Blue Zircon Metaphysical Properties


Zircon is a gemstone that has been used for more than 2000 years. It has a very high dispersion and a refractive index which makes its luster brilliant so much so that colorless zircon is used as an alternative for diamond.

Zircon comes in a wide range of colors including yellow, brown, orange, red, violet, blue, green and colorless. In this article, I am going to discuss blue zircon metaphysical properties. I will also discuss a bit of background about zircon as well since I believe you will find it useful.

healing properties of zircon
image 1 : Zircon gemstones of various colors

About Zircon

Chemical composition of zircon is ZrSiO4 ( Zirconium Silicate) and it has a tetragonal cubic system.

The name “Zircon” stems from the Persian word “Zargun” meaning “gold-hued”. The luster of zircon is vitreous to a brilliant sheen and zircon with high optical properties are called high zircons and those with low values are called low zircon.

Zircon is mined in many countries around the world such as Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, China, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Mozambique, Brazil, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania and few more countries.

With that bit of background to zircon, I will move onto blue zircon metaphysical properties as that is the main objective of the article. If you are interested, you can find all the technical details of zircon here.

image 2 : Zircon perched on a sugary, tan matrix of calcite.

Blue Zircon Metaphysical Properties

When I was doing my research for the meaning and benefits of blue zircon, I could only find a limited number of resources as most speaks about the meaning and powers of zircon in general.

But I will list everything I found here about blue zircon and I am also going to highlight some of the generic benefits of zircon as well.


Emotional Benefits of Blue Zircon

Blue Zircon helps to overcome stress and lack of focus. It clears your mind and gives the mental and emotional stability and therefore it will drive proper attention to the work you do and help you achieve better results. It removes the negative energy accumulated from stress.

The stone is effective when you are full of negative energy and feel like giving up. Blue zircon infuse you with self-confidence, faith and energy to keep you going forward.  Improved self-confidence will have ripple effect in all aspects of your life.

Blue zircon helps to bring back your dreams, hopes and wishes back which you might have forgotten over time and gives you strength to achieve those. The stronger the hopes are, the stronger the energy blue zircon gives you. Blue zircon is believed to understand you and you will feel a deeper connection with the stone.

In the ancient times, blue zircon has been used as a talisman against evil spirits. It was used for protection from evil when travelling. It is also believed to cleanse dark energies. The protection is from both natural and human threats.  Blue zircon is said to purify your energy when you are filled with negativity.

Blue zircon clears your way forward with its color energy. It is also useful when you are in need of information as it will help you to find what you need. Hence, it supports you to expand your capabilities.


Physical Healing Abilities of Blue Zircon

(Note – Information here should not be considered as an alternative for professional medical advice)

Here I will list some healing benefits of blue zircon. I found these information only in one of the resources I referred to and hence there is no way to cross check and confirm.

Blue zircon helps women to improve fertility and has positive effects on the womb during the pregnancy.

In terms of chakra healing, blue zircon stimulates the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. It is therefore believed to help in the spiritual search in achieving higher levels of the mind.

Using blue zircon for a longer time is good for asthma patients and treating allergies. Blue zircon also helps to improve vision.

*-This is all the information I managed to find specifically on blue zircon metaphysical properties and hence, I will list more generic benefits of zircon which are definitely applicable for blue zircon as well.

image 3 : 10K White Gold Blue Zircon Stud Earrings For Women (2.40 Ct Round 6MM)

Benefits of Zircon

Emotional Benefits of Zircon

Zircon will help you to win over a temptation that you find difficult to resist. Zircon gives you the strength to get the better of such strong temptations.

The stone helps to sharpen the thoughts so that you will be more acceptable to differences in individuals and opinions.  It also helps to increase your intellectual capacity in general. You will become a sharper and wiser person as zircon enhances your intuition. You will put more thinking to the decisions and make better and responsible decisions in life.

Zircon is a stone that has a connection with major achievements. If you are working on something really big or something life changing, keeping the zircon nearby will help you.

As in the case with many other stones, zircon is also another stone that brings good luck to you.

Zircon will help you if you are a hyperactive person and someone who finds it difficult to find a way to release emotions such as anger.

It also improves the problem solving capabilities and you will be better at managing challenging situations.

The stone promotes kindness and empathy and encourage you to help others who are in need. It also helps you to avoid becoming an extremist (in religion, sexuality, raise, etc.) and become more understanding.

If you are a sort of person who finds it difficult to keep focusing on one thing and tends to give up easily, zircon will be great as it encourages to be persistent.

The stone helps you to stay calm and connected with yourself if you are facing a lot of uncertainties and changes in personal life or work.

Zircon will also support you to overcome the grief of losing someone very close


Healing Benefits of Zircon

Zircon will help you to tackle with depression. It purifies the mind from negative and harmful ideas.

Zircon helps to get a good night peaceful sleep and help overcome insomnia. The gemstone stops bad nightmares that kills your sleep and peace of mind.

Another benefit of this stone is that it will relieve the pain some women get from cramps during menstruation.

This gemstone also has positive effects on the liver and ensure its correct functionality. Zircon also helps to improve digestion.

Under emotional benefits of zircon, I mentioned that zircon helps to get rid of strong sensations. This is a great health benefit as well since this helps you withdraw from drugs and other addictive substances. Zircon will help you with the symptoms of substance withdrawal.

Wealth, Business and Work Related Benefits

Zircon has its own way of helping you in achieving success in life. Zircon helps to get away with laziness, makes you active and efficient which makes your output much higher and hence a chance at achieving much better results.

As it brings good luck, it will help you to get more relevant chances to improve your business or job performance.

The stone also helps to keep financial problems away from you and protect you from potential chaos.

As mentioned earlier, zircon enhances your intellect and you will be a much sharper thinker with better analytical and critical thinking abilities. These will help you make much smarter business or work decisions bringing success much closer to you.

Love and Relationship Meanings of Zircon

If your relationship has lost that spark and it has become dull, zircon will help to get the love back to the relationship. Zircon will develop the love between you and the partner and make you two closer again.

Zircon is also great for new couples as it helps to nurture the romance.

Since zircon makes you empathetic, you will be able to understand and accept the differences in your partner and hence make you accept for who he/she is. The confidence zircon brings to you also helps in the relationship as you will take the initiative to take it in the right path and also face challenges on the way. Zircon helps you to become more tolerable as well making you stronger against the negative side you see in your partner.

As zircon will make your personality more attractive, your partner will attach with you even better.

The power of zircon to detach yourself away from unhealthy temptations, which we discussed earlier, will protect you from being unfaithful to your partner.

Here is a video which shows a process of heat treatment for blue zircon.

Final Thoughts

Here in this article, I discussed a number of blue zircon metaphysical properties. But due to the lack of information available about the specific benefits of blue zircon, we also discussed the generic meaning and powers of zircon as well.

I hope you liked the article and if you did, please leave a comment. Let me know if you have any questions also.


p.s. – Some other articles you may like

Meaning of Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Healing Powers of Blue Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)

Meaning of Aquamarine Gemstone

If you are a skeptic of the healing powers of crystals and gemstones, you might find something interesting here – “Scientific studies in crystal healing”

Sources for my articles.


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  1. Hello Rajith,

    I have been looking for a gift for my mother-in-law, and came across your site.

    She would love a zircon crystal of some sort. She used to be a massage therapist, and is really into metaphysical aspects of healing.

    Thanks for this very informative post. It looks like you really needed to do some digging to find references.


    1. Thanks Michael, glad you liked the article. Well, what can I say, she would no doubt love such a gift from you 🙂 . And yes, I had to do some digging for information but it was worth it. I myself learnt new things.

  2. Hi Rajith,

    I came across your article and liked your subject. I have suffered from athsma in the past and like the idea that these stones could give me benefit.

    I am sure these stones will be different from most other stones in the fact that they won’t have such a bad reputation like diamonds as in blood diamonds, hopefully you can answer this for me?



    1. Hi Alan,
      I am from Sri Lanka and there are so many mines here and I have visited quite a few. There are many videos in youtube where you see how gem mines work in many countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand etc. Miners in most gem bearing countries are usually poor but it is not a bloody business as diamonds. Except for the unequal distribution of money in the trade (as in the case of many other trades), gem industry is not known as a bloody trade. But since you asked the question, I will check more about the situation in Africa.
      Thank you for your question Alan.

  3. It is always interesting the learn about gemstones. In my opinion, there is more value when you know that the stones have been prepared by dedicated people using traditional methods, not fabricated in mass by machines. I have never seen that heat treatment before so thanks for sharing this with us.

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