Tigers Eye Gemstone Meaning – Amazing Benefits and Powers


Tigers Eye Gemstone also is known as “Tiger Eye”. This gemstone has been popular for many centuries and therefore many are interested in getting to know the Tigers Eye gemstone meaning.

Tiger’s Eye us a variety of chalcedony (an 18th Anniversary gemstone) and is considered by the Egyptians to be the most ancient talisman.It’s mysterious, powerful, reverend and feared (an all-seeing, all-knowing eye,) that is believed to grant its wearer the ability to observe everything thoroughly even through closed doors. It has the ability to provide protection of the sun and earth combined together to its wearer.

The tiger’s eye gem as the name implies can be traced and linked to the magical tiger, (the king of beast in eastern mythology). Linguist feels the word “Tiger” comes from either Latin or Greek terms that means “to howl”. The “Eye” in the Tiger’s Eye simple describes the visual impact of the stone, which often has circles that look like an eye.

This is probably the main reason why ancients used the Tiger’s Eye gemstone in talismans to turn the “evil eye” and curses.

The tiger eyes portrayed the right use of power, integrity and courage. The Romans during their battles carried the Tigers eye gemstone to deflect weapons. Because it’s considered throughout history to bring prosperity and good fortune, it is an essential weapon.

The tiger’s eye gemstone is so essential that most people believes it supports necessary change in all aspects of one’s life, giving them the required energy to execute their will.


Tigers Eye Gemstone Meaning


The Tigers Eye Gemstone meaning has several aspects and represents differently for each individuals. Hence it is worn for several purpose.

Tracing back to ancient times, tigers eye when worn could mean that the wearer is wearing it for any of the following reasons; Protection, Clear thinking, Personal Empowerment, Honesty, Determination, Courage, Practicality, Power, and Goodwill.

The tiger’s eye gemstone stands for pragmatism. It promotes harmony between people with different point of views, religious beliefs, and approaches to life.


When to use the Tigers Eye Gemstone


As this stone is known to be of very high relevance, you can’t over emphasize the use. Categories of people like entrepreneurs, keep the tigers eye gemstone to attract luck, good fortune and steady flow of money even it difficult times. Those who are about to build up a skill for themselves and knowledge base for major career, aren’t left out.

The tiger’s eye may not make rich beyond all your dreams, but it will attract the best situation for turning you finances around.

Tigers eye gemstone meaning can be highlighted in few main aspects.


Tigers eye Increases Insight and Perception:


Wearing, or carrying tiger’s eye gemstone, increases and sharpens your insights especially, when you are in an environment you aren’t familiar with. They also provide protection from the negative intentions of other people who may not like you.

The tiger’s eye sharpens your senses, which helps you pay a very close attention to little details in turn, preparing for the best action.

It slows the action of life down for you, so you don’t get caught up unprepared. It is one of the best aids for resolving crisis, and it provides a perfect support when you are afraid of making a wrong decision.

It is helpful when you are in need of a quick and correct analysis of a person or the consequences of actions you took or about to take.

It warns against complacency and gives one the confidence to have a proper thinking “out of the box” encouraging greatly the growth and creative talents, physical abilities, and trying something new.

It is used as a support stone in very competitive or important occasions such exams, interviews, presentations, stage performances, selling in open markets, etc.

It is also perfect for lovers. If you want to be single because your partner is no longer making you happy, you will find the courage to break it off with the help of your tiger’s eye gemstone.


Tigers eye boost will power, emotional stability and energy level:


Drawing on tiger’s eye is a unique way to be benefited by this wonderful stone when you are going through a change in the way you lived. (Your lifestyle can change due to many factors such as moving to a new place, getting a new job, health conditions, marriage, etc.)

It will increase your determination and give the emotional energy and strength to manage the situation.

The dangerous desire for the wrong type of food is reduced greatly, and it helps decrease the need for excessive cigarettes, binges, prescription drugs or even alcohol.

Loneliness or inadequacy can result in anxiety and demotivation. Tiger’s eye will help you to overcome these and see through the difficult times.


Tigers eye as a healing gemstone:


Tigers eyes is believed to affect the 3 most important aspect of life, and for any reason they malfunction, it brings healing to them if used and channeled properly.

The Mind: Emotional Healing, decreasing anxiety, triggers happiness, courage, and focus.

The Body: the tigers eye decreases pain, supports strong bones, purging toxins, out of the body

The Spirit: tigers eye Attracts luck, protection, Harmony, Empowerment, grounding, Earth Element.

Practitioners of Feng Shui, recommends putting Tigers Eye facing the West, North and South Region or near your door. It’s assumed that putting Tigers eye in this locations, keeps your atmosphere filled with clarity.

Carrying a cabochon or a tumbled tiger’s eye stone will help you to increase creativity. As with other metaphysical crystals, one must use their intuition by looking at the various shape of the tiger’s stone and see which one of it calls you the most. Or you can also consider the sacred Geometry and use it as a guide.

Tigers Eye properties:


Tiger’s eye comes in at least five (5) different colours Yellow, Gold, Orange, and Blue. It can be mined in India, South Africa, USA, or even Burma. It can be said to be under the class of Silicon Dioxide and in the Family of QUARTZ. Its crystalline structure can be Hexagonal, and it has a Hardness level of seven (7).


Wrap Up


The purpose of this article was to give you a basic understanding to Tigers Eye gemstone meaning.  I discussed benefits and believes covering many areas.

Bear in mind that such results reflects a partnership. You will definitely have to do your fair share along with the Gem’s energies.

I hope this article managed to give you a comprehensive understanding about the meaning of Tiger’s Eye.

Please feel free to give your comments or ask any question you may have.


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  1. Hey,

    Very interesting and insightful article. I do not usually read about or believe in gemstones. However, I do have a friend who runs her own affirmations and crystals business. So I thought I would look deeper into it, and I must say I do find your article uplifting.

    With the way of the world at the minute we do need lifting up. Using a Tiger’s Eye Gemstone for Protection, Personal Empowerment, Honesty, Courage, and Goodwill is what I would use it for.

    I have forwarded this onto my friend as I think she would be very interested in this and would maybe incorporate the Tiger’s Eye Gemstone into her life.

    Thank you for sharing, and keep up the amazing work on your site.

    All the best,


    1. Thank you very much Tom. I am really glad that the article managed to make you think about the stones differently.
      Thank you also for sharing with your friend and really looking forward to connect with her.

  2. I love this one – and I love all things to do with Tigers Eye. Your pictures are amazing, brings out the depth of each precious stone!

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