What is Padparadscha Sapphire?

What is Padparadscha Sapphire?

Padparadscha is the rarest type of sapphires. The fine Padparadscha sapphires comes in a fine delicate mix of pink and orange. Some stones are slightly more pink and some are slightly more orange. Due to this delicate mix of colors, each and every Padparadscha sapphire is unique and there are no two stones which are identical.

Due to its rarity, Padparadscha sapphires have become a collector’s stone. But it is also used in expensive jewelry.

Sri Lanka (Ceylon) has been the only source for Padparadscha for a very long time until it was mined also from Madagascar recently. But many gem experts still believes that the real Padparadscha sapphires only comes from Sri Lanka.


Color of Padparadscha Sapphire

Rarity and high price of Padparadscha has resulted in many sellers trying to sell other color sapphires as Padparadscha. The name “Padparadscha” comes from the Sri Lankan word “Padmaraga” for the lotus flower. Therefore, the real color of Padparadscha should resemble the orangish pink to pinkish orange color of Lotus petals. Having said that, the exact color of Padparadscha has been a point of debate for many years. Therefore, sapphires with a mix of pink and orange falls into the group of Padparadscha and the demand vary based on the choice of the buyer.

Heat treatment is very common for Padparadscha sapphires as well. Untreated Padparadscha sapphires tend to be soft in colors while the heat treated Padparadscha sapphires tend to be brighter.

The combination of iron and chromium as trace elements contributes to the color of this truly unique stone.


Padparadscha Sapphire Meaning

This is a stone with an enormous amount of energy which is believed to bring many positives to the wearer. The stone represents vital energy, foresight and joy.

It is believed to help the wearer to make big changes to life which helps to make life goals happen. The stone helps to get over negative opposing energies and carry on with necessary changes in life with clarity.

The mental clarity stone provides helps to understand the problem in life and face them with a composed mind.


Padparadscha Sapphire Price Per Carat

Due to the rarity of these gemstones, price per carat can go up to several thousands of dollars, especially for stones over five carats. As for all other gemstones, color, clarity, cut and carat weight are the main deciding factors of the price of Padparadscha. Heated Padparadscha tend to be slightly less expensive than untreated stones.

Below is a list of Padparadscha sapphires and prices we found from different online sellers.


image 1 : A Natural Untreated Padparadscha Sapphire – 6.01 carats

Price – $ 45,976.50

Weight – 6.01 carats

Price per carat – $ 7,650.00

Clarity – Very slightly included

Treatments – None





image 2 : A Natural Untreated Padparadscha Sapphire – 2.37 carats


Price – $ 10,500.00

Weight – 2.37 carats

Price per carat – $ 4430.38

Clarity – VVS

Treatments – None



image 3 : A natural heated Padparadscha Sapphire – 1.74 carats



Price – $ 3,828.00

Weight – 1.74 carats

Price per carat – $ 2,200.00

Clarity – VS

Treatments – Heated





image 4 : A Natural Unheated Padparadscha Sapphire – 1.16 carats

Price – $ 2,200.00

Weight – 1.16 carats

Price per carat – $ 1,896.55

Clarity – IF (Loup Clean)

Treatments – None

Pink Gemstones List – My Top 10 If you are

Pink Gemstones List – My Top 10

If you are a fan of pink color gemstones and searching for a list of different types, properties, advantage and disadvantages, you are in the right place. The purpose of this article is to come up with a pink gemstones list with all the important information of each stone.

Pink Gemstones List

Following pink gemstones list is not created in any specific order. The list is followed by details of each gemstone and I will cover advantages and disadvantages of each different stone. Depending on those, you can select the best stone for your requirement.

  • Pink Diamond
  • Pink Sapphire
  • Pink Spinel
  • Morganite
  • Pink Tourmaline
  • Pink Topaz
  • Pink Rhodolite Garnet
  • Pink Zircon
  • Kunzite
  • Pink Chalcedony

Let’s go through the details one by one.

1. Pink Diamond

Among all colored diamonds, pink diamond is the second rarest, after pink diamond. Unlike other colopink gemstones, trace elements have never been found in pink diamond. Instead, it get its color from a distortion in the diamond’s crystal lattice. This distortion is created by the intense heat and massive pressure it is subjected to under the earth.

Most pink diamonds contains a secondary tint such as brown, orange, gray and purple. Pure intense pink diamonds are super expensive and the price of a carat can go beyond $500,000.

Diamonds are the hardest material on earth with a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale and therefore it is the ultimate scratch resistant material. But diamonds are not as tough as sapphire and it can chip or crack if faced with a hard knock.

There are different tones of pink diamonds available and as per GIA classification, the highest ratings goes for the “fancy vivid” color diamonds.

Synthetic pink diamonds are also available in the market and hence, buying from a highly trusted source such as Leibish is recommended.

You can check their pink diamond prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 10


Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419

(Refractive index is a measurement of the brilliance/luster of a gemstone)


Extremely rare and hence it will be a highly unique possession.


Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.



Very high prices


Hard to find





image 1 : A Pink Diamond From Leibish

2. Pink Sapphire

Purple sapphire is another unique and expensive option which will be second only to purple diamonds. Although blue sapphire is the most famous type of sapphire, it is available in many colors such as pink, purple, yellow, green, white, black, etc. Sapphires with intense pink can be as expensive as the best blue sapphire.

Sapphires get their colors from the presence of various trace elements. Pink sapphire gets its color from the presence of chromium as the trace element.

The hardness of sapphire is 9 which is second only to diamond and it also has a high refractive index of 1.76. Therefore, pink sapphire is a highly durable gemstone with a great luster.

It is a great choice for an important piece of jewelry such as an engagement ring or a wedding ring and also for everyday jewelry.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 9


Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77


(Refractive index is a measure of the brilliance or the luster of the stone)



Pink sapphire will be a unique possession.


High durability and high brilliance.




It is an expensive gemstone



image 2 : A Pink Sapphire

3. Pink Spinel

Spinels are another very popular and a beautiful gemstone. Red and blue spinels are the most expensive and pink spinels are relatively not that expensive. Pink spinels come in a range of different color tones, from light pink to intense deep pink.

Spinels has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness and a refractive index of 1.71. Therefore, this stone is a very durable gemstone with good brilliance and it is a great choice for everyday jewelry.

Although not as common as synthetic sapphires, lab grown spinels are available. The GRS (Gem Research Swiss Lab) issued a notice about lab grown spinels in 2015.

Therefore, when you are purchasing spinel gemstones or jewelry, you should buy from a trustworthy seller or request for a gemstone certificate. (When buying any type of expensive gemstone or a jewelry, buying from a trustworthy seller is a must as there are so many ways which you can get ripped off)

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 8


Refractive Index – 1.712 – 1.736




Affordable Prices


High durability


Good brilliance


If you are with a low budget, purple spinel might not be the best choice as it is a moderately expensive gemstone.



image 3 : A Pink Spinel

4. Morganite

Morganite has risen in popularity recently, especially as a stone for engagement rings.

Morganite belongs to the beryl family of gemstones, which is the same as for emeralds. It has a hardness of 7.5 – 8 and quite tough as well. Properly cut and polished morganite stones consists of a great luster. Salmon pink and pale pink are the most common colors and moderate pastel pink morganites are high on demand.

Morganite is almost always heat treated to remove its yellow and orange tints and improve the pink color. Untreated morganite typically comes in a salmon-to-peach pink color.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index – 1.57 – 1.58


Relatively affordable prices


High Durability


The color range might not be suitable for some jewelry



image 4 : A Morganite Gemstone

5. Pink Tourmaline – a.k.a Rubellite

Tourmaline is a very popular gemstone including pink tourmaline. The name rubellite is commonly used for red tourmaline but it is also used for pink tones of tourmaline as well.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. It is also an affordable gemstone and comes in a range of different green tones. Heat treatments are common for tourmalines and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern. If the seller is claiming that the stone is free of treatments, it is better to ask for a gemstone certificate to prove that claim.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65






Prices are generally affordable


Has a good brilliance


Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.


image 5 : A Pink Tourmaline

6. Pink Topaz

This is one of the most popular and affordable blue gemstones. Blue topaz is made by subjecting colorless topaz to irradiation. Sky blue, swiss blue and London blue are the three most common types of blue topaz and London blue is probably the most popular.

It has a hardness of 8 but it is prone to chipping due to its cleavage. Finding sizeable stones free of inclusions isn’t that hard and it also has a good brilliance.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 8


Refractive Index – 1.61 – 1.638




Very affordable prices


Good luster


High resistance to scratching


Stones free of inclusions are readily available


Prone to chipping



image 6 : A Pink Topaz

7. Pink Rhodolite Garnet

Natural pink topaz are very rare and expensive. Therefore, most pink topaz in the market are heat treated borwn or light color topaz.  Topaz has a high hardness of 8 in the Mohs scale and therefore it is good for everyday jewelry. But it is prone to chipping and cracking due to its distinct cleavage.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 6.5 – 7.5


Refractive Index – 1.738 – 1.745



Very affordable prices


Easy to find untreated stones.


Durability is moderate



8. Pink Zircon

Zircon is a gemstone with a great brilliance since it has a very high refractive index. It is also used as an alternative for diamonds due its high luster. Green zircon comes in a range of pink hues.

Zircon has a hardness of 7.5 which is considered as a fairly decent hardness for jewelry. However, it is a relatively brittle gemstone and can chip or crack.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.93 – 1.987




Prices are very affordable


Has a great brilliance


Prone to chipping and cracking


9. Kunzite

Kunzite was first discovered in USA in the late 19th
century and it is still a relatively less popular stone in the jewelry industry. Nowadays, most Kunzite comes from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kunzite is used in jewelry both in faceted form and in smooth polished form.

Kunzite is also mostly undertreated. It has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 but due to its distinct cleavage, kunzite is prone to chipping and cracking.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 6.5 – 7


Refractive Index : 1.66 – 1.68




Large stones are available at affordable prices.


Generally free of inclusions and blemishes.


Free of treatments and enhancements.


Hardness is moderate



10. Pink Chalcedony

Pink chalcedony is another popular gemstone and it is also very affordable. Unlike all the other gemstone variations we discussed above, chalcedony often comes in translucent to opaque variations.

Since this gemstone has no cleavage, it is resistant to chipping and cracking. Therefore, it is considered as a long lasting gemstone. But since the hardness is about 6.5 – 7 in the Moh’s hardness scale, it is not as hard as diamond, sapphires or spinels.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 6.5 – 7

Refractive Index – 1.54 – 1.55

Very affordable

Resistant to cracking and chipping

Hardness is moderate

Transparent pink chalcedony is hard to find as it is often translucent or transparent

Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to make a pink gemstones list which are suitable for different types of jewelry. I have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each gemstone which will make selecting one particular type easier.


Other Gemstone Lists

Red Gemstones

Blue Gemstones

Purple Gemstones

Yellow Gemstones

White Gemstones

Green Gemstones

Grey Gemstones

(The basic gemstone valuing criteria is the 4 c’s framework which I have covered for diamonds, sapphires
and emeralds
before. Either one of these articles will give you a basic understanding on the 4 c’s criteria for a gemstone if you are keen on learning more about it).

Note : If you are planning to buy gemstones or jewelry online, I recommend you to read this article for some important tips)

Grey Gemstones – My Top 8

Grey Gemstones List – My Top 8

If you are a fan of grey color gemstones and searching for a list of different types, properties, advantage and disadvantages, you are in the right place. The purpose of this article is to come up with a grey gemstones list with all the important information of each stone.

Grey Gemstones List

Following grey gemstones list is not created in any specific order. The list is followed by details of each gemstone and I will cover advantages and disadvantages of each different stone. Depending on those, you can select the best stone for your requirement.

  • Grey Diamond
  • Grey Spinel
  • Grey Sapphire
  • Grey Moonstone
  • Grey Pearl
  • Grey Agate
  • Grey Chalcedony
  • Grey Tourmaline

Let’s go through the details one by one.

1. Grey Diamond

Though it is not very popular, grey diamonds are a great choice if you are looking for grey color gemstones. When hydrogen is present in diamond, it get a grey hue. As per the classification of Leibish.com, this grey hue varies in a wide range, from faint grey to fancy dark grey.

You can check the prices of grey diamonds at Leibish from here.

Diamonds are the hardest material on earth with a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale and therefore it is the ultimate scratch resistant material. But diamonds are not as tough as sapphire and it can chip or crack if faced with a hard knock.

image 1 : A ring with a grey diamond

2. Grey Spinel

Spinels are another very popular and a beautiful gemstone. Red and blue spinels are the most expensive but grey spinels have certainly made their mark recently. Grey spinels come in a range of different color tones from light grey to dark grey.

Spinels has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness and a refractive index of 1.71. Therefore, this stone is a very durable gemstone with good brilliance and it is a great choice for everyday jewelry.

Although not as common as synthetic sapphires, lab grown spinels are available. The GRS (Gem Research Swiss Lab) issued a notice about lab grown spinels in 2015.

Therefore, when you are purchasing spinel gemstones or jewelry, you should buy from a trustworthy seller or request for a gemstone certificate.  (When buying any type of expensive gemstone or a jewelry, buying from a trustworthy seller is a must as there are so many different ways which you can get ripped off)

image 2 : A Grey Spinel

3. Grey Sapphire

Grey sapphire is another uncommon gemstone. But it certainly add a unique elegance to jewelry. Thought it is not as expensive as blue or pink sapphire, it might be difficult to find as it is not a commonly used color of sapphire.

The hardness of sapphire is 9 which is second only to diamond and it also has a high refractive index of 1.76.  Sapphire is also less prone to cracking or chipping due to its strong structure. Therefore, grey sapphire is a highly durable gemstone.

Due to its high hardness and strength, it is a great choice for an important piece of jewelry such as an engagement ring or a wedding ring and also for everyday jewelry.

image 3 : A Grey Sapphire

4. Grey Moonstone

Out of all the gemstones discussed so far, grey moonstone might be the most popular grey color gemstone. There are few types of moonstones such as rainbow, blue, white, colorless and grey. All these types are used in different types of jewelry. Moonstones are famous for its unique silky sheen and soft surface which ads a unique value to its jewelry.  Colorless moonstones also demonstrate a blue, white or a mixed color sheen. There are some moonstones which demonstrates the cat’s eye effect as well.

Since its hardness is only 6 – 6.5., it can get scratched easily. Moonstones are generally cut as cabochons and raw moonstones are also used in some jewelry.

image 4 : Grey Moonstones

5. Grey Pearl

Although white is the most popular color for pearls, they come in a range of colors including grey. Grey pearls come in a range of different grey hues, from faint grey to strong metallic grey. Pearls also demonstrate different colors when viewed from different angles, which is known as iridescence.

Hardness of pearl is only 2.5 – 4.5 in the Moh’s scale probably the softest gemstone in this list and therefore it can easily get damaged.

Pearls are gown inside mollusks and oysters. Long ago, pearls were one of the most valuable gemstones as it was hard to find. Sri Lanka, where I am from, was known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean as the sea around Sri Lanka was famous for pearls. But pearls are now abundant and affordable as those are now cultured by oyster famers and mussel farmers.


6. Grey Agate

Agate is another gemstone found in abundance and hence it is very affordable. It is a mix of minerals and quartz and chalcedony are its main components. Agate comes in so many different colors including grey. Grey agate ranges from translucent to opaque and it adds a unique beauty to jewelry with its soft oily brilliance.

It is a fairly durable stone with a hardness of 7, especially when compared with the price you pay.


7. Grey Chalcedony

Grey chalcedony is another popular gemstone and it is also very affordable. Chalcedony often comes in translucent to opaque variations.

Since this gemstone has no cleavage, it is resistant to chipping and cracking. But since the hardness is about 6.5 – 7 in the Moh’s hardness scale, it is not as hard as diamond, sapphires or spinels.


8. Grey Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a very popular gemstone for jewelry. As most of the other grey gemstones, grey tourmaline is also not a popular gemstone. But, it can be faceted to give a great luster and brilliance which will definitely make a great piece of jewelry.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. It is also an affordable gemstone and comes in a range of different green tones

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7 – 7.5

Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65


Prices are generally affordable

Has a good brilliance

 Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.

Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to make a grey gemstones list which are suitable for different types of jewelry. I have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each gemstone which will make selecting one particular type easier.


(The basic gemstone valuing criteria is the 4 c’s framework which I have covered for diamonds, sapphires
and emeralds
before. Either one of these articles will give you a basic understanding on the 4 c’s criteria for a gemstone if you are keen on learning more about it).

Note : If you are planning to buy gemstones or jewelry online, I recommend you to read this article for some important tips)

Orange Gemstones List – My Top 8

Orange Gemstones List – My Top 8

If you are a fan of orange color gemstones and searching for a list of different types, properties, advantage and disadvantages, you are in the right place. The purpose of this article is to come up with a orange gemstones list with all the important information of each stone.

Orange Gemstones List

Following orange gemstones list is not created in any specific order. The list is followed by details of each gemstone and I will cover advantages and disadvantages of each different stone. Depending on those, you can select the best stone for your requirement.

  • Orange Diamond
  • Orange Sapphire
  • Orange Zircon
  • Imperial Topaz
  • Orange Spinel
  • Orange Tourmaline
  • Mexican Fire Opal
  • Orange Aventurine

Let’s go through the details one by one.

1. Orange Diamond

Diamonds are a rare type of gemstone and also one of the most expensive. Orange diamonds are called “fire diamonds”. Since most orange diamonds contains secondary hues, pure orange diamonds are extremely rare. Some secondary hues of orange diamonds are brown, orange and pink.  It gets it color from the trace element “nitrogen”.

Diamonds are the hardest material on earth with a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale and therefore it is the ultimate scratch resistant material. But diamonds are not as tough as sapphire and it can chip or crack if faced with a hard knock.

There are different tones of orange diamonds available and as per GIA classification, the highest ratings goes for the “fancy vivid” color diamonds.

Synthetic orange diamonds are also available in the market and hence, buying from a highly trusted source such as Leibish is recommended.

You can check their orange diamond prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 10

Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419

(Refractive index is a measurement of the brilliance/luster of a gemstone)

Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.

Relatively easier to find compared to other colored diamonds.


2. Orange Sapphire

When iron is present as a trace element in corundum, it gets a range of colors including orange.  (You can learn about all other colors of sapphires and how those colors are formed in this article). Sapphires has a hardness of 9 in the Moh’s scale and a refractive index of 1.76 – 1.77.

Orange sapphires comes in a range of orange tones, from light orange to bright orange. Orange sapphires are often treated to enhance the color.

Sapphires are also tougher than diamonds and will not easily chip or break when faced with the high force. High hardness, brilliance/luster and toughness makes orange sapphire a perfect choice for a jewelry which you want to last for a long time.

Another major advantage of orange sapphire is that, it is much less expensive than diamonds.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 9

Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77

A very unique and a rare gemstone.

High durability and high brilliance.

It is an expensive gemstone

3. Orange Zircon

Zircon is a gemstone with a great brilliance since it has a very high refractive index. It is also used as an alternative for diamonds due its high luster. Orange zircon comes in a range of orange hues.

Zircon has a hardness of 7.5 which is considered as a fairly decent hardness for jewelry.  However, it is a relatively brittle gemstone and can chip or crack.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7.5

Refractive Index : 1.93 – 1.987

Prices are very affordable

Has a great brilliance

 Prone to chipping and cracking

4. Imperial Topaz

Dark organgish topaz known as imperial topaz is the rarest and the most expensive topaz variation. Orange color can vary from light to dark shades of orange in imperial topaz.

Refractive index of topaz is 1.61 – 1.638 and hence it is definitely not as brilliant as diamonds. But it has a hardness of 8 which is higher than zircon.

Topaz has a cleavage and hence it is prone to chipping and cracking. Topaz can easily loose its luster due to dirt and cleaning the surface from a soft cloth often makes a clear difference.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 8

Refractive Index – 1.61 – 1.638

Very affordable prices

Good luster

High resistance to scratching

Prone to chipping

5. Orange Spinel

Spinel is another very popular and a beautiful gemstone, and red and blue spinels are the most expensive. Orange spinel also can be expensive given its rarity. Due to its rarity, orange spinel is considered as a collector’s stone.

Spinel has a hardness of 8 in the Moh’s scale of hardness and a refractive index of 1.71. Therefore, this stone is a very durable gemstone with good brilliance and it is a great choice for everyday jewelry.

Although not as common as synthetic sapphires, lab grown spinels are available. The GRS (Gem Research Swiss Lab) issued a notice about lab grown spinels in 2015.

Therefore, when you are purchasing expensive spinel gemstones or jewelry, you should buy from a trustworthy seller or request for a gemstone certificate.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness – 8

Refractive Index – 1.712 – 1.736

High durability

Good brilliance

Red spinels are expensive

6. Orange Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a very popular gemstone which is also known as the “Rainbow Gemstone” as it can be found in almost every color. However, orange tourmalines are one of the rarest in the tourmaline family.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. Heat treatments are common for tourmalines and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 7 – 7.5

Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65


Prices are generally affordable

Has a good brilliance

 Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.

7. Mexican Fire Opal

Fire opal is a variation of opals and it was first found in Mexico, hence the name. Fire opal with an intense saturation and vivid orange to red-orange hues are the most desirable. Fire opals are mostly translucent to transparent.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness : 5.5 – 6.5

Refractive Index : 1.37 – 1.52

Prices are generally affordable  Durability is low

8. Orange Aventurine

Aventurine belongs to the quartz family of minerals. Although the most common color of aventurine is green, orange aventurine is also an attractive gemstone. Aventurine is known for its shimmering effect known as “aventurescence”. This property ads a unique beauty to this gemstone.

It has a hardness of 6.5 – 7 but its compact structure makes it prone to cracking and chipping. It occurs in translucent to opaque nature.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages
Hardness :  6.5 – 7

Refractive Index : 1.54 – 1.55

Prices are very affordable

Displays “aventurescence”

Fairly durable

 Less brilliant


Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to make a orange gemstones list which are suitable for different types of jewelry. I have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each gemstone which will make selecting one particular type easier.


p.s. Some other articles you might like

Red Gemstones List

Blue Gemstones List

Yellow Gemstones List


Lab Created Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Lab Created Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

If you are a diamond fan, you may have heard about lab created diamonds. As lab created diamonds are comparatively very low in prices, knowing how to differentiate the two definitely helps to make a better purchase if you want to buy natural diamonds. Therefore, I thought it is better to do a comparison of lab created diamonds vs natural diamonds in order to find out the similarities and differences.

Even though most people believe that synthetic or lab created diamonds are low in quality, it is not true. Technologogical advancements have enabled the creation of diamonds which exactly matches natural diamonds.

What Are Lab Created Diamonds?

Diamond is essentially a solid form of carbon. When carbon atoms are arranged in a specific crystal structure, diamond is made. This crystal structure is called diamond cubic. In recent years, scientists managed to successfully emulate the natural process of creation of diamond inside a laboratory under highly controlled conditions. Even though synthetic diamond was in use for sometime, those diamonds were not good enough to be used in jewelry.

There are two main methods of creating diamonds inside a lab. These methods are High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) method and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method. In terms of chemical composition, crystal structure, physical and optical properties, diamonds created using the above mentioned two methods are the same as natural diamonds. Since these diamonds gives the same luster as natural diamonds, those now used in jewelry, quite extensively. It is also said that many large lots of small diamonds contain lab created diamonds.

What Are Natural Diamonds?

Now that you know what lab created diamonds are, let’s also go through some important facts about natural diamonds as well. We all know that is one of the most valuable gemstones created inside the earth, but it is important to know some more details to put the topic of this article into context.

When pure carbon atoms are subjected to extremely high temperatures and pressures inside the Earth’s mantle for a couple of billions of years, natural diamond is made. Carbon for diamond comes from various organic materials and fluid which are found deep inside earth.

Most diamonds have ages between 1 to 3.5 billion years and formed between 150 to 250 kilometers (93 to 155 miles). Few stones have been found which formed as deep as 800 kilometers (500 miles). Volcanic eruptions which happens over millions of years, brings these diamonds to the surface.

Lab Created Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Although lab created diamonds and natural diamonds looks the same and share same properties, there are certain difference which leads to differentiating the two. Let’s do a lab created diamonds vs natural diamonds comparison to understand the differences better.


Observing the inclusions under a microscope is a good way to start the process of identifying natural diamonds. A trained eye is needed here to see the subtle differences. As explained above, even though both diamond types looks the same, the creation process of the two diamonds are worlds apart. These differences in the creation process are clearly visible in the inclusions.

Some natural diamond inclusions are termed as bearding, feather, cloud, cavity, crystal, graining, needle, knot, etc. (These inclusions will be explained in detail in another article). The differences of trace elements present during the formation and the volcanic eruptions faced by diamonds are responsible for these differences in inclusions. Even though matching chemical, optical, physical and all other properties of diamond is possible under controlled conditions, there is no way to create these natural inclusions in lab created diamonds.

Lab created diamonds made using the HPHT method are made in a molten metal solution. Therefore, these diamonds contain metallic inclusions in the form of solidified flux metal. But diamond produced using the CVD method do not contain these metallic inclusions. Some natural diamonds contain inclusions caused by graphite or other minerals. But these inclusions do not have the metallic luster.


Uneven coloration can be seen in HPHT synthetic diamonds with a transmitted light using the microscope. Color zoning patterns seen in HPHT diamonds are not seen in natural diamonds.

Diamonds made using the CVD method also does not show any uneven coloration.


Natural diamonds show a crosshatched or mosaic pattern when viewed between two polarizing filters placed at a 90 degree angle. The reason for this effect is the stress diamond incurred either when it was deep under the earth or during the volcanic explosion.

Since the lab created diamonds are grown under uniform pressure and do not go through such stresses, those do not display such patterns under polarizing filters. Some lab created diamonds can exhibit a weak banded strain pattern.


Synthetic diamonds demonstrate fluorescence which is another way of identifying those. Fluorescence is stronger under a short-wave ultraviolet lamp than under a long-wave lamp. Patterns displayed by these diamonds are distinctive.

HPHT diamonds show a cross shaped fluorescence on the crown o pavilion. CVD diamonds may show a striated pattern when viewed through the pavilion facets. Green, yellow-green, yellow, orange, or red colors are the typical fluorescence colors.

Synthetic sapphires may also continue to show phosphorescence for about one minute or more after switching off the ultraviolet lamp.

Final Thoughts

The lab created diamonds vs natural diamonds comparison described above was intended to give you a basic understanding on the differences of the two types of diamonds. The methods described on distinguishing the two are mostly for information purpose only as you cannot use most methods without appropriate equipment and a trained gemologist.

However, knowing basic information about these two diamond types, similarities and differences, you are better equipped to make a better purchase.

For example, if you are going to buy diamond jewelry, you have all the rights to know whether the diamonds you are buying are lab created or natural. If they claim the diamonds are natural, you can ask for proof, especially in the case of expensive diamonds and jewelry.



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Natural Emeralds vs Lab Created Emeralds

Natural Emeralds vs Lab Created Emeralds

As emerald is one of the most expensive gemstones, lab created emeralds are quite common in the market today. Therefore it is important to know how to differentiate the two.

Almost all natural emeralds contains inclusions and natural emeralds free of inclusions are super expensive. All average natural emeralds contains a significant amount of inclusions, more than other gemstone precious verities.  Therefore, when buying natural emeralds, color is the most important factor and clarity is not as important as for other gemstones.

Even though natural inclusions in emeralds do not affect the price as much as for other gemstones, those serve the important purpose of identifying natural emeralds from lab created emeralds.

Inclusions of Natural and Lab Created Emeralds 

There are several differences between natural and lab created emeralds, appearance wise and composition wise.

The difference in appearance is mainly due to the inclusions of natural emeralds. However, with the advancement of technology, the lab created emeralds also have inclusions and it requires a trained eye to distinguish between natural emerald inclusions and synthetic emerald inclusions. Some people still believe that lab created emeralds do not contain inclusions. This belief is not true any longer.

Natural Emerald Inclusions


These are small fractures inside the gemstone. Also called feathers, these do not impact the look of the stone unless there are a significant amount. They look like lines or feathers inside the stone.

image 1 : Fissures inclusions in natural


These are also liquid filled bubbles inside the stone. The appearance of this inclusion type is the reason for its name.

image 2 : Fingerprint inclusions in natural emerald

Cavities and Chips

Outline of a crystal shape cavity within the emerald are called cavities. The actual crystal is not present but it has left this cavity.

image 3 : Chips in natural emerald

Growth Tubes

Tube looking inclusions which run parallel to each other.

image 4 : Growth tube inclusions in natural emerald


Trapped water inside the stone during the formation of the gemstone appears as twisting inclusions.

image 5 : Spiral inclusions in natural emerald

Color Zoning

Certain parts of emerald can appear white or transparent, forming color zones. This is called color zoning. It is the duty of the cutter to make the green look even across the gemstone.

image 6 : Color zoning in natural emerald

Lab Created Emeralds

The two of the popular methods of creating synthetic emerald are flux-melt and hydrothermal methods.

Refractive indices of flux-melt emerald are 1.561 to 1.564 or 1.565. This is a fraction below the lowest value for natural emeralds from Colombia. Specific gravity of flux-melt emerald is about 2.65, 2.66, which is also different to 2.71 of natural Colombian emerald.

In terms of inclusions, both flux-melt and hydrothermal emeralds usually contain fingerprint like inclusions. Those are filled with solid flux in flux-melt emeralds and with liquid and gas in hydrothermal emeralds.

Lab created emeralds also show a red fluorescence under ultraviolet detectable under long wave radiation.

Natural Sapphire Inclusions

Natural Sapphire Inclusions

Sapphires are another truly wonderful creation of Mother Nature. During the natural creation of crystals of sapphires, various forms of inclusions are created. These natural sapphire inclusions are like birthmarks or fingerprints as those say a lot about the origin and the treatments of the stone.

Inclusions in general are not a bad thing. In fact, sapphires without any inclusions will be viewed with the suspicion of a synthetic stone. There are different types of inclusions and they can have different levels of impact on the beauty of the stone. If a sapphire has inclusions which affects the overall beauty of the stone, the price will be lower than sapphires with no such inclusions.

Why Inclusions Are Important?

Knowledge about inclusions in natural sapphires will help you in two ways. Firstly, you can distinguish between natural sapphires and treated sapphires by observing the inclusions. Secondly, inclusions are the only surefire way to differentiate between natural and synthetic sapphires as well. Since there are big price differences between natural, treated and synthetic sapphires, ability to identify natural inclusions are indeed very important.

Natural Sapphire Inclusions

As already mentioned, different gemstone varieties have inherent inclusions. Some common natural sapphire inclusions are described below.


Minuscule holes or voids that runs inside the stone from the surface are called cavities.

Infusing colored liquid glass to these holes is a common treatment types to treat these inclusions.


Thin long crystals or tube inclusions appear as needles. The colorless needles do not impact the color of the stone but can affects the reflections. If the needle has a color such as brown, it can have a negative effect on the color of the gemstone as well. If the needle is located close to the table of the stone, it will be easily visible.

natural sapphire inclusions
image 1 : Needle inclusions in sapphire

Color Zoning

Alternating color bands or areas created inside the stone during the formation is called color zoning. These bands are more visible in rough gemstones. These inclusions are not visible in most faceted stones as light reflections cover the color differences. But, dipping the faceted stones in a bit of water in a white background will enable you to see these zones.

natural sapphire inclusions
image 2 : Color zoning inclusions in sapphire


Very small fractures inside a stone are called feather inclusions due to its appearance and white color, which resembles a feather. Small inclusions do not have any impact on the beauty and the structural strength of the stone while comparatively bigger feather inclusions can impact both.

natural sapphire inclusions
image 3 : Feather inclusions in sapphire


During the formation, sapphires recrystallize to partially heal a fractured zone. This can create networks of minuscule liquid filled tubes which looks like human fingerprints. Fingerprint inclusions in sapphires are usually small can do not impact the beauty or the strength of the stone.

natural sapphire inclusions
image 4 : Fingerprint inclusions in sapphire

Halo Fractures (Discoid Fractures)

Halo like oval or round fractures which occur around a solid or liquid inclusion are called halo/discoid inclusions. The cause of these inclusions are either the high temperatures during heat treatment or the stress created during radioactive decay of tiny zircon crystals.

Mineral Included Crystals

Different types of minerals get stuck inside sapphire during the formation. These minerals can appear light, dark, opaque or transparent. Some minerals found inside sapphires are hematite, zircon, spinel, apatite, fluorite calcite, dolomite and mica. Dark or brown color crystals reduce the color quality of the sapphire while white crystal inclusions do not affect that much.

image 5 : Mineral/crystal inclusions in sapphire

Liquid Inclusions

Gemstones sometimes contains patches of liquid inside the stone which are termed as liquid inclusions. In the case of sapphires, it can be determined that the stone has not undergone heat treatment in the presence of carbon dioxide fluid inclusions.


This is one of the most common inclusions seen in sapphires. These are rutile needles which looks like silk fibers. The presence of a large amount of silk can reduce the transparency and also the quality of the color of the stone.

The sapphire which demonstrate asterism, gets that effect from silk inclusions.

A moderate amount of silk can actually improve the light reflections inside a stone and enhance its brilliance.

More images of natural and treated sapphire inclusions can be found here. 

Final Thoughts

As there are many synthetic and treated sapphires in the market, ability to identify natural gemstones is important. As explained, natural sapphire inclusions are the best method in doing so.

p.s. You might also be interested in the following article.

Natural Sapphire Colors

Natural Ruby Inclusions

Natural Ruby Inclusions

Ruby is one of the four most precious gemstones along with diamond, sapphire and emerald. Because of its value, synthetic (lab created) rubies are available in the market and some of those are sold as natural rubies. Some natural rubies are also subjected to various treatments in order to enhance its color. For gemstones and jewelry enthusiasts, it is important to get to know the natural ruby inclusions as that is the only surefire way to distinguish between natural, treated and synthetic rubies.

What Are Inclusions?

During the formation process of any gemstone, variations of different factors such as composition, heat, air, liquids, etc. results in crystals, gas, liquid particles or fractures inside the stone. Vast majority of natural gemstones which are mined from various locations contains these inclusions.

Why Are The Inclusions Important?

Inclusions are like fingerprints. Those are unique to each gemstone and say a lot about the particular gemstone such as the type, locality, treatments etc.

Inclusions are also extremely important when valuing a gemstone. If the inclusions reduce the transparency or the reflections of the stone, the price can drop accordingly. Inclusions which do not affect the beauty of the stone do not affect the price in the same way but stones free of inclusions can be very expensive (especially for diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds).

Natural Ruby Inclusions

As already mentioned, different gemstone varieties have inherent inclusions. Some common natural ruby inclusions are described below.


These inclusions look like silk fibers and hence its name. Although a small amount of silk inclusions do not affect the beauty of the stone, a significant amount of silk inclusions will whiten the stone and reduce transparency and beauty of the stone.

image 1 : Silk inclusions in ruby


Thin long crystals or tube like inclusions appear as needles. The colorless needles do not impact the color of the stone but can affect the reflections. If the needle has a color such as brown, it can have a negative effect on the color of the gemstone as well. If the needle is located close to the table of the stone, it will be easily visible.

image 2 : Needle inclusions in ruby

Crack/ Feather

Tiny fractures inside the stone sometimes looks like a feather. Tiny fracture usually does not affect the beauty of the stone but significantly bigger inclusions can reduce the beauty as well as the strength of the stone.

image 3 : Crack/feather inclusions in ruby


Crystal inclusions look like small grains and are often white or black. These inclusions can have a significant impact on the beauty of the stone and hence it is better to avoid rubies with such inclusions.

image 4 : Crystal inclusions in ruby


Crystal inclusions which exists in pairs, like growing out of each other, are called twinning. These inclusions are bigger than single crystal inclusions and hence more visible. Depending on the size, it can negatively impact the visibility and light performance.

image 5 : Twinning inclusions in ruby


Miniature holes which runs into the stone from the surface are called cavities. Visible cavities significantly reduces the beauty of the stone as well as its strength.

image 6 : Cavity inclusions in ruby


These are the visible surface inclusions on rubies. Depending on the length, depth and the location of the scratch, some can be removed by polishing. Removing bigger scratches results in a significant weight loss.

image 7 : Scratch inclusions in ruby


When numerous tiny bubble like inclusions cluster together, it appears as a fingerprint. Such inclusions do not impact the beauty of the stone, if the overall size is small. But relatively bigger fingerprints can have a negative effect.


image 8 : Fingerprint inclusions in ruby

Color Zoning

Although the primary color of ruby is red, certain parts can be pink, which creates the effect known as color zoning. Gem cutters also take color zoning into consideration when cutting the stones.

image 9 : Color zoning in ruby

More images of ruby inclusions can be found here. 

Treatment Types

There are several treatment methods used to overcome the effect of inclusions. These treatments are accepted in the industry as long as those are declared.

Heat Treatment

Rubies are subjected to temperatures of 1750 Celsius (3182 Fahrenheit)  for a certain period in specialized burners. This process removes most silk and rutile inclusions, and improve the color and transparency. But if there were liquid or gas bubbles inside the stone, heating can cause these bubbles to expand and the stone can break due to that internal pressure.

Flux Healing

A flux is applied on rubies before heating. This prevent those stones from sticking together during the heating process and also the flux enters the cracks to reduce the visibility of those cracks. This improves the clarity of rubies but the value is significantly lower than heat treated stones as the treatment involves a foreign subject to enhance the state of the gemstone.

Glass Filling

A liquefied glass is used to penetrate the stone and improve the clarity. Glass filled stones are also significantly low in value compared to heat treated stones.

Here is a good video which describes natural ruby inclusions.

Final Thoughts

As there are many synthetic and treated rubies in the market, ability to identify natural gemstones is important. As explained, natural ruby inclusions are the best method in doing so.

p.s. Some other articles you may like

“Facts about ruby gemstones”

How to buy gemstones online?

How to buy gemstones online

If you are thinking of buying gemstones and searching for a guide on “How to buy gemstones online? ” , you have landed on the correct place. This article will cover,

  • Advantages of buying gemstones online
  • Some recommended sellers
  • Things you should be careful of

Let’s go through the list one by one.

Advantages of buying gemstones online

Number of advantages in the online buying process continues to increase as sellers and platforms keep introducing new features to increase their customer bases. However, buying gemstones online brings certain unique advantages.

Let’s go through this list of advantages briefly before discussing about buying gemstones online. (These advantages are almost similar to the advantages I described in the “How to buy jewelry online” article. If you have already read that, you can skip this section and move on to the next section.)

Wide range of choice

Since there are many reputable online sellers, the choices you have are practically endless.

You can easily browse through a lot more gemstones when you are checking online as opposed to walking into several physical gemstone shops.

Platforms like Etsy have given the opportunity for sellers from anywhere the world to present their products to the global audience


Probably the most common reason for online shopping to become so popular is the convenience. This is no exception for gemstones as shopping for gemstones online is definitely more convenient than walking through many shops.

In addition to saving time and energy, there are many other aspects to convenience in shopping jewelry online. For example, you will often want to get others inputs when making a decision. When shopping online, you can easily send the link to quite a few people and get their thoughts before making the purchase. You cannot of course do this so easily when you are in a physical shop.

Online shops also offer online support and you can clarify all the questions you have and request for more photos and videos if needed.

Lower Cost

Very often we tend to perceive low price items as low quality. But what we first need to understand is that how those online sellers are managing to offer lower prices compared to physical stores.

Physical stores have a lot of overheads such as building rent, staff salaries of shop assistants, utility bills and so on. But when it comes to online seller, most of these costs are either very low or don’t exist at all.

When buying through platforms such as Etsy, you get direct access to sellers who are from gem mining countries. Prices offered by them will definitely be much more attractive than the prices in physical shops.

Therefore, in a nutshell, lower cost doesn’t mean low quality always. Having said that, there are certain things you need to be careful in order to make sure you are buying a quality jewelry. I will cover these in a following section.

Your Privacy

Going along with convenience, another important advantage when shopping online is the privacy you have. The gemstones store staff are well-trained to sell and they can be so convincing and persuasive so much so that you can end up buying something totally out of your budget or something that you didn’t really want.

When buying online, you have complete freedom to make your own choice after properly evaluating all options.


Many online sellers often give you percentage off coupons or credit card easy payment schemes. Some sellers also offer coupons when you chat with them for more questions. So just contacting them to see whether there are any offers will not be a bad idea as some support staff will give you coupons anyway as they are going to get a commission for the sale.

How to buy gemstones online?

Since you are now more convinced about buying gemstones online, the next step in learning “How to buy gemstones online?” is, selecting a trustworthy website to make your purchase.

There are hundreds and thousands of online sellers and here I will introduce a couple of those. Even if you have already selected a different party to buy from, you might find some useful tips to ensure that you are making the correct purchase.

The options

I will recommend you three options here for you to consider in your shop options.

1. Etsy

Etsy is an awesome place to start with since there are literary unlimited options. Etsy is an online store with so many sellers from around the world. You can find a wide range of gemstones, ranging from semi-precious to precious.

When you go to a listing, in the top right corner of the listing, the seller’s name along with the number of reviews for the store is listed. When you click the name, you will be able to enter the shop of the seller and there you will see all the other items of that particular seller. The total number of sales done by the seller so far is also listed in the store.

image 1 : Etsy store front

The overall rating of the store and also number of sales done is a good indication of whether you can trust the seller or not. But there could be new sellers as well who are selling awesome products possible at a lower price as they are trying to get more sales initially.

Regardless of whether the seller is new or old, you can still ask them for more photos or even a video of the gemstone you want. If the seller is very new and do not have any sales or reviews so far in the profile, it might be a good idea to start a conversation and get a feeling of the seller before making a purchase. If you are not confident enough, then it is better to go with a more reputable seller as there are unlimited options.

If you cannot find the exact stone you want, you can try writing to some sellers you like and ask them whether they can supply you with what you want. Many sellers will definitely be willing source your exact requirement.

2. James Allen

James Allen is another place to buy high quality gemstones. They offer sapphire, ruby and emeralds.

One major challenge in buying gemstones online is that you are not able to get that touch and feel. James Allen offer a 3600 photo to overcome this issue. You can rotate photos of all stones by 3600 and get a good feeling for the stone.

James Allen also offer worldwide free shipping to any destination.


3. Leibish & Co.

Leibish is a more exclusive shop and they mostly sell blue sapphires, ruby, emerald, tanzanite and aquamarine. Leibish also offers money back guarantee, free returns and great customer service. More details of Leibish can be found here.

image 3 : Leibish store front

Cost of a Gemstone

When you are calculating the cost of an item, make sure you add in the shipping and tax components. Even though some Etsy sellers do not offer free shipping, the cost including shipping might still be a lot cheaper than other places.

The shipping is free with James Allen and Leibish. The other cost component you need to consider is the tax. Tax depends on the country you reside and you will be able to find out the exact amount with a bit of research.

If you are in the states, there are some states with no sales tax. You can ship the jewelry to a remote mailbox in one of these states and get it forward to you and avoid the sales tax. Currently there are five states without sales tax and those are Alaska, Delaware Montana and New Hampshire. This might change in the future and therefore please double check at the time you read this article.

Ask for more from the seller

Regardless of how reputable the place you have chosen to purchase gemstones, ask for everything you need to make sure that you are buying a quality stone. I can recommend a couple of things for you to ask from the seller to ensure a great purchase.

1. Ask for more pictures and even videos

This will be highly useful if you are buying from a marketplace like Etsy where there are many third party sellers with limited photos of their products.

Getting them to send you a video will make you even more comfortable as it helps you to get that touch and feel experience to a certain extent.

2. Certificates

If you are buying an expensive gemstone, you can always ask the seller to provide you with a valid certificate for the gemstone (You can certainly request for a certificate even when you are buying a less expensive gemstone. But the seller will add that cost to the price of the stone which will most probably make a considerable difference). Some countries have branches of Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and a certificate by them is highly trusted.

But some countries like Sri Lanka where so many wonderful natural gemstones are found, there are no GIA branches. They have either GIA authorized partners or government bodies to issue certificates. When the seller provides you the certificate, certificate includes the name of the institute which provided that and you can do a bit of research to see whether that institute is trustworthy.

3. Purchase protection

Before buying, check whether the seller accepts returns. Also, read more or ask them about the guarantee conditions.

Avoid Getting Scammed

One major issue of purchasing online is the large number of scams that are out there. This is the main reason why you should be buying from reputable sellers. But even then, checking few more things of the product will help you to make safe purchases.

1. Price

After doing your research on the gemstone you want to buy, you will have a basic idea about the price range of similar stones. If you happen to find a stone with remarkably low prices, it is always better to be suspicious and do more digging or not consider that product at all.

2. Certificates

For a considerably valuable gemstone, if the seller is unable to provide you a certificate from a reputable institute when you are asking for one, this is for sure a bad sign.

3. Images and description

If you want to go another step forward in trying to verify the seller, ( this step will be useful if you are considering a third party seller in a seller store like Etsy) save the product images and do a google image search to see whether the same image appears in stock image sites.

If it does, then it is always best to avoid this seller.

Final Thoughts

Buying gemstones is always a tedious task given the wide range of options and prices. The objective of this article was to give some basic guidelines on “How to buy gemstones online?” as online purchasing of gemstones has become very popular.

I hope you managed to learn something new. Please let me know if you have any question or require any clarifications.

Yellow Gemstones List – My Top 8

Yellow Gemstones List – My Top 8

If you are a fan of yellow color gemstones and searching for a list of different types, properties, advantage and disadvantages, you are in the right place. The purpose of this article is to come up with a yellow gemstones list with all the important information of each stone.

Yellow Gemstones List

Following yellow gemstones list is not created in any specific order. The list is followed by details of each gemstone and I will cover advantages and disadvantages of each different stone. Depending on those, you can select the best stone for your requirement.

• Yellow Diamond

• Yellow Sapphire

• Citrine

• Yellow Zircon

• Yellow Chrysoberyl

• Yellow Topaz

• Yellow Garnet

• Yellow Tourmaline

Let’s go through the details one by one.

1. Yellow Diamond

Diamonds are a rare type of gemstone and also one of the most expensive. Out of all the colored diamonds, yellow diamonds are the most common and affordable. Yellow diamond gets it color from the trace element “nitrogen”.

Diamonds are the hardest material on earth with a hardness of 10 in the Moh’s scale and therefore it is the ultimate scratch resistant material. But diamonds are not as tough as sapphire and it can chip or crack if faced with a hard knock.

There are different tones of yellow diamonds available and as per GIA classification, the highest ratings goes for the “fancy vivid” color diamonds.

Synthetic yellow diamonds are also available in the market and hence, buying from a highly trusted source such as Leibish is recommended.

You can check their yellow diamond prices here.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 10


Refractive Index – 2.417 – 2.419


(Refractive index is a measurement of the brilliance/luster of a gemstone)


Diamonds are the most durable gemstone and also the gemstone with the highest luster.


Relatively easier to find compared to other colored diamonds.










2. Yellow Sapphire

When the mineral corundum is mixed with a small amount of iron as the trace element, yellow sapphires are formed (You can learn about all other colors of sapphires and how those colors are formed in this article). Sapphires has a hardness of 9 in the Moh’s scale and a refractive index of 1.76 – 1.77.

Yellow sapphires comes in a range of yellow tones, from light yellow to bright yellow. Yellow sapphires are often treated to enhance the color.

Sapphires are also tougher than diamonds and will not easily chip or break when faced with the high force. High hardness, brilliance/luster and toughness makes yellow sapphire a perfect choice for a jewelry which you want to last for a long time.

Another major advantage of yellow sapphire is that, it is much less expensive than diamonds.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 9


Refractive Index – 1.76 – 1.77



A very unique and a rare gemstone.


High durability and high brilliance.


It is an expensive gemstone



3. Citrine

Citrine is one of the most common yellow gemstones. It comes in different shades of yellow, from very light to very dark and brownish yellow. Citrine is the yellow variation of the mineral quartz and it has a hardness of 7 which is reasonably good compared to its low price. The name citrine comes from the French word “citron” for lemon.

Citrine is generally a clean stone and finding stones free of any inclusions is not a difficult task. It has a very good luster and sometimes it is used as an imposter for yellow sapphire as well. Heat treatments are very common for citrine and it is also widely accepted.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 7


Refractive Index – 1.54-1.55


(Refractive index is a measure of the brilliance or the luster of the stone)


Readily Available


Affordable Prices





Most stones are heat treated.



4. Yellow Zircon

Zircon is a gemstone with a great brilliance since it has a very high refractive index. It is also used as an alternative for diamonds due its high luster. Yellow zircon comes in a range of yellow hues.

Zircon has a hardness of 7.5 which is considered as a fairly decent hardness for jewelry. However, it is a relatively brittle gemstone and can chip or crack.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.93 – 1.987


Prices are very affordable


Has a great brilliance


Prone to chipping and cracking

5. Yellow Chrysoberyl

Chrysoberyl belongs to the same family as cat’s eye and alexandrite. Yellow and brown are the common colors and green chrysoberyl are rare and expensive.

A very distinct advantage of chrysoberyl is that is has a hardness of 8.5 which is second only to diamond and sapphire in this list. It is also very tough and hence it is a great stone for jewelry.

Yellow chrysoberyl is commonly found and affordable even though it belongs to the same family as one of the rarest gemstones, alexandrite.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 8.5


Refractive Index : 1.744 – 1.755


A very durable gemstone


Prices are affordable



Not a popular gemstone


6. Yellow Topaz

Yellow topaz is another commonly available and an affordable gemstone. But the dark orange yellow topaz known as imperial topaz are rare and expensive.

Refractive index of topaz is 1.61 – 1.638 and hence it is definitely not as brilliant as diamonds. But it has a hardness of 8 which is higher than zircon.

Topaz has a cleavage and hence it is prone to chipping and cracking. Topaz can easily lose its luster due to dirt and cleaning the surface from a soft cloth often makes a clear difference.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 8


Refractive Index – 1.61 – 1.638




Very affordable prices


Good luster


High resistance to scratching


Prone to chipping




7. Yellow Garnet

Even though red is the most popular color for garnet, it comes in a range of colors including purple, pink, orange, green and yellow.

Eye clean and transparent yellow garnet stones are easy to fine. Garnets are also mostly untreated. There are several variations of garnet and depending on the type, its hardness can vary from 6.5 to 7.5. Therefore, garnet is a moderately durable gemstone.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness – 6.5 – 7.5


Refractive Index – 1.738 – 1.745


Very affordable prices


Easy to find untreated stones.



Durability is moderate



8. Yellow Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a very popular gemstone which is also known as the “Rainbow Gemstone” as it can be found in almost every color. However, yellow tourmalines are one of the rarest in the tourmaline family.

With a hardness of 7 – 7.5, it has a good durability. Heat treatments are common for tourmalines and buying treated stones should not be that much of a concern.

Physical Properties Advantages Disadvantages

Hardness : 7 – 7.5


Refractive Index : 1.616 – 1.65






Prices are generally affordable


Has a good brilliance


Some stones can be expensive based on factors such as color tone, clarity and weight.



Final Thoughts

The objective of this article was to make a yellow gemstones list which are suitable for different types of jewelry. I have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each gemstone which will make selecting one particular type easier.


(The basic gemstone valuing criteria is the 4 c’s framework which I have covered for diamonds, sapphires and emeralds before. Either one of these articles will give you a basic understanding on the 4 c’s criteria for a gemstone if you are keen on learning more about it).

Note : If you are planning to buy gemstones or jewelry online, I recommend you to read this article for some important tips)