Red Spinel Gemstones – Draft

Red Spinel Gemstones

Red spinels are the most desired type of spinel gemstones of most gem lovers. Its beauty and close resemblance to Ruby are the main reasons for that. To give you an example of how closely god red spinels resemble Rubies, the world famous  “Black Prince’s Ruby” on the English Imperial State Crown ( Image 1.1 ) was later discovered to be a Spinel, not a Ruby. That’s funny eh?

Therefore Red spinels and Red spinel jewelry are very elegant indeed and loved by many gem and jewelry lovers and collectors.

Color variations

Red spinals do come in few Red variations.  The deep red spinals are the most popular and hence most expensive. There are also lighter red spinals often referred to as pink spinals which are less expensive than the deep red spinals.

Synthetic Spinels

However, as for many other gemstones, synthetic versions are also available for spinels. For an untrained eye, synthetic spinels can be difficult to identify. (Therefore please read our ( Steps to follow when buying a gemstone or a gemstone jewelry ) article before making your purchase as this will help you in not getting caught in to a synthetic spinel. )

But, there are a couple of basic things you can do to do a basic testing to see whether a spinal is natural or synthetic.  Unfortunately, the  basic tactic doesn’t work for red spinals hence a more technical testing will require to decide whether the spinal is natural or synthetic. Having said that, if you find a remarkably cheap red spinal, always be suspicious.

But the good news is that, not many dark red synthetic spinals are made apparently as most dark red synthetic stones are sold as natural Ruby.  ( But don’t take this for granted)

Anyway, please also note that basic tests described below are not 100% all the time hence a lab testing will require to tell for certain whether a spinal is synthetic or not.

Basic Methods

Magnetic Properties ( Again, not for red spinals – This works blue spinals)

A natural blue spinel has iron content. Hence they show weak to moderate response to magnets. Synthetic spinels do not show any response to magnets as they do not contain iron.

Lab Tests

Microscopic Evidence

Refractive Index and Specific Gravity

Fluorescence under UV rays

Scientific Details

Chemical Formula MgAl2O4
Color White, Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Black
Hardness 7.5 – 8
Crystal System Isometric
Refractive Index 1.712 – 1.736
SG 3.5 – 3.7
Transparency Transparent to translucent
Double Refraction None
Luster Vitreous
Cleavage None, but may exhibit slight parting
Mineral Class Spinel

As all our articles, the first section will give the basic introduction to Red Spinels for those are are interested in learning the things important when looking to buy a good Red Spinel and the latter part of the article includes more in-depth technical details which will be highly useful for anyone who wants to study more about Red Spinels.

How to select a good Red Spinel?

Before looking to buy any gemstone, decide on your budget and do a broad price search for the specific gemstone type you are looking for. The same method applies for Red Spinels as well. could be a great starting point to start getting an idea about the prices.  You can also google and find prices offered by many gemstone sellers around the world.

However, you will notice that the prices varies in a considerably wide range. Price of any gemstone vary mainly based on the color, carat weight, shape ( cut ) and visible inclusions and damages if any.

You will find that there is a significant color range even in the “Red” spinel category. After you browse through many stones available, you will get a basic idea of what color tone is most expansive and what tone is relatively cheaper. The bright red color which is very close to Ruby as in the case of the “Black Prince Ruby” discussed earlier is the most expensive type of Red Spinels.

After getting a basic idea about the price range of red spinels, you will know what sort of a stone in terms of size and exact color you will be able to accommodate within your budget. But however, don’t be afraid to look for a little too expensive stone as most sellers are open to negotiate their prices.

The main challenges when buying gemstones online are

  1. 1. The color could be misleading in some photos
  2. 2. The damages and inclusions are not visible in images in most cases
  3. 3. Some sellers could be selling synthetic stones

But however, there are ways you can overcome these challenges. Let’s go one by one.

Color of stones

After selecting a particular stone, if you are not satisfied with the pictures of the stone, ask the vendor to send more pictures or even a video will be great. If the available picture are taken in a studio, ask the seller to send pictures or a video taken in the day light.  Some sellers will send you these pictures and videos and some will not.

Checking inclusions and minor damages

We are talking here about the inclusions and damages which occurs inside the stone. Some stones will have minor damages which is visible from outside for the naked eye as well but a good seller will always mention if there are any.

But for you to be safe, always ask for all the inclusions and damages in the stone from the seller as those will not be visible in picture in 99.9% of the time. A good seller will always tell you the exact details.

Blue Spinel Facts – Get To Know About One Of The Rarest Spinels

Blue Spinel Facts – Get To Know About One Of The Rarest Spinels

Blue spinel is one of the rare expensive variations of spinel. You will be able to learn all important blue spinel facts in this article. Composition, color variations and comparative prices will be described.

What Is Spinel?

Spinels are a group of minerals where the main formula is MgAl2O4. Depending on the different trace elements which mix with this main mineral, spinel gets a range of colors including red, pink, purple, grey and blue. You can find information on all different spinel colors here.

Important Blue Spinal Facts

Let’s go through some important blue spinel facts.

Blue spinels can get its color from the presence of iron as the trace element. There is another variation of blue spinel known as cobalt blue spinel which contains the element cobalt along with iron, which is known in the trade name of cobalt blue spinels. Cobalt blue spinels are rare and much more expensive than normal blue spinels.

With a hardness of 8, spinels are a very durable gemstone for jewelry. It has a great luster with a refractive index of 1.718. (More technical information on spinels can be obtained from here)

Color Range

When the iron content is higher in spinels, stones tend to get darker. This is commonly seen in Sri Lanka where a lot of blue spinels have a blue-grey to violet-blue.

Color change blue spinels are also another rare variety of blue spinels. These spinels demonstrate a blue color under the fluorescent light and a purple color under the incandescent light.

  • Cobalt Blue Spinel

As mentioned earlier, blue spinels with cobalt in it are called cobalt blue spinels. However, it is important to note that some sellers will claim normal blue spinels to be cobalt blue spinels. If you are purchasing a cobalt blue spinel, make sure you get a valid gemstone certificate proving the stone is a genuine cobalt blue gemstone.


The best blue spinels are sourced from Sri Lanka.

Cobalt blue spinel from Vietnam demonstrate a vibrant neon blue color where blue spinel from Sri Lanka demonstrate a range of light to dark blue colors.

Cobalt blue spinel are much more expensive than normal blue spinels and the neon blue cobalt blue spinels are extremely expensive where a 0.25 carat can get a price high as USD 2000.

Blue Spinel Prices

As with all the gems, the price for blue spinels also vary based on color, clarity, cut and the carat weight.

It is very different to give a definitive price guide as prices vary very much based on the seller as well. Therefore, I will share prices of some blue spinels which I found from various sites so that you can get a basic understanding on the price variations. ( Click the image to check the details of the stone from the seller’s website)


  1. Blue Spinel – 3.73 carats – $ 1,500.00
image 1 : 3.73 cts – Blue Spinel


2. Cobalt Blue Spinel – 0.23 carats – $ 1,800.00

image 2 : A Cobalt Blue Spinel – 0.23 cts

3. Blue Spinel – 5.11 cts – $ 6,132.00


image 3 : Blue Spinel – 5.11 cts


4. Blue Spinel – 0.75 cts – USD 89.98

(This is probably a normal spinel and the seller has name it “Cobalt Blue Spinel” due to its color. You should always request for gemstone certificate to verify that a stone is actually a cobalt blue spinel)

image 4 : A Blue Spinel – 0.75 cts

Final Thoughts 

The objective of this article was to share important information about blue spinels. information on chemical composition, color ranges and varieties were discussed.

An important area for any gemstone is determining the price. Since it is difficult to give an accurate price guide as prices depends on the seller as well, actual prices of some stones available online was shared.



Natural Spinel Gemstones – Draft

Natural Spinel Gemstones

Spinel classifies a whole group of mineral with similarities but only a few are of gemstone quality.  There are two explanations for the origin of the name.  One is that it comes from the Greek word for spark which is “spitha” and the other is from the Latin word for thorn which is “spina”.

Spinel was an unappreciated gem until recently. Rapid increase of Ruby and also the Ruby alternatives increased the price of Red spinels.  Other types of spinels have also gained traction among gem lovers.


Mineralogist Jean Baptiste Louis Rome de Lisle identified spinel as a different mineral to Ruby.

Before that spinels were confused with Ruby and sapphires. In ancient times, mines in South Asia has produced exceptionally large stones.  Best examples are the “Black Price Ruby” in the British imperial state crown and the “Timur Ruby” in a necklace in the English Crown Jewels. Both were initially thought to be Rubies.

Spinel is one of the most unappreciated types of gems in the history mainly due to the confusion with Ruby and sapphire.

The problem now a days is the mass production of synthetic spinel.  Synthetic spinels are widely available so much so that most consumers do not even know that there is a natural version of the stone.

Mineral Facts

Chemical formula – MgAl2O4

Color  – Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Brown, Orange, Violet, Purple, Black , White

Hardness – 8

Density – 3.54 – 3.63

Cleavage- Indistinct

Crystal system – (Cubic), octahedron, twins, rhombic dodecahedron

Transparency – Transparent to opaque

Refractive index – 1.712 – 1.762

Double refraction – None ( Some spinel demonstrate anomalous refraction )

Pleochroism – Absent

Treatments and Enhancements

Treatments for spinels are not very common hence treated spinels are rarely encountered.  The two most common types of treatments for spinels are

1.Clarity Enhancement

2. Heat Treatment

Clarity Enhancement

Fissure are filled with reduce their visibility.  Oils and other materials are introduced into fissures to make it less reflective and reduce visibility. This is the type of treatment or enhancement that you will encounter the most as it is common for any type of gemstone.

These fillings can easily be detected via a microscope or a jeweler’s loupe.  An iridescence (the phenomenon of certain surfaces that appear to gradually change color as the angle of view or the angle of illumination changes) is generally visible along a filled fissure. In addition, areas of higher relief may also be evident where the filling of a fissure was incomplete or the filler has been partially removed.

Heat Treatment

Throughout most of history of gemology, it was believed that heating cannot improve the quality of spinels. However, around 2005, some researchers found heat treated spinels and discovered that the heat treatment was performed not to enhance the color but to improve the transparency of some stones.  This is done at a temperature between 950 to 1150 Celsius.

Spinel Gemstone Meanings and Benefits

There are many popular beliefs about Spinels. We are putting down what we have found but we do not have any evidence to decide whether these believes are true or not.

A stone of revitalization

This stone can re-energize all aspects of your life making it an ideal choice for hard workers and workaholics.

The stone will help you to get rid of your low motivation and energy while releasing your stress and anxieties.  Stone brings you hope and inspiration.

It will help you keep fighting and determined. It will help you focus on actions to make things better and keep hopeful about the bright future.

All in all, the stone will help you to overcome challenges in your life by injecting new positive enrgies and removing all bad energies.

The stone will also help you to sharpen your intelligence and unearth hidden personal power. It will help you to put aside your fears and drive towards success while stimulating your creativity.

Boosting your health

Spinel will help you to overcome anxiety and nervousness.

It will help to purify your body by removing toxic materials. Spinel will positively influence treatments of body pains, joints and bones and also recovery from illnesses and trauma.

Helping you financially

The effect of spinel on your positive energy which will keep you focused and believing in your course will indirectly benefit your financial goals.

Black spinel is specially believed to help you in getting rid of negative influences including those who discourage you.

Love and Relationships

The same effect on your positive energies will help you in your relationships. Stone will help you to get rid of negative thoughts and feelings and focus on the positives

Red Gemstones List – My Top 10

Red Gemstones List – My Top 10

If you are a fan of the red color gemstones and searching for a list of different types, properties, advantage and disadvantages, you are in the right place. The purpose of this article is to come up with a red gemstones list with all the important information of each stone.

Red Gemstones List

Following red gemstones list is not created in any specific order. The list is followed by details of each gemstone and I will cover advantages and disadvantages of each different stone. Depending on those, you can select the best stone for your requirement.

  • Red Diamond
  • Ruby
  • Red Spinel
  • Garnet
  • Red Topaz
  • Rubellite
  • Red Zircon
  • Red Agate
  • Bixbite (Red Beryl)
  • Red Jade

Let’s go through the details one by one.

1. Red Diamond

Diamonds are a rare type of gemstone and also one of the most expensive. Red diamond is the rarest type of diamonds and hence it is the most valuable as well.

Diamonds are the hardest material on earth with a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale and therefore it is the ultimate scratch resistant material. But diamonds are not as tough as sapphire and it can chip or crack if faced with a hard knock.

There are different tones of red diamonds available and as per GIA classification, the highest ratings goes for the “fancy vivid” color diamonds.

Synthetic red diamonds are also available in the market and hence, buying from a highly trusted source such as Leibish is recommended.

You can check their red diamond prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 10

Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419

(Refractive index is a measurement of the brilliance/luster of a gemstone)

Extremely rare and hence it will be a highly unique possession.

Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.

Very high prices

Hard to find

2. Ruby

Ruby belongs to the corundum mineral family and it is the red variation of sapphire. “Ruby” is the trade name used for red corundum and the term “Red Sapphire” is not used in the industry. It is also one of the most popular gemstones in the world.

Heat treatment to enhance the color is very common for rubies. Heat treatment is an accepted treatment type in the industry and it should not be a problem as long as it is disclosed. Natural untreated rubies are rare and more expensive. If a seller is claiming a ruby to be natural, you should always request for the gemstone certificate mentioning the treatment type.

Ruby has a hardness of 9 in the Moh’s scale of hardness which is second only to diamond. Due to its compact structure and absence of cleavage, rubies are more resistant to cracking and chipping than diamond.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 9

Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77

A unique and a rare gemstone.

High durability and high brilliance.

It is an expensive gemstone

3. Red Spinel

Spinel is another very popular and a beautiful gemstone, and red and blue spinels are the most expensive. There are quite few different shades of red spinel. “Pigeon Blood” red spinels were misidentified as rubies throughout the history until the two were differentiated in the 19th
century. Therefore, it is a great alternative for ruby. Another fascinating variation of red spinels is “Jedi” spinel which has a bright neon red color.

Spinel has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness and a refractive index of 1.71. Therefore, this stone is a very durable gemstone with good brilliance and it is a great choice for everyday jewelry.

Although not as common as synthetic sapphires, lab grown spinels are available. The GRS (Gem Research Swiss Lab) issued a notice about lab grown spinels in 2015.

Therefore, when you are purchasing expensive spinel gemstones or jewelry, you should buy from a trustworthy seller or request for a gemstone certificate.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 8

Refractive Index – 1.712 – 1.736

High durability

Good brilliance

Red spinels are expensive

4. Garnet

Garnet is probably the most popular red gemstone as it comes in a range of different red hues and tones and it is also very affordable. Although most garnets have a deep red color, it is a stone which is often confused with rubies and you can find the differences of the colors of the two in this article.

(Note : Although red is the most popular color for garnet, there are several other colors such as green orange, yellow and pink)

As a stone found in abundance, eye clean and transparent stones are easy to find. Garnets are also mostly untreated. There are several variations of garnet and depending on the type, its hardness can vary from 6.5 to 7.5. Therefore, garnet is not as durable as the gemstones we spoke about so far.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 6.5 – 7.5

Refractive Index – 1.738 – 1.745

Very affordable prices

Easy to find untreated stones.

Durability is moderate

5. Red Topaz

Red topaz is one of the most affordable red gemstones as it is a stone found in abundance. Most red topaz is treated to improve the color and stones free of any inclusions are easy to find.

I has a hardness of 8 and hence it has a good resistance to scratching. But due to the presence of cleavage, topaz is prone to chipping.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 8

Refractive Index – 1.61 – 1.638

Very affordable prices

Good luster

High resistance to scratching

Stones free of inclusions are readily available

Prone to chipping

6. Rubellite

Rubellite is the name given for pinkish red tourmaline. The color range from pinkish red to purplish red and the prices increase when the color is more towards pinkish red.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a reasonably good durability and is also an affordable gemstone. Heat treatments are common for tourmaline and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern. If the seller is claiming that the stone is free of treatments, it is better to ask for a gemstone certificate to prove that claim.

Due to the crystal structure of tourmaline, most stones are cut in long shapes.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7 – 7.5

Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65


Prices are generally affordable

Has a good brilliance

Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.

7. Red Zircon

Zircon is a gemstone with a great brilliance since it has a very high refractive index. It is also used as an alternative for diamonds due its high luster. Red zircon comes in a range of colors from pinkish red to bright red.

Zircon has a hardness of 7.5 which is considered as a fairly decent hardness for jewelry. However, it is a relatively brittle gemstone and can chip or crack.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7.5

Refractive Index : 1.93 – 1.987

Prices are very affordable

Has a great brilliance

Prone to chipping and cracking

8. Red Agate

Agate is a mix of minerals and quartz and chalcedony are its main components. Red agate is one of the many colors of agate and all agates usually contains gray or white color bands. Pure color agates are very hard to come by and most of those are dyed. Agate is a stone found in abundance and prices are very affordable.

Unlike the other red gemstones we discussed here, red agate comes only in translucent to opaque varieties. It has a waxy luster and a very smooth surface. Agate has a hardness of 7 and a refractive index of 1.54.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7

Refractive Index : 1.5

Prices are very affordable

Has a great brilliance

Pure red stones are very rare (Commonly found ones are treated)

9. Bixbite (Red Beryl)

Bixbite is the red variety in the beryl mineral family. Emerald, aquamarine, goshanite, morganite and heliodor are the commonly known varieties in the beryl family and bixbite is not commonly known as it is an extremely rare gemstone. I am including this stone to this list it is worth mentioning due to its rarity although you will never be able to find bixbite gemstone or a piece of jewelry.

If you can imagine a red version of emerald, bixbite is exactly the same and it also known as red emerald. Bixbite also contains many inclusions just like emerald. It is found in small sizes, typically less than 1 carat.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness 7.5 – 8

Refractive Index ( A measure of the luster of the stone) – 1.57 – 1.58

Extremely rare and unique

A fairly durable stone

Extremely expensive

10. Red Jade

Jade occurs in a range of colors including red although green jade is the most famous. There are two variations of jade: Nephrite and Jadeite. Nephrite is abundant and inexpensive while jadeite is rarer, harder and expensive.

The stone has a hardness of 6-7 in the Moh’s scale but it is a tough gemstone due to its compact composition. Jade is either translucent or opaque. It is usually cut as cabochons or as various shapes such as human figures, animals, ornaments, etc.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 6 – 7

Refractive Index 1.6 – 1.67

Nephrite jade is very affordable

Resistant to clacking and chipping

Hardness is moderate

Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to make a red gemstones list which are suitable for different types of jewelry. I have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each gemstone which will make selecting one particular type easier.


(The basic gemstone valuing criteria is the 4 c’s framework which I have covered for diamonds, sapphires
and emeralds
before. Either one of these articles will give you a basic understanding on the 4 c’s criteria for a gemstone if you are keen on learning more about it).

Note : If you are planning to buy gemstones or jewelry online, I recommend you to read this article for some important tips)

Most Popular Etsy Jewelry Shops – My Top 10

Most Popular Etsy Jewelry Shops – My Top 10

Etsy has fast become a trusted market place for almost all kinds of creative products including fine jewelry. It has opened the global jewelry market for amazingly creative jewelry makers in different cities and countries. In this article, I will list some of the most popular etsy jewelry shops which I came across.

The Criteria

I have selected these shops based on the following basic criteria.

1. Designs

One very important aspect of jewelry is the design. You can find as many designs as you want for any type of jewelry you want with just a click of a button. But as I believe, having unique designs is something very important.

2. Using Natural Gemstones

Lab created gemstones are abundant and inexpensive. Natural gemstones on the other hand brings a lot more value. Even relatively inexpensive gemstones are still creations of earth and there are no two 100% equal natural gemstones in the world. Shape and color might look equal but there will be so many differences in terms of natural inclusions and composition. Therefore, if you own any type of natural gemstone, you can be proud about processing something unique.

The value obviously increases when you a buying natural rare gemstones.

Therefore, the list I have given priority to jewelry shops who use natural gemstones. Some of them use both natural and synthetic and you can decide which one you want to buy.

3. Reviews

Customer reviews are so important when buying from etsy. Since you do not get to meet the jewelry shop owners, reviews are the best way to measure the product quality and their service.

4. Number of people who have “favorited” the shop

Etsy has this feature where a customer can add a shop to their favorites. When enter the hope page of the shop, you can see the number of people who have favorited the shop, just under the shop name. This is a good indication of how popular this shop is among etsy customers.

These are the four basic criteria I have used to come up with this list.

Most Popular Etsy Jewelry Shops

Following is the list of most popular etsy jewelry shops that I found and fit my criteria listed above.

1. Ferko’s Fine Jewelry

2. The Aladdin’s Cave

3. Tomas Brothers

4. Cecile Raley Designs

5. MS Jewelers

6. MinimalVS

7. Rosados Box

8. Ellyn Blue Jewelry

9. Gold Adore

10. Pompeii3

I will briefly introduce each store one by one.

(Note : If you are planning to purchase jewelry on Etys, I recommend you to read “How to buy jewelry online?” article as I have given some important steps to follow when buying jewelry or gemstones from etsy.

1. Ferko’s Fine Jewelry

This shop tops the list mainly because their unique designs. It has also gained a lot of popularity within the 3 years they have been selling on etsy.

Pay a visit and see, I am sure you will fall in love with their designs. They have a good range of gemstone jewelry as well, both precious and semi-precious stones. Another great thing about this store is that I did not find any jewelry done from synthetic gemstones. They have only used natural stones.

I found only yellow gold in Freko’s Fine Jewelry collection but it may have changed by the time you read this article.

2. The Aladdin’s Cave

This shop also offers a great set of designs but maybe not as unique as the last one. But they do offer all the metal types including silver. The gemstone variety is better than Ferko’s Fine Jewelry but they have used lab created gemstones for some jewelry. They have mentioned whether the stones are natural or synthetic, either in the title or in the product description.

Unless it is specifically stated, the stones must be lab grown. It is better to write to them and ask if you are going to purchase such item.

3. Thomas Brothers

This is predominantly vintage jewelry shop. They have a great range of vintage designs and offer silver, yellow gold and white gold jewelry. They also offer s great variety of gemstone jewelry.

4. Cecil Raley Designs

This store sells a large collection of gemstones as well in addition to jewelry. Therefore, one unique advantage is that you can get a customer jewelry done with a gemstone you love in their collection. They also offer all metal types.

I really liked their jewelry designs as well.

5. MS Jewelers

One thing I liked about MS Jewelers is that some of their designs are a great mix of modern and traditional styles. MS Jewelers also offers all metal types and a good variety of natural gemstone jewelry as well.

There are synthetic (lab created) gemstone jewelry as well but it is specifically mentioned in such situations.

6. MinimalVS

As the name suggests, they have a great collection of elegant and minimalist designs. They offer a wide range of gemstone jewelry as well. I could not find any silver jewelry in their shop and looks like they are specializing in gold jewelry.

I particularly like their designs as I am also a big fan of minimalist designs.

7. Rosados Box

This is another shop with a great collection of simple minimalist designs. They offer a good variety of gemstone jewelry and I did not find any jewelry with synthetic stones. In terms of metal types, they also seem to be specializing in gold jewelry.

8. Ellyn Blue Jewelry

Out of all the shops in this list, this is the only shop which offers jewelry done with raw gemstones. Raw gemstones ads a unique beauty to jewelry as the shape and beauty of those stones are very different to faceted gemstones. You will really like the large collection of rings done with raw gemstones.

Almost all the designs are gold and there are few silver jewelry as well.

9. Gold Adore

In terms of design variation, this shop is one of the best I found. They have a great selection of elegant, simple, vintage, etc. collection of jewelry. They offer all metal types except silver and also a great range of gemstone jewelry.

10. Pompeii3

This is one of the biggest shops I came across in terms of collection. They seem to be specializing in engagement and wedding rings for both men and women. They also have all other types of jewelry and a great collection of gemstone jewelry as well.

Their collection is so big and paying a visit is definitely worth it.

Final Thoughts 

The objective of this article was to come up with the 10 most popular etsy jewelry shops. Since there are so many jewelry shops on etsy, I used a criteria which I have listed at the beginning of the article to select 10 out of all the popular jewelry shops.

Green Gemstones List – My Top 10

Green Gemstones List – My top 10

Green has been a very popular gemstone color for thousands of years. Emerald and jadeite, which are green gemstones, are two of the most treasured gemstones in ancient civilizations. As of today, there are probably over 100 different types of green gemstones. Green is a unique color which ads elegance and at the same time symbolize nature and freshness. Green is also recognized as the most soothing color in the spectrum (For those who usually get stressed with work, doctors advise to take breaks and stare at something natural and green for a while). In this article, I will introduce a green gemstones list which will make it easier for you to select one for your next jewelry.

The color ranges, comparative prices, advantages and disadvantages of each gemstones will be presented. But, the list is not created in any specific order and hence, please do not consider it as ranked from 1 to 10. Depending on your specific requirement, any of these gemstones will suit you.

Green Gemstones List

Following is the green gemstones list which will be introduced in this article.

  • Emerald
  • Green Sapphire
  • Green Diamond
  • Jade
  • Tsavorite
  • Peridot
  • Green Tourmaline
  • Green Zircon
  • Amazonite
  • Aventurine

Let’s go through the list, one by one.

1. Emerald

Emerald was the most popular green gemstone throughout the history and it continues to be so. It was also the favorite gemstone of the ancient Egyptian queen, Cleopatra.

Emerald belongs to the beryl family of minerals and therefore it has a hardness of 7.5 – 8. Although the hardness is good, inclusions are very common in emeralds. These inclusions can cause the stone to chip and crack. Therefore, special care is recommended for emeralds and emerald jewelry. Treatments and fracture filling is common in emerald to improve the color as well as its strength.

When buying an emerald, the color is the most important factor. Slight changes in color can result in significant price differences.

A detailed article of factors affecting the price of emeralds can be found here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness 7.5 – 8


Refractive Index ( A measure of the luster of the stone) – 1.57 – 1.58


The green colors of emerald are very unique


A fairly durable stone


Wide price range

Cheaper stones can be heavily included


Commonly treated

image 1 : A 3.90 carat Zambian Emerald

2. Green Sapphire

Sapphire is an excellent stone for jewelry due to its high durability and beauty. Green sapphire has increased in popularity recently although it is not commonly found. Uniformly saturated green sapphires can be very rare and those are considered as collectors’ stones.

Color of green sapphire range from light to dark green with or without hints of blue or yellow.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 9


Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77






A unique and a rare gemstone.


High durability and high brilliance.




It is an expensive gemstone



image 2 : A Green Sapphire

3. Green Diamond

Diamond is one of the most expensive types of gemstones. Since green diamonds are very rare, prices are even more expensive.  One unique aspect of green diamond is how it get its color. While trace elements are responsible for the color of many gemstones, green diamond gets it color from natural irradiation (but these are not radioactive and hence they are safe to wear).

Diamond is the hardest material on earth with a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale and therefore it is the ultimate scratch resistant material. But it is not as tough as sapphire and it can chip or crack if faced with a hard knock.

There are different tones of green diamonds available and as per GIA classification, the highest ratings goes for the “fancy vivid” color diamonds.

Synthetic green diamonds are also available in the market and hence, buying from a highly trusted source such as Leibish is recommended.

You can check their green diamond prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 10


Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419




Very rare and hence it will definitely be a unique possession.


Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.




Very high prices


Hard to find





image 3 : A Green Diamond

4. Jade

Jade occurs in a range of colors and green jade is the most famous. It is another gemstone which has a recorded history of thousands of years. Jade has been used in China for more than 7000 years and it still remains the main market for this gemstone.

There are two variations of jade: Nephrite and Jadeite. Nephrite is abundant and inexpensive while jadeite is rarer, harder and expensive.

The stone has a hardness of 6-7 in the Moh’s scale but it is a tough gemstone due to its compact composition. Jade is either translucent or opaque. It is usually cut as cabochons or as various shapes such as human figures, animals, ornaments, etc.

(Check for Jade prices here)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6 – 7


Refractive Index – 1.60 – 1.67




Nephrite jade is very affordable


Resistant to clacking and chipping


Hardness is moderate



image 4 : A Jadeite Necklace

5. Tsavorite Garnet

Tsavorite is a variation of green grossular garnet. It is a gemstone which was discovered only few decades ago from the African region.  Tsavorite is found in small pieces and hence, inclusions free stones over 1 carat are expensive.

Hardness of Tsavorite is 7 – 7.5 but it is less brittle than emerald. Although the color of tsavorite is different to emerald, it also possess a unique green hue. Tsavorite is much less expensive than emerald and it is rarely treated.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index – 1.738 – 1.745




Less expensive than emerald






Stones over 1 carat are rare




image 5 : A Pair of Tsavorite Earrings

6. Peridot

Pridot is an ideal fit to this list as it is found only in one color (idiochromatic), which is green.  It comes in a light green, sometimes mixed with yellow. Like diamonds, peridot is also formed within the mantel of earth and surface due to volcanic activities. This is the reason why peridot is also called the “volcanic gemstone”.

It is a stone found in abundance and prices are very affordable.  Its hardness is 6.5 -7. Hence, peridot is not considered as a durable gemstone. If you are using it for a day to day jewelry, make sure to use it in a protective setting. Due to its abundance, finding eye-clean pieces are very easy.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6.5 – 7


Refractive Index – 1.65 – 1.69




Very affordable prices






Stones over 1 carat are rare




image 6 : A Peridot Gemstone

7. Green Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a very popular gemstone including green tourmaline which is also known as verdalite.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. It is also an affordable gemstone and comes in a range of different green tones. Heat treatments are common for tourmalines and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern. If the seller is claiming that the stone is free of treatments, it is better to ask for a gemstone certificate to prove that claim.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7 – 7.5

Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65


Prices are generally affordable

Has a good brilliance

 Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.
image 7 : A Green Tourmaline Ring

8. Green Zircon

Zircon is a gemstone with a great brilliance since it has a very high refractive index. It is also used as an alternative for diamonds due its high luster. Green zircon comes in a range of green hues.

Zircon has a hardness of 7.5 which is considered as a fairly decent hardness for jewelry.  However, it is a relatively brittle gemstone and can chip or crack.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7.5

Refractive Index : 1.93 – 1.987

Prices are very affordable

Has a great brilliance

 Prone to chipping and cracking
image 8 : A Green Zircon

9. Amazonite

The stone was initially called “Amazon stone” due to its green surface with white lines which resembles a surface of a river. The name gradually evolved into “Amazonite”. The stone comes in a range of colors from greenish blue to bluish green.  Its unique texture and color makes it a good choice for certain types of jewelry.

The stones are found in abundance and not treated. Prices of amazonite are also very affordable. Since hardness is 6 – 6.5, it is not a very durable gemstone.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 6 – 6.5

Refractive Index : 1.52 – 1.53

Prices are very affordable

Contains a unique texture and color

 Not very durable

Less brilliant

image 9 : An Amazonite Ring

10. Aventurine

Aventurine belongs to the quartz family of minerals. The most common color of aventurine is green and comes in a range of green from light to dark. Aventurine is known for its shimmering effect known as “aventurescence”. This property ads a unique beauty to this gemstone.

It has a hardness of 6.5 – 7 but its compact structure makes it prone to cracking and chipping. It occurs in translucent to opaque nature.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness :  6.5 – 7

Refractive Index : 1.54 – 1.55

Prices are very affordable

Displays “aventurescence”

Fairly durable

 Less brilliant
image 10 : Green Aventurine Pendants

Final Thoughts

This article was written with the objective of introducing a green gemstones list which can be used for different types of jewelry.  As mentioned earlier, the list was not created on any specific order and hence you can select any gemstone you like by paying attention to advantages and disadvantages of each different stone.

Spinel Gem Colors – An Introduction To All The Colors

Spinel Gem Colors – An Introduction To All The Colors

Spinel is one of the most desirable semi-precious gemstones among gems and jewelry lovers. One of the main reasons for its popularity is the range of spinel gem colors. Therefore, I will put together all the main colors of spinels in this article.

Before going into the list of colors, I will briefly discuss few important historical facts about spinel and the general composition of spinel gemstone.

What is Spinel Gemstone?

Spinel is considered as one of the most underappreciated gems in the history. Long ago, spinels were either mistaken for rubies or sapphires. Some of the world’s most recognized spinels were initially thought to be rubies. The “Black Prince Ruby” in the imperial state crown (170 carats) and the “Timber Ruby” (350 carats) are two famous spinels that were mistaken as rubies for a very long time.

Spinel was identified as a different mineral to corundum (the mineral family of ruby and sapphire) by the mineralogist Jean Baptiste Louise Rome de Lisle in 1783. The value of spinels dropped after this discovery. But, spinels have managed to take back its deserved recognition partially due to the extreme high prices of rubies and sapphire, and also due to its fascinating range of colors and durability.

Given the list of colors, hardness and luster of faceted spinels, it is indeed surprising to think that it was not a valued gemstone until recently.

To show the black prince's ruby
image 1 : “Black Prince’s Ruby” on the English Imperial State Crown

Properties of Spinel

Spinel is an oxide mineral and its composition is MgAl2O4. It has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness. Spinel is also a gemstone which has strong resistance to chemical and physical weathering.

With comparatively low prices to rubies and sapphire, spinel is an ideal gemstone to be used in jewelry.

Below table summarizes the properties of spinel.

Chemical Composition MgAl2O4
Hardness 8.0
Refractive Index 1.718
Crystal Structure Cubic
Specific Gravity 3.60

Spinel Gem Colors

The main colors of spinel are – Red, Orange, Pink, Purple, Blue, Grey and Black. White spinels also exists but quite rare. Certain hues in this color range has got specific trade names such as jedi spinel, cobalt spinel, lavender spinel, mahenge spinel and lilac spinel.

Green and yellowish green spinels are mostly synthetic spinels. Natural occurrences of these two colors are very rare. But, synthetic spinels do come in all other colors as well. Therefore, unless you are buying from a trusted source, it is always good to get a gem certificate, especially when you are buying an expensive spinel.

The difference in the trace elements as well as the positions of these elements in the structure of the spinel contributes to the differences in spinel gem colors.

Red Spinels

This is one of the most expensive spinel gemstones as it is a great alternative for rubies. The red color of the stone comes when chromium is present as a trace element. There is a range of colors that can fall into the category of red spinels, from pinkish red to pigeon blood-red.

Mogok Burma is the most popular source of the pure, pigeon blood-red spinels. The red spinels found in Sri Lanka and also in Tanzania usually does not have this rich red color. A Burmese red spinel with good saturation and medium tone can be a great alternative for Burmese rubies.

The red spinels from Sri Lanka usually has a slight pink hue but it is also a very eye-catching color. Red spinels from Sri Lanka are also comparatively expensive.

  • Jedi Spinels

This is a unique variation of red spinel. Jedi spinels contains a neon bright pinkish red which was first found from Namya, Burma.

image 2 : A Red Spinel

Blue Spinel

Blue spinel is the other most expensive spinel variety along with red spinels. Sri Lanka and Vietnam are the famous destinations for blue spinals. The blue color can vary between grayish blue, violet blue and a bright strong blue.

Iron is the trace element responsible for this blue color.

  • Cobalt Blue Spinel

A unique variation of blue spinel are cobalt blue spinel. When the element cobalt is mixed with iron, it results in a unique blue color. Both Sri Lanka and Vietnam produce cobalt blue spinels but the two colors are different due to differences in the iron and cobalt content.

The cobalt blue spinels from Sri Lanka has a more deep tone of blue while the ones from Vietnam has a bright blue color.

Due to the rarity of cobalt blue spinels, color diffused stones are common. Therefore, I recommend you to request for the certificate when purchasing one.

image 3 : A Blue Spinel

Pink Spinel

Pink spinel also comes from light pink to hot pink. A pink spinel can be categorized as a hot pink spinel when the saturation is high and there is a presence of faint red color.

Mahenge, Tanzania is a famous destination for a unique hot pink color spinels which are known in the trade name Mahenge spinel. Sri Lanka also produces a range of really beautiful pink spinels.

Chromium is the trace element responsible for the pink color of these spinels.

image 4 : A Pink Spinel

Grey Spinel

This is a stone which is probably becoming a new trend. One reason for the popularity could be the fact that the color of grey spinel is not found in any other gem variety. Most famous destinations for grey spinels are Sri Lanka and Burma.

Both chromium rich and iron rich spinels can produce grey tones due to certain differences in composition.

image 5 : A Grey Spinel

Purple Spinel

This is another very famous color of spinel. The color range from weak violet to strong violet and weak purple to strong purple and everything in between as well.

Iron the trace element responsible for purple spinel. Sri Lanka is a famous destination for a range for the full range of purple spinels.

Two variations of purple spinals are lavender spinal and lilac spinel. Lavender spinel has a stronger violet hue while lilac spinal has a lesser violet hue.

image 6 : A Pair of Lavender Spinel

Orange Spinel

Orange spinel also range between fiery red orange and bright orange. Chromium is the trace element which is responsible for the orange color. Mogok, Burma is the most famous destination for orange spinel.

image 7 : An Orange Spinel

White / Colorless Spinel

White or colorless spinels have been reported but it is rare. These spinels are colorless due to the absence of any coloring trace elements.

Color Change Spinel

Color change spinel are another rare spinel variety. In these spinels, the color changes from blue under a florescent light to a purple under an incandescent light.

Final Thoughts

Spinel is definitely one of the most desired semi-precious gemstone varieties. Its popularity is increasing and hence the prices as well. I won’t be surprised to see spinels becoming a precious gemstone in the near future.

Due to its increasing popularity, I thought it will be useful for many of our readers to learn about the range of spinel gem colors, which was the main intention of this article. The article briefly discussed about the chemical compositions responsible for each color as well.

Hope you liked it and I would be delighted to hear your thoughts.


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What Are Taaffeite Gemstones ?

What Are Taaffeite Gemstones ?

Reputed as one of the rarest gemstones in the world, taaffeite is indeed a wonderful creation of Mother Nature. Given its rarity, taaffeite gemstones are mostly popular among gemstone collectors. Taaffeite is easily misidentified as spinel since it almost impossible to differentiate the two with the naked eye. This is another reason for the extreme rarity of this stone as most taaffeite are sold as spinels.

History of Taaffeite

The stone was named after the gemologist Richard Taaffe from Dublin – Ireland, who discovered this mineral. He made this discovery in 1945 when he noticed something unique about a particular small mauve stone which was among the stones he bought from a jewelry shop in Dublin. His instincts might have told him that the stone is different from spinels and he has sent it to the laboratory at the London chamber of commerce and later to the Museum of Natural History for testing. After the testing, it was confirmed that the stone Taffe found is a new form of mineral which had not reported before.

(You can read the fascinating story behind the discovery from the own words of Richard Taaffe here)

This discovery makes taaffeite the first gemstone to be found in the faceted from.

IMA (International Mineralogical Association) approved the name Magnesiotaaffeite-2N’2S for taaffeite in 2002 (2N stands for the two Nolanite modules and 2S stands for the two Spinel modules).

image 1: A Taaffeite Gemstone From Sri Lanka

Physical Properties of Taaffeite Gemstones

As stated before, taaffeite gemstones are often confused with spinels. Taaffeite color range falls right inside the color range for spinels and there are similar structural features as well. Reported colors of taaffeite are colorless, grayish, violet, violet red, red, light green, greenish, pink, violet and mauve. Red stones which are colored with chromium are considered the rarest.

However, taaffeite is a doubly refractive stone which helps to differentiate from spinel which is a single refractive stone.

But adding to the difficulty of identification, there are spinels which displays anomalous double refraction. Hence, a proper testing for double refraction is needed to identify taaffeite. Due to the existence of anomalous double refractive spinels, polariscope testing will not yield accurate results.

(In Sri Lanka, where I am from, merchants have come up with a simple low cost polariscope, which can differentiate single refractive stones with the rest. Similar tools might be available in other countries as well. But, this tool is also not capable of differentiating double refraction with anomalous refraction.)

The main components of taaffeite are beryllium, magnesium, and aluminium. This was confirmed in 1951 through x-ray analysis. Therefore, taaffeite is also the first mineral to contain both beryllium and magnesium as main components.

Following table summarizes the main physical and chemical properties of taaffeite.

Chemical Composition BeMgAl4O8 (Ideal formula is Be4Mg4Al16O32)
Crystal System Hexagonal
Hardness 8 – 8.5
Specific Gravity 3.60 – 3.61
Refractive Index 1.722 – 1.777
Birefringence 0.055
Pleochroism Weak

Sources of Taaffeite

So far, most taaffeite have been found from Sri Lanka alongside other carbonated stones such as fluorite and spinel. Taaffeite has also reported from southern Tanzania. More recently, taaffeite samples were discovered in Myanmar and South Australia. Lower grade taaffeite were reported from Russia and China.

image 2 : Some Faceted Taaffeite Pieces

Known Taaffeite Pieces

The first piece of taaffeite found by Richard Taaffe was a 1.419 carats mauve color piece. The largest known taaffeite is a 33 carat specimen which was sold in an auction in 1999 in Hong Kong.

Geological Museum in London has a taaffeite of 0.86 carats and the Gemological Institute of America laboratory in New York contains two pieces weighing 5.34 (brownish purple) and 0.84.

A gem collector in Sri Lanka owns an oval shape mauve taaffeite free of inclusions, which is 13.22 carats. Two more stones with 10.13 carats and 11.24 carats along with a number of other small stones are reported from some other collections. 10.13 carats is a gray-mauve stone with oval cut and the 11.24 is a pink stone.

Another 3.04 carat pale mauve stone was reported from Burma.

These records might give you an idea of how rare and valuable this gemstone is, especially for collectors.


Taaffeite vs Musgravite

Musgravite is another very rare gemstone which has many similar properties to taaffeite. The difference between Taaffeite and Musgravite lies in the magnesium content. Since all other properties are almost identical, Raman Spectroscopy test is used to differentiate these two stones. Through this, molecules can be identified by a creating a structural fingerprint.

Musgravite was given its name because of the Musgrave Ranges of Southern Australia where it was first discovered. Due to its relationship with taaffeite, IMA gave the name Magnesiotaaffeite-6N’3S to musgravite (6 Nolanite modules and 3 Spinel modules).


Taaffeite Mineral Group

As earlier stated, taaffeite is the name of one of the rarest gemstones. But after the discovery of taaffeite, two more related minerals have been found. One is Musgravite which was introduced earlier in this article, and the other is Perhmanite, which is known as Ferrotaaffeite-6N’3S.

Therefore, IMA has approved the name Taaffeite for this mineral group. However, in the gem trade, taaffeite and musgravite are still used as individual names for those two gemstones and it will probably continue to be regardless of scientific names and the IMA approved name for the group of minerals.


Taaffeite Price Per Carat

Given the rarity of taaffeite, it attracts high prices. Since reddish colors are rarer, prices of such stones will be even higher.

As a generic guide, the price per carat can vary between $1,500 and $2,500. As the carat size increases, the prices will be much higher.

Here is a video which shows a raw taaffeite gemstones.

Final Thoughts

Because taaffeite gemstones are rare and also because it is a recent discovery, information regarding this stone is not available as readily as in the case for some of the more popular gemstones. Hence, the objective of this article was to provide you with all the important information you need to know about taaffeite.

As discussed in this article, taaffeite is also a name used for this mineral group but the article was specifically intended to introduce the taaffeite gemstone.

Hope you found value in this article and if you did, it will be great to hear your comments. Please also let me know any questions you may have.

Introduction to Black Tourmaline

Introduction to Black Tourmaline


Clean your chakras sparkling with Black Tourmaline crystal, which is an excellent source of energy cleansing in the world of healing crystals. As a daily antibiotic for the soul, Black Tourmaline crystal has refined the aura of intelligent thought patterns to keep you up at night. Wherever you happen to be on your spiritual journey, Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for you because it is a guard stone that provides protection and removal of negative energy. Wear the jewelry, store it in your car, and place it over the entire house, next to the computers. Seriously, just put it all together because this powerhouse has to have all the gems.

Meaning of Black Tourmaline

This mysterious gemstone represents the black color of the ray, a warm shade that draws in all the other colors of the display. In ancient cultures, black stones symbolize darkness as a starting point and a change from the face of your greatest fears. In today’s world, phobias are part of everyday life, so it is not surprising that anxiety has become the common cold of a variety of mental disorders.

While the Crystalline definition of Black Tourmaline is not generally considered in this regard, it is one of the most powerful and effective crystals of concern. If you find yourself being swept away by the storm clouds of terror, feel calm and refreshed by holding a Black Tourmaline crystal stone in each hand. Here’s some good advice – Stay calm and carry Black Tourmaline with you wherever you go. With a healing crystal guard, this protective stone is one of the essentials in your first crystal help kit.

History of Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline gemstone is a very powerful cutting stone, electrically, and also provides the link between the human spirit and earth. Its supporting strength synchronizes the body’s energy centers with light-cooling stations throughout the system. It enhances a sense of power and confidence, allows for a bright, meaningful view of the world. It empowers those who have to live or work in challenging environments or stressful situations.

Although the BlackTourmaline can be found on every continent, beautiful crystal types and gems are still considered rare and can be very expensive. Its vast popularity as a monument began in the year 1876 when jeweler George Kunz a mineralogist, sold Tourmaline from Maine to Tiffany and co in New York and the spread of his ambition.

Black Tourmaline Needles, can also be found attached to clear Quartz that is called Tourmalinated or Tourmalated Quartz. The combination of light and bright white light is believed to create the ideal combination of energy, the manifestation of light energy, and darkness that come together in one purpose. It is considered a symbol of great luck and is not regarded as a moving target, but where some success is needed.

Composition of Black Tourmaline

Tourmaline belongs to a complex family of aluminum borosilicate mixed with iron, magnesium, or other different metals, depending on the size of their components, they can form as red, pink, yellow, brown, black, blue or violet. It’s prismatic, vertically striated crystals can be tall and slender, or thick and sturdy, and they are triangles separately in cross-section. They tend to vary in colors within a single sample, length, or cross-sections and may be transparent or opaque. The name Tourmaline comes from a Sinhalese word, which means turmoil, meaning “blended Stone of color,” or turmali, which means “the smallest thing in the world.” The most common types of Tourmaline are Shockl, with about nine-fifths of all Tourmaline in the environment.

The use of Black Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, providing protection during labor. It can be used for teasing, and traditionally it was used to indicate the cause of the problem or offender, and to indicate the best way to go.

If you want to use the black Tourmaline for ritual cleansing and protection, then make a ring of eight smaller natural stones of a circle or place over your alter.

Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for meditation, and a small amount of Black Tourmalines are completed twice, ready for body composition.

Black Tourmaline reduces panic attacks, especially those caused by dark or closed spaces, or in areas where the atmosphere is hot. It also helps you to control your fear for doctors or dentists as an adult or child.

Wear this crystal to protect yourself from the crooks, smugglers, complaining neighbors, or emotional vampires that burden you with their problems but do nothing to improve their situation.

At work, hold a Black Tourmaline for a few minutes when you need to wake up or when you need a full focus.

It provides excellent protection against pollution, electromagnetic smog, and radiation associated with cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices.

The Black Tourmaline Stone serves as a technical support stone for miners and telephone operators.

In the industry, the Tourmalines are widely regarded as integrated circuits for the production of television and radio broadcasts. They are used for their rigidity because high frequency can pass through them without scattering or destroying them, as most crystals do.

Black Tourmaline gives you a strong sense of smell and can increase the sensitivity of pheromones that produce an aphrodisiac effect.

Tourmaline is explicitly used for the treatment of motion sickness. It can also help to restore luster and shine to the hair and nails.

How Black Tourmaline is worn

Black Tourmaline is very much advised to be worn on the left side of the body; this is because energy enters the aura of your body through the left side. Another way is to have a chunk of it in your pocket.


From all that has been said in the above article, it is a wise decision if you can get for yourself at least a piece of the very useful earth gemstone (black Tourmaline) to help bring light to your part






Morganite is usually a salmon stone or higher with a pinkish color of the beryl variety.

The color is due to the presence of manganese in the stone. The heat produced by the stone enhances its color.

It is super smart and often comes in the best colors of pink. Due to these qualities and features possessed by the morganite gemstone, it has become women’s favorite, coupled with its beautiful diamond pattern, which makes it stand out.

A Morganite with its own transparent light it gets from the reflection of the, warms your heart, warms your soul, frees you from the feeling of being small in the vast universe, and opens up the sheer presence of supreme powers. This is the Crystal of the Divine Being. It brings recuperating, sympathy, affirmation, fand guarantee. With its gentle pink energy, Morganite sticks to the heart and Chin Chakra. It cleanses feelings of stress and anxiety, old wounds and hidden conditions, and gives light to light inside your heart as if the burden has been lifted. It brings the frequency of God’s compassion, inspiring awareness that suffering and pain of health have aided greatly in our spiritual growth, and can be a catalyst for moving forward in peace and confidence.

It is durable and inexpensive, making it an ideal stone for everyday wear.

Apart from being known as Beryl variety, it is also known as cesian Beryl and Pink Emerald.


Found in California in the early 1900s, and shortly thereafter in Madagascar. This became known as Pink Beryl until 1911 when, at the suggestion of George F. Kunz, an economist at Tiffany & Co, he was renamed Morganite renowned financial strategist and Treasurer JP Morgan, for his contribution to archeology and the American Museum of Natural History in New York, USA.

Morgan was also an avid customer and collector of Tiffany, where the largest Morganite was sold.

While Morganite is a pink variant of Beryl, the Beryl family also makes other colors that are used as gems, such as Emerald green, Aquamarine blue, Heliodor yellow, and Golden Beryl, Red Beryl or Bixbite and the colorless, Goshenite. Morganite is likewise called “Pink Beryl,” “Pink Emerald,” and “Cesian (or Caesian) Beryl.” MORGANITE RECORDS

Morganite is a pink variety of Beryl, beryllium aluminum silicate, which is colored with manganese or cesium and forms in prismatic cells and particles. It is naturally bright or yellow in color, known for its yellow paint, though it also happens to be salmon soft, pink, or yellow. In rare cases, it may indicate a concussion (cat-eye effect), or an asterism (the star effect), when cut to highlight these features. Unlike Emerald, another Beryl that usually has significant inclusions, Morganite has no additives. Another readily available feature is the presence of a large Morganite rough, which results in large stones being laid. The largest so far is a 598.70-carat cushion-cut gem from Madagascar that is now in the British Museum’s collection.


The use of Morganite, especially in the shape of a gem, evokes a feeling of peace, happiness, and inner strength; worn over time, it promotes the growth of confidence and power that comes from the relentless awareness of God’s love and communication.

His name was called J. J Morgan, an American investor intrigued by enchantment and minerals; Morganite has been perceived as the foundation of promotion for unprejudiced nature. It is a big step for new businesses to gain market share, and it is a good thing to take in meetings with bank managers and accountants to find the right management.

Morganite likewise advances reasonable treatment by others, particularly those with mental or passionate issues or physical disease that make them antagonistic to other people. It is a beautiful crystal to achieve equality in all relationships, and in developing effective but loving relationships as well.

This crystal is especially supportive for teenage girls without a mother, and for young women who suffer from eating disorders.

It also reduces pressure, reduces pressure to perform, and also reduces how to avoid and “escape” from situations.

Morganite contains relevant information relevant to the history of its use and experience, as well as details relating to the geographical composition of other countries. It can be used to help your understanding of the characteristics of love, that when used, can be used to heal and save the Earth.

It will let you know that all your suffering and pain serve a higher purpose in your emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.

Morganite will always remove the pressure to perform or improve. You do not have to compete each time because this is the fastest way you will feel burned out.

Instead, it will challenge you to give everything you do 100% the best.

The bottom line is that you are proud of your efforts and happy with the results.

And it will make you more receptive to the soft and loving words of others.


Morganite will help bring wisdom and stimulate acceptance to your life. It will improve your creative ability and can help you greatly in developing psychic gifts.

If you are a woman, the stone will use its power to support you fully. It will allow you to own you to feel your inner strength, and bring to your remembrance of the beauty and courage that you possess.

The Morganite has energies that will enhance your patience and understanding, connecting your inner wisdom to the energy of your heart.

It will help love flow freely into your life, making you find the

It will help love flow freely in your life, helping you find healing from your grief, loss, shame, or guilt.

Women will be delighted with this morganite gemstone because it makes them feel more independent. But they can still achieve love and harmony with male energy.

Morganite will ensure you have peace, joy, and love in your life.

There are many other benefits of Morganite that we will discuss in the next post.