. One might prefer the cut over color and another might give higher preference to the color. As a general rule, cut is the most important out of the 4 c’s for a diamond.

Look for a diamond where the cut is great and the brilliance is high, color is not affected by a yellow tint, stone is free from visible inclusions or inclusions which reduce the brilliance and with the weight you prefer the stone to be. When all the other factors fall in line, be prepared to compromise on the weight factor.

Final Thoughts 

The objective of this article was to give  a basic understanding to the 4 c’s of a diamond. A proper knowledge of this 4 c’s framework is essential in the correct evaluation of a diamond.  I have linked some resources from the GIA official website in this article and those will help you to get an in-depth understanding of this 4 c’s framework. Use this framework to compare the prices on an online store as I suggested earlier and that will give you some hands on experience in applying it practically.

Paraiba Tourmaline Price Guide – Affecting Factors and Actual Prices

Paraiba Tourmaline Price Guide – Affecting Factors and Actual Prices

Paraiba Tourmaline is a stone which became extremely popular after it was first reported found from Paraiba aria in Brazil in late 1989. Since the stone comes in a very attractive color range and it is rare, the prices have gone up exponentially.  The scientific name for Paraiba tourmaline in cuprian liddicoatite tourmaline.As many gems and jewelry lovers are looking to buy Paraiba tourmaline, I thought a Paraiba tourmaline price guide will be useful. Hence, the objective of this article is to introduce the factors affecting the price of Paraiba tourmalines and also some actual prices of stones I found from sellers around the world.

Paraiba Tourmaline Price Guide

Value of Paraiba Tourmaline stones will vary tremendously from stone to stone as for all other types of gemstones.  A Paraiba tourmaline price guide will not be complete without introducing the factors which affects the price. Therefore, before going into prices, let’s look at these factors in brief  (The main factors affecting the prices are the 4 c’s. How these 4 c’s affects the price of Paraiba tourmalines are given below but if you want to learn about the concept of 4 c’s in detail, please check this article).

1. Color

The most expensive is the blue and green mix color with strong saturation and medium tone.  Pure blue stones and other tones of green stones are only worth about half as much of a blue green mix stones.

Neon blue (which is a mix of blue and green) is considered the most valuable color for Paraiba tourmalines.

Image  – https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/spring-2017-cuprian-liddicoatite-tourmaline

– Tone

The tone generally ranges from light to medium dark. The most valuable is the tone that falls in the middle of this range.

2. Clarity

For Paraiba tourmalines, inclusions are tolerated given the rarity of the stone. Even eye visible inclusions will only have a small impact on the price.

3. Cut

Cut is extremely important for the price of Paraiba tourmalines. The cut should be of best quality. If the stones contains a window or the luster is reduced due to the cut, the value can drop significantly.

4. Weight

Weight is as important as for any other stone but most Paraiba tourmalines available for sale are under 1 carat. Stone weighing more than that are available but the price increases exponentially with the weight of the stone.

5. Source

Paraiba tourmalines were initially found in Paraiba, Brazil hence the name of the stone. The stone was later discovered in Mozambique and Nigeria. The Paraiba tourmalines form Africa are also known as Cuprian Tourmaline. The Paraiba Tourmalines from Brazil are more expensive than Paraiba Tourmalines from Africa.

Paraiba tourmalines found in Brazil are mostly small in size and many larger stones available in the market are from Africa.  If you want to be 100% sure about the origin of the stone, you will have to request for a certificate with the origin mentioned in it. Some certificate providers do not mention the origin unless it is requested.

6. Treatments

Since it is common for natural Paraiba tourmalines to contain a slight pink hue, most Paraiba tourmalines sold in the market today are heat treated to highlight that blue or green by removing the pink. Therefore, unheated Paraiba tourmaline could be much more expensive than treated Paraiba tourmaline.

Actual Prices

As discussed above, price per carat will vary from stone to stone. But as an approximate price guide, we can come up with a price range per carat. We will also give you sample prices we collected from various sellers from around the world.

Paraiba Tourmaline from Brazil –

Price per carat – $ 10,000 to $ 60,000

Paraiba Tourmaline from Africa

Price per carat – $ 2000 to $ 16,000


Sample Prices

  • Weight (Carats): 3.85
  • Shape: Oval
  • Dimensions : 10.1 x 8.9 x 6.8 mm
  • Color: Neon Green
  • Clarity: VS
  • Cutting: Excellent
  • Treatment: Heat
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Hardness: 7.5
  • Price $ 231,000   (Considering the price per carat, this stone is one of the most expensive I found. This price price is a combination of most factors discussed above.  Excellent color, clarity, origin, weight and cut.

  • Weight (Carats): 7.22
  • Shape: Oval
  • Dimensions : 13.7 x 11.1 x 7.2 mm
  • Color: Neon Blue
  • Cutting: Excellent
  • Treatment: Heat
  • Origin: Mozambique
  • Hardness: 7.5
  • Price : $ 115,520.00  ( Even though this stone has a much higher weight than the above, price is relatively low. A major reason could be the actual source. This stone is from Mozambique and the previous one was from Brazil. As mentioned earlier, Paraiba tourmaline from Brazil are much more expensive than those from Africa.


  • Weight (Carats): 4.22
  • Shape: Pear
  • Dimensions : 12.8 x 9.9 x 6.1 mm
  • Color: Neon Blue
  • Cutting: Excellent
  • Treatment: Heat
  • Origin: Mozambique
  • Hardness: 7.5
  • Price : $47,475


  • Weight –  1.05 carats
  • Measurements – 8.00 x 6.32 x 3.42 mm
  • Shape – Oval
  • Color – Peacock Blue
  • Origin – Brazil
  • Treatment – No Treatment
  • Price – $ 29,400 ( This is one of the few natural untreated stones I came across in the internet during my research for this article. Natural stones are always more expensive than heated stones. So the major contributors for the price of this stone are, no treatment and Brazilian origin.

  • Weight –  2.23 carats
  • Measurements – 8.12×7.03×5.37 mm
  • Shape – Cushion
  • Color – Greenish Blue
  • Origin – Not mentioned but most likely from Africa
  • Treatment – Heat
  • Cutting Style – Modified Brilliant
  • Price – $ 23,081


  • Weight (Carats): 1.18
  • Shape: Oval
  • Dimensions : 7.2 x 5.9 x 4.2 mm
  • Color: Neon Blue/Green
  • Cutting: Excellent
  • Treatment: Heat
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Hardness: 7.5
  • Price : $ 18,585

  • Weight (Carats): 1.69
  • Shape: Oval
  • Dimensions: 7.81 x 6.52 x 5.26
  • Cutting: Excellent
  • Treatment: Heat
  • Origin: No Mentioned
  • Hardness: 7.5
  • Price : $ 9,887

  • Weight (Carats): 0.72
  • Shape: Cushion
  • Dimensions : 5.4 x 5.3 x 3.5 mm
  • Color: Neon Blue/Green
  • Cutting: Excellent
  • Treatment: Heat
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Hardness: 7.5


Final Thoughts 

As one of the most exclusive types of gemstones, Paraiba tourmaline is indeed a remarkable stone. With such a short history, it has managed to capture the hearts of gemstone lovers around the world. Due to the scarcity of this gemstone, its prices are generally lot higher than other types of tourmaline and sometimes it is even more expensive than precious gemstones such as sapphires, emerald and ruby. The objective of this article was to give a comprehensive Paraiba tourmaline price guide which will be useful for anyone who is planning to purchase one of the fascinating stones.

You can use the information and prices in the article as a guideline when you are making the purchase but there is not standard pricing just like in the case of any other gemstone.

Red agate Healing Properties

Red agate Healing Properties


Red agate is a protective stone in the phase of the healing crystals. And in this article about Red Agate, we will be describing some healing properties that it contains.

We have all been in the wrong place at some point in our lives, looking for ways to improve our bad situation, but nothing seems to be going well.

To get the best benefits of red agate, it is often a good idea to wear it. Necklace beads and bracelets are a very popular choice.

There are ways to measure our energy, like using what nature has given us. This time, we’ll be discussing all you need to know about red agate.

Meaning of Red agate

Like all other healing stones and crystals out there, the red agate has its meaning and symbolizes the person using it.

As we mentioned earlier, this stone is a protection stone, but it is also used to open a closed heart.

If you are in a bad situation, where you’ve refused to go out and try new things, refuse to accept current circumstances, refuse to spend time with family, etc. It will allow you to open up and start receiving and accepting that everything happens for a reason and that there is a heavenly order directing you to do what you are currently doing, and then move on to the things you are going through.

Red agate is also a stone whose meaning gives us the idea of trying to visualize new things, as well as putting out the fire that we all have in our hearts.

Another explanation that one can give this stone is to be honest too. Refusal, as you know already, is a condition of infidelity because it rejects the authenticity of the circumstances. Once you accept it, you are honest with yourself and others. This stone will help you reorganize and prioritize the positive emotions that are in your heart.

Physical Properties of Red agate

Red agate is a combination of three different types of naturally occurring stones and minerals, including mainly cryptocrystalline silica, micro granular wefts (giving a light appearance), and chalcedony.

Red agate contains three different colors that can be easily distinguished from the rest of its spectrum: these colors include red, brown, and black. The brown color enhances the red, and black makes the red even darker. Red agate can be made into much different jewelry, as we will discuss in other parts of this post, so it is a very malleable stone that looks great when polished and made into the various available shapes and sizes.

If you have a skin problem, the red agate can heal you, your blood vessels will be strengthened, your pancreas and lymphatic systems will be cleaned, and it can even help cure any illnesses in your eyes and stomach. If you have sexual problems, they can heal the rash and allow you to regain the energy needed to engage in this natural act of child creation.

Emotional Healing

In the meantime, we will be discussing the properties of this stone as it relates to your relationship with love, business, financial matters, and structures that have been enabled by other forces in your life.

For love and companionship, the properties of red agate will give you the power of extra love. This means that if you did not love others, it was not because you did not love those people, you did not have the power to love. If you can’t find reasons to love yourself in the first place, you will never be able to love others because they are just a sign of you.

Most people are not married for this exact reason, but the features of the red agate will allow you to draw a partner that feels good about you, and that may not be the exact game you want. For others, they have romantic blockages when it comes to family and friends that may have hurt them. The red agate features will allow you to get past those obstacles, reconnect with your old friends, and give more love to the family because they love you despite what you may have done previously.

In the area of business and money, red agate will provide you with the conditions to set a target and hit those goals no matter what. This stone becomes a thrill for those people who want more in life with big goals but no way to reach them. Red agate will open the door to creativity and accomplishment so you can set goals, hit them, and set some great ones.

For most people, it is not a matter of setting goals, but a will to move on when things do not go as planned. This stone will give a person the feeling that they would like to push the most difficult obstacles. Your motivation, intentions, willpower, and self-promotion will allow you to get past any “wall” that is set in your path.

Another strength is that the good properties of red agate will help you incorporate protection from global evil, to be positive thinkers, and to recognize weaknesses in order to transform strength or improve.

We live in a world of positive and negative forces that we cannot see, but they control the world and affect us whether we like it or not. This stone will protect you from those evil forces. Sometimes it feels like everything is coming to an end, and we can’t see the positive side, but this stone helps you to open up a channel of positive thinking energy.

Most people will tell you that you are only focusing on your strengths, but that is a weakness in itself. Wearing red agate will help you to enhance your weakness and turn it into a force.

The main thing the stone does for you is stability and concentration of your body, which is very difficult to do for most people. Red agate can heal your emotional state and bring new and better emotions to continue healing within.

How to Identify Red agate

So, like anything else, there is a lot of fake red agate out there. How can one tell the difference between a real agate and a fake one?

First of all, if the stone is cracked, you can bet it is made of something unnatural. If there are no issues on the other side of the stone, inside it, then it is fake.

One way to tell which stones are real red agate is to look out for the stones. The more you can clearly see it, the more likely it is made of some kind of plastic. The real, red agate stone will be deep red and should not be seen.


In conclusion, in this post, we have discussed in detail what the red agate stone is and what it is made of. We then talk about its meaning and how people in ancient times used its variants to see the “difference between real and evil intentions.

There are many aspects that red agate brings to your life, but the main one will be used as a protection stone. You have many options when deciding how to wear a stone. And bracelets, rings, ornaments, necklaces, or simply carrying a stone in its natural shape in your pocket will be enough to take advantage of the powerful solar plexus and heart power provided by this stone.


Purple Sapphire Meaning – Its Remarkable Befits For You

Purple Sapphire Meaning – Its Remarkable Befits For You 

Throughout history, the most prevalent and well-known form of Sapphires has been and continues to be those with the deep blue hues of the darkening sky. These stones have captured the imagination of civilizations across the globe and have been sought after for their beauty and value. Like other precious stones and crystals, these stones have been and continue to embody esoteric and metaphysical values.

These values do not lie solely with the most well-known blue Sapphire but extend to the other hues such as pink, purple, green, yellow, orange, black, and white (colorless). While these sapphires all share meaning as sapphire gems, they each additionally embody their own unique values. Here we explore the purple sapphire meaning.

What is a Purple Sapphire?

Sapphires, along with rubies are part of the Corundum or Aluminum Oxide (Al₂O₃) variety of gemstones. The color of the gemstones is due to the presence of transition metal impurities. In the case of rubies, this impurity is chromium, which results in its distinctive red color. All other resultant colors, including purple, are known as sapphires.

Purple (Violet) sapphires are the result of the inclusion of Vanadium (V).

Purple sapphires or violet sapphires come in a range of shades from violet to deep purple. As with other forms of sapphires, certain shades and flaws result in unique characteristics that impart increased value on the gem. A form of this gem that is sought after in its own right is the Star Sapphire. This sapphire occurs when the fibrous inclusions of Rutile, form a 6-or 12-rayed star known as asterism. Star Sapphires are often cut into cabochon to accentuate their appearance and highlight their unique quality.

History and Lore of Purple Sapphire

The name Sapphire is derived from the Latin word “saphirus” and the Greek word “sappheiros”, each translating to “blue”.

Also known as the “Plum Sapphire” or “Violet Sapphire”, this color of sapphire is known to be the most powerful. Like all sapphires, it is a Stone of Wisdom, however, this color is known to be particularly potent in promoting spiritual growth bring about inner peace and clarity of the mind, as well as helping those who use it attain their desires.

In the Asian tradition, purple sapphires are closely linked with the characteristics of truth and kinship. IT is said to strengthen ties and keep people on the path of truth.

In Europe, the power of purple sapphires has historically been said to reside in the intensity of the gem. The belief that those who wear the gem, absorb its power, imparting status, and respect. As in the Asian tradition, the stone is regarded as a symbol of knowledge as well as wealth.

Many ancient cultures regarded this stone as a gem of great healing power, both preventative and in treatment. In ancient Egypt, priests used these gems in amulets to ward against evil spirits that could cause great harm.

Today the purple sapphire is still regarded in high esteem as a powerful tool for healing and is often worn for therapeutic reasons.

image 1 : A Natural Untreated Purple Sapphire

Purple Sapphire Meaning

The color purple has been linked to the ideas of strength and reliability. It is also considered to be the color of royalty in the European tradition. These characteristics have been attributed to all sorts of totems and purple sapphires are no exception. Sapphires, in general, are said to be powerful totems of protection and have been worn by kings and soldiers for protection from harm, both physically and mentally, such as witchcraft.

Purple sapphires meaning is closely linked to the Zodiac Pisces, embodying the love and longing of the sign, while strengthening these qualities. As a symbol of love, loyalty and a stabilizing force, it offers a bulwark against eh negative forces that inspire betrayal and dismay. For these reasons, and as a symbol of power, it has been worn by the ruling elite for time immemorial.

Wearing a purple sapphire is said to help us achieve feelings of peace and balance, allowing the wearer to relax. Furthermore, it helps find clear thought, providing concentration, and allowing one to eschew the dissemblance in favor of clarity.

The gem enables the wearer to connect with their emotions while finding ways to effectively communicate them. Moreover, it facilitates control over one’s emotions, especially the more volatile ones.

This governance over emotions makes this gem a useful tool for those who find their emotions ruling their lives, especially those with mood swings with great anger. Wearing the stone enables one to focus on their emotions and avoid unnecessary outbursts.

image 2 : A Purple Sapphire Engagement Ring

Purple Sapphire Uses

Purple Sapphires have many useful applications in many aspects of our day to day lives. They embody the spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric.

Day to Day Uses

As a stone of healing, this gem has many uses beyond physical health. For those that suffer from anxiety or difficulty learning, the gem focuses the mind, sharpening concentration and awakening the higher abilities of the mind., This makes the stone a perfect partner for those that work with intense concentration such as writers, historians, archaeologists, lawyers and the like.

In Love and Relationships

Bringing emotional stability to the wearer, this gem strengthens relationships by allowing for clear communication of emotions without unnecessary conflict that stems from unchecked emotional outbursts. Furthermore, the gem provides insight into oneself, providing an understanding of oneself and our interactions with others.

The result of control over one’s emotions enables one to open their heart and mind to others, allowing for love and to be loved.

In Wealth

As a stone that allows one to focus their higher intellectual powers as well as their powers of concentration, this stone enables those in professions where these qualities are important to excel. Furthermore, As a gem of awakening, this stone raises your spiritual mental powers, allowing you to find the best path to success.

This stone will boost your creativity and support your artistic pursuits.

Use in Physical Healing

Like other sapphires, the purple sapphire aids in the regulation of the glands of the body, treating blood disorders and preventing excessive bleeding. It is a perfect stone for hemophiliacs as well as the elderly as it promotes vein elasticity and function.

Use in Emotional Healing

Providing emotional clarity, purple sapphires bring a sense of calm and control to the emotions and are particularly effective for those who find themselves out of control of their emotions. It enables the wearer to find balance, calm their nerves, and eliminate worries.

As with all sapphires, star-sapphires have a special potent force in metaphysical healing, These gems are excellent healing stones for those who suffer from feelings of inferiority, anti-social behaviors, or fear of public interactions. These gems are also especially useful in maintaining our goals and ambitions.

image 3 : A White Gold Purple Sapphire

Use with Chakras and Balancing Energy

Stimulating the crown chakra, purple sapphires enable one to connect to higher planes of existence and connect to the universal truth and energy. It promotes balancing the energies of the crown chakra, thus balancing the energies of the entire subtle body.

Purple Sapphire in the Vedic Tradition

According to Vedic teachings, all sapphires are Stones of Wisdom. However, in addition to the universal qualities present in sapphires, each color has its own unique properties.

For gemstones that are of Jyotish (Vedic astrology) quality, purple sapphires are either Pink (light) or purple (dark) sapphires.

Pink Sapphires embody durability, enhances emotional awareness, and bringing out feelings of love and forgiveness. Furthermore, they enable one to release from the past, accepting what is, and giving courage for what is to come.

Purple Sapphires embody the wisdom of spiritual awakenings, causing one to introspect while opening the crown chakra to allow for an unimpeded path or the kundalini energy. These qualities allow the wearer to find peace and acceptance in themselves.

Purple Sapphire Meaning: Conclusion

This September birthstone, besides personifying aspects of beauty and love, is itself a beautiful adornment in its own right. For those who find that the stone aligns with their needs, they will benefit from its esoteric and spiritual qualities. Whether it is in the western or Vedic traditions, this stone is a powerful tool that will enable you to target specific aspects of your life.


Sources for my articles.

Ruby vs Garnet Color – How to Spot the Difference?

Ruby vs Garnet Color – How to Spot the Difference?

If you are confused with ruby vs garnet color and wondering how to differentiate the two, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share what you need to know about the differences in ruby and garnet colors. Even if you are planning to buy a ruby gemstone or a jewelry online, I will share some tips for you to be sure which gemstone you are buying.

Both ruby and garnet are gemstones but with a significant difference in their values. Ruby is one of the four most precious stones in the world along with diamond, sapphires and emerald. Even though garnet is also a gemstone, it is a semiprecious gemstone with a significantly low value compared to Ruby. Since the most common color of garnet is red, it is important to know how to spot the difference of ruby and garnet.

What Is The Color of Ruby?

All the gemstones which belongs to the corundum family of gemstones are categorized as sapphires, except for ruby. The red variety of corundum is called ruby. Therefore, unlike other gemstone variations, there are no several colors of ruby. Red is the only color for ruby, with several tones.

image 1 : The Carmen Lucia Ruby 23.10cts

What Is The Color of Garnet?

Even though the most common color of garnet is red, there are other colors such as orange and green in the garnet family. But if you can notice the difference between red garnet and ruby, you don’t have to worry about other colors of garnet, as long as your concern is differentiating the two.

image 2 : Natural Pigeon Blood Red Russian Garnet – 5.25 carats

Differences of Ruby vs Garnet Color


Out of these two gemstones, ruby is more “Red” than garnet. When you keep the two stones side by side or compare two pictures and ask yourself, “which stone color is closer to pure red?” Ruby will be the stone you will pick. Red garnet has a pale red vs the strong and intense red of a ruby. For garnet, it is more like red is mixed with black or brown. (An important point to remember here is that there are some garnets which has s better red than some rubies. Therefore, the above test will not give the correct result all the time). There are pinkish red rubies as well. But the confusion between ruby and garnet is caused only by reddish rubies.

If you see some orange in one of these stone, it is most probably a garnet.

Another point of confusion will be garnets which have a slightly purplish red. (The main red tones of garnet are purple red and deep red). But since some rubies can also contain a bit of blue, it is possible to see rubies with a slight purplish tone.

Therefore, let’s discuss other ways to confirm the difference between ruby vs garnet colors.

Color Spectrum

A good way of differentiating ruby and garnet is through the light spectrum of the two stones.

Hold the stone to a bright light source and turn it around slowly. At one point, you will notice the stone creates the rainbow effect. If green and yellow colors are present in this rainbow, then it is likely that the stone is a garnet. This is because rubies, as a result of its chemical composition, absorbs green and yellow colors. Therefore, these two colors will be absent in the rainbow created by ruby. (This phenomenon is explained in the crystal field theory)

Here is a video which shows rubies of different colors

Here is a video by GIA which shows different red garnets

What Should You Do If You Are Buying A Ruby Online?

Buying gemstones or gemstone jewelry online is very common these days. Therefore, it is important to make sure that what you are buying is a genuine product and not a lab created gemstone.

For garnets, almost all the garnets available in the market today are natural garnets. It is a gemstone which is found in abundance and there is no real need or a value in creating synthetic garnets. But in case you are going to buy a bigger and expensive garnet, then it is better that you ask for a certificate proving the authenticity of the gemstone.

If you are buying a ruby or a ruby gemstone jewelry, I highly recommend you to request for a certificate. This might not be practical if the jewelry consists of many small rubies. But, for a ruby gemstone or a jewelry with expensive rubies, getting a certificate is certainly possible. (If you are buying from a very reputed seller such as jamesallen, bluenile or leibish, you can be sure that you are buying an authentic ruby. But if you are buying from a not so reputed seller, request for the certificate, always.)

Even if you have purchased several times from the same seller, unless it is not a well-established and reputed entity, you should definitely get the certificate. The big jewelry stores will also provide you with the certificate upon your request).

Make sure that the certificate has been issued by a reputed entity. Details of the certificate issuing entity is always given in the certificate and you can always google and see whether that entity is trustworthy. Ask the seller to send a picture of the certificate and check the credentials of the issuing entity, before doing the payment.

Do Some Research

If you are buying from a physical store, getting the certificate is a must when buying a ruby or a ruby jewelry.

Rubies come in a range of different red tones and those have different price tags. You will have to pay attention to what quality of ruby that you actually going to buy. A little effort to do a market research will help you to get an idea about different rubies and how the price varies.

(Rubies are also valued using the 4 c’s framework and you can learn the basics of 4 c’s from this article)

Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to give a basic understanding to the differences between ruby vs garnet colors. Since there is a huge difference in prices of these two gemstones, it is important that you know how to spot the difference.

I also shared some tips to follow when you are going to purchase rubies as sometimes it is hard to pick the color difference between ruby and garnet for an untrained eye.

I hope this article was useful and you managed to learn something new.