Hello! My name is Rajith and I am from Sri Lanka, the land of Sapphires. I am a telecommunication engineer by profession but now a full time online entrepreneur. I am also an avid gemstone and crystal lover.

I created this website very specifically to share all my knowledge about different types of gemstones as there are many people around the world who are really passionate about gemstones and eager to learn. I also like to help those who want to buy gemstones to select the best ones for their budget and requirement. There is a lot of low quality and synthetic stones out there and some basic knowledge about gemstones will definitely help you in buying the best stones if you are not a gem expert.

You will find more information about why I started this website in following sections.

My Story in Short…

I started my online entrepreneur journey by selling kitchenware on amazon.com. Soon I realized that I have to start selling something unique if I want to become successful in the long run. Being a Sri Lankan, selling gemstones was one of the first ideas came to my mind. ( The geology experts say that 75% of all Sri Lanka contains different types of gemstones and only 10-15% are mined so far. )

But the challenge was that I didn’t know a single damn thing about gemstones.

So I followed two courses which gave me the basic essential knowledge in order to start a gemstones business. It is during this period that I realized the the lack of information available online for someone who wants to get more knowledge on gemstones.

Then I decided to start a website to share all I know about gemstones and help those who are studying about gems and also those who wants to buy gemstones.

Why this website?

As I said earlier, I realized the lack of information out there about gemstones when I was following the courses.

I often found myself searching through google and youtube about the different topics I learned in the class but more often than not I was unable to find what I was searching for. Instead I was lost with heaps of generic or irrelevant content.

Then I realized that specific information about different types of gemstones including there unique technical properties and methods of identifying will definitely help a lot of gemstone enthusiasts.


The Purpose

Therefore, the purpose of this website is to share the knowledge I have about gemstones. I will be sharing all useful information about different types of gemstones, anything that I feel will be useful to either someone who is studying about gems or someone who is looking to buy gems.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


( You can contact me anytime via email  – rajith@minutiaemoments.com )

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